Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
nano-vm-3.2.3 2014-03-04
nano-vm-3.2.1 2014-01-05
nano-vm-3.0.34 2013-07-11
nano-vm-3.0.30 2013-07-04
README.txt 2014-01-24 880 Bytes
Totals: 5 Items   880 Bytes 0
Nano 3.2.3

This archive includes binaries for Windows 32 bit, Linux 64 bit and Android ARM.

Now with rights management for executed programs in the VM, inspired by the Android
app manifest settings.

To let foo.no access TCP/IP sockets put:


in file foo.nr.

Otherwise it can't open the TCP/IP socket. It's possible to run a program in "sandbox mode".
This is safer than before.

Also file access is limited to the nanovm/home directory.
This is more secure.

I updated the Nanoc N compiler:

mul (x, 77);
get (ret);

func mul (int x, int y)
	int ret;

	ret = x * y;
	return (ret);

This now works because the mul function call puts the constant "77" now in a variable before
function call. So constants can now be used in a function call. This was missed before.

The tic tac toe game is updated and can now be played by two players over LAN.

Source: README.txt, updated 2014-01-24