Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
StandardSymbols 2018-08-01
Spreadsheets 2018-06-20
old_versions 2017-10-03
Octave 2017-08-01
README.txt 2018-08-01 1.8 kB
NCE-0.0.12.zip 2018-05-19 4.3 MB
Totals: 6 Items   4.3 MB 1
Numerics for Chemical Engineering
Copyright (c) 2014,2015,2016,2017,2018 Carlo Tegano

Homepage: http://nce.sourceforge.net
Online calculators: www.chesolver.com
Contact: nce-cf@protonmail.com

NCE is a library of routines, models and data applicable to chemical and process engineering calculations.

  * Vision
NCE aims to implement a wide range of common routines and models applicable to chemical and process engineering calculations, with focus on extensibility and portability.
The goal is to have a library from which Chemical and Process Engineers can build their own calculation tools, taking advantage of a single source of solution algorithms. This way it would be no longer necessary to browse around for separate tools that accomplish the required tasks, but everything will be available in a single framework. 
Java technology guarantees the application will be almost cross platform.

  * Topics
There is no limitation about which topics to include. Models can belong to thermodynamic routines, properties evaluation, equipments sizing and simulation, piping systems and so on.

  * Learning
There is an extensive package of examples to help user familiarize with the API, which is also available in html format generated by Javadoc.

  * User interface
Numerics for Chemical Engineering is mainly focused on building a library, not specific applications. Nevertheless, to move in the direction of building a true open source calculation framework, several calculation tools are already available on our Web Calculation Framework at *www.chesolver.com*

  * Octave and Matlab
Numerics for Chemical Engineering may be called directly within Octave and Matlab, with very little effort. Have a look to the "Octave" section of the project for further details and examples.
Source: README.txt, updated 2018-08-01