Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Alpha8 2011-09-07
Alpha7 2011-09-06
Alpha6 2011-06-10
Alpha5 2011-05-31
Alpha4 2011-05-14
Alpha3 2011-05-09
Alpha2 2011-05-07
Alpha 2011-05-06
CHANGELOG.txt 2011-09-07 7.5 kB
README.txt 2011-09-06 5.4 kB
Totals: 10 Items   12.8 kB 0

NetChatLink is a small application that links chats across multiple DC hubs
and IRC channels. It includes support for the ADC protocol, IRC channel
keys, chat filtering, per-user settings, op commands, and more. It is a
fork of MyIrcDcLinks by Burek.

Quick start:
When you open the program, you will see a few tabs. To add a connection, go
to the Hub/IRCs tab and click the 'New' button. Configure the connection the
way you want. Hit the 'Update' button to save your changes. Do the same for
any other connections. The connection you are updating will disconnect to
apply the settings.

The 'User Control' button opens up a control panel where you can modify
permissions of users. In the 'Static' tab you can block PMs and mainchat
messages from users, as well as allow them to control the bot with commands.
These entries will be saved to a file. In the dynamic tab you will see users
that the bot has determined are bots or OPs. Bots are blocked from
communicating with this bot. Here you can also specify if the local OPs are
allowed to control this bot with commands or not. If you click the
'Override' button, you will be able to add that user to the 'Static' list
and specify different options for them. These modifications are done in
realtime, there's no need to update the connection after.

The 'Connection Script' button (on the IRC tab) allows you to add custom
commands you want the bot to execute when it connects to the server. For
example, if the channel has a NickServ, you might want to send an 'IDENTIFY'
to it to sign in. You can also include the connection properties in the
script (nick, password, etc). Click the '?' button on the form
for more info.

Use the 'Filtered Words' tab to add words you want the bot to filter out.
Add words one word per line and hit the 'Save' button. The filtered words
will be replaced with *s when the bot relays the message.

Hit the 'Connect All' button to initiate connections to all of the enabled
hubs/IRCs that you added. Be sure to check out the debug tab to see if
everything is working properly. The status lights will turn green when the
bot is properly connected to the hub/IRC.

When the bot is connected to a hub/IRC, authorized users can control it via
text-based commands. To see a list of commands, send a PM of '.help' to the
bot. Unauthorized users will receive an error message.

Connection Properties
Fields marked with a * are required

 Name*..............Connection name (doesn't affect connection)
 Host:port*.........Host and port of the hub/IRC
 Nick*..............Username the bot will use on that hub/IRC
 Password...........Password for that username
 Prefix*............Prefix of that hub/irc (added to name when broadcasting)
 To here/From here..Controls chat broadcasting (send chat to/from hub/IRC)
 Broadcast Parts....Broadcast when users leave (**xx left [connection name])
 Post rate..........1 chat sent per specified ms, 0 to disable delay
 PM rate............1 PM sent per specified ms, 0 to disable delay
 Enabled............Will connect when the 'Connect All' button is clicked

 Share..............Share size the bot will report
 Slots..............Number of slots the bot will report
 Client.............The Client the bot will report to be
 NMDC/ADC*..........The mode the bot will use to connect to the hub


 Ident..............Ident text (if you are running an ident deamon)
 Channels...........Channels to join(comma-separated, supports channel keys)

-pR0Ps.CM[AT]gmail[DOT]com (comments, problems and feature requests welcome)
-Additionally, you can use the project tracker on the SourceForge page

This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v3. You can find the full text of
this license at <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0>. This project
includes parts of the Delphi Encryption Compendium, which is licensed
under the MIT License <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php>

If you want to distribute this program, please make sure this unmodified
file (README.txt) is included and that you link back to the
sourceforge project at <http://netchatlink.sourceforge.net>

Final notes
This project is a fork of Burek's now-inactive project MyIrcDcLinks.
This project is the result of me using his codebase, fixing a few bugs, and
adding features such as ADC support, IRC channel keys, custom OP lists, and
a few other things.

Hopefully you put it to good use.

Source: README.txt, updated 2011-09-06