Home / 0.26
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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v0.26.2-1-g7e9a205 2014-10-23
v0.26.2 2014-10-21
v0.26.1-35-g7eb5fa4 2014-10-20
v0.26.1-34-g81ce5c0 2014-05-04
v0.26.1-33-g1a4cebf 2014-04-04
v0.26.1-25-gc46a303 2013-11-07
Totals: 6 Items   0
To find the file you want, look at whether the file name says x86 or 
x86 is the 32bit version, x86_64 is the 64bit version

If a build exists with the name x86_64core2 it means it has been compiled for Core2 and newer intel processors - don't complain if it doesn't work for you.
(may work on some others, my Pentium D uses this flag when gcc is given --march=native)
Any others are generic and are not specific to any CPU.

Patches have been applied to add icons and Vista/7 Users manifests for some programs, and to make mythfrontend not open up a console - it WILL still take some time to start up, so be patient!

These builds should work all all processors, if they don't report a bug to me here on sf.
Source: README, updated 2011-07-22