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myNFC-SDK.zip 2011-05-20 3.7 MB
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myNFC-SDK.zip is the myNFC.org SDK for Windows.
To get the free APK for the Android platform, please visit the Android market
or http://daw.mynfc.org/mynfc.org/index.php/downloadable-packages.

°) 0.3.54
	- Manage JS case 
		var o = {};
		println("o.toto:" + o.toto); // "undefined" but no warning
		println("o.toto.titi:" + o.toto.titi); // error
	- Remove deprecated debugs
°) 0.3.53
	- startsWith() added
	- List::setListStyle() added
	- parameter elementWidth of List added
	- List::size() added
	- weather functions added in weather.js file
	- management of VCard media type format tags.
°) 0.3.52
	- Fix slot size on Thing with no bitmap.
	- Add Breakpoint js method. Breakpoint(var myJsVar) dumps the callstack and myJsVal properties. WinSDK only
	- MyNFC now uses spidermonkey javascript runtime.
	- add exitCurrentTaglet javascript function
	- On SpiderMonkey runtime variables are flushed when loadind main mynfc menu.
	- function getInverseGeocoding() added.
	- carousel object added
	- Thing.setWidth bug fixed
	- gpsGetAccuracy() added
	- print() function added
	- List::setPaintSlider() added
	- List::getCarouselSelected() added
	- bug in box.goToThing() fixed
	- database::setReadOnly(...) added
	- bug in getImage("http://XXX") fixed
	- Scene.drawLine() added
	- function writeTagletFile() added.
	- function readTagletFile() added.
	- function getFileContent() added.
	- function  rmfile() added.
	- function httpSave() added.
	- Database.resetFilter() added.
	- Database.setFilter() added.	
°) 0.3.51
	- parameter cancelCurrent of Scene.cancelEvents added
	- parameter h_slide_step of Thing.setSlideInsideClip added
	- function startsWithString added
	- bug in reload fixed.
	- getImei() method added
	- addNotification(...) added
	- graphics_createImage() added
	- graphics_imageSetFont() added
	- graphics_imageSetTextColor() added
	- graphics_imageDrawString() added
	- Thing.setImageFromImage() added
	- graphics_imageDrawRectangle() added.
	- remResource(..) added
	- popup() method : bg parameter added
	- popup() method : hasButton parameter added
	- popup() method : timeOut parameter added
	- popup() method : alpha transition added.
	- popup() method : alpha parameter added.
	- box and things management recreated in C++
	- box.removeThing bug fixed.
	- getBarCodeContent(...) function added
	- Fix any resolution Display.
	- Refeactor SpiderMonkey/V8 wrapper declaration
	- Start SpiderMonkey Supervisor integration
°) 0.3.49
What's new:
	- NFCEmulate(message) documented
	- Thing.setImagePressed() added
	- Leak in createGraphics fixed
	- leak in readSecure fixed
	- executeDelay(...) added
	- exit mynfc to return on Android added
	- cancelExecutionDelay(...) added

°) 0.3.48
What's new:
	- multi lines input managed (only the last line is shown).
	- leak in input (images created at each paint) fixed.
	- shake of edit + delete buttons of the wallet
	- auto open of keyboard in edit screen of a taglet (from wallet)
	- Scene.setTransition(...) added
	- Thing.setAnimation() added 
	- equalsString() added
	- graphics functions optimized to create less objects
	- center_square animation for Thing added
	- left2right animation for Thing added
	- alpha animation for Thing added
	- drop animation for Thing added
	- scrollbar of list is not shown if not necessary (less used space by elements of the list than available space for the list)
	- options for mecard and vcard are using now drop animation to appear
	- throw animation for Thing added
	- right2left animation for Thing added

0.3.47 : Alpha version.
What's new:
	- rmdir bug fixed
	- sliding of list/grid fixed.
	- Box.paint() added
	- slide indicator for lists
	- List.paintSlider() added (automatically called, no special need to call it)	
	- SpiderMonkey Integration
0.3.46 : Alpha version (Not published)..
What's new :
	- bug fix : 3314599
	- bug fix : 3314600
	- popup(text) added
	- bug fix : 3296785
	- Added PayPal taglet.
	- leak fixing in getLines()
	- Thing.isWaiting() added

0.3.45: Alpha version.
What's new :
	- encoding 3DES available
	- Rss images bugfix.
	- SDK now includes a debug apk for Android.
0.3.44: Alpha version (Not published).
What's new :
	- no need to emebbed images for input in each TAGlet.
	- Thing.setRelativePosition() added
	- startTaglet() added
	- getTagletToStart() added
	- bug in setImage("http://XXX") fixed.
	- pin added to read / write secure functions
	- waiting status is now visible on the screen after 2.5 seconds 
	- writeSecureEncrypted() added
	- bug in multi http requests fixed
	- Scene.drawRectangle() added
	- Scene.setColor() added
	- bug fixed in a verbose of urls containing non verbosable characters

0.3.43: Alpha version.
What's new :
	- startListeningWifi() added
	- stopListeningWifi() added
	- event 5252 has been created for wifi update
	- Thing.setWaiting() added (note : perform a scene.refresh after calling this if you want to see the waiting screen)
	- getCurrentOriginUrl() added
	- setCurrentOriginUrl() added
	- ignoreQS added in qs analysis of already installed taglets
	- itineraryGoToCoordinates() added
	- itineraryGoToAddress() added
	- VCard.getAdr() added
	- VCard templates now manage the itinerary to reach to the included address if specified.
	- MeCard.getAdr() added
	- MeCard templates now manage the itinerary to reach to the included address if specified.
	- USER_NAME added for read/writeSecure
	- initial secured infos created (so far, only USER_NAME is available)
	- wifi protocol implemented (wifi://ACCESS_POINT/WEP_KEY or if no wep key : wifi://ACCESS_POINT/ (note the '/' is mandatory, even if no wep key) )
	- distanceBetween() added
	- a scan of an url which document ends with .taglet is analyzed as a request of installation of a taglet with the scanned url.
	- Thing.addImage() added
0.3.42: Alpha version.
What's new :
	- getMessageBody added
	- argument to scanBarcode (optional) added.
	- some leaks removed
	- getWifiSpots() added
	- connectWifiSpot(...) added
	- activateWifi(...) added
	- better handling of taglet downloading
Enjoy !
0.3.41: Alpha version.
What's new :
	- scanning ISBN adds a taglet to get the book infos via web page.
	- fonts can now be also in tablet/fonts directory
	- img taglet template has now a reload button
	- Thing.rotate(...) added
	- img taglet template has now a rotate function if image width > image height
	- img taglet templace centers now the image if the image is smaller than the screen
	- when a taglet installation command fails, the original url of the taglet is injected as anormal command (http://...)
	- list does not scroll if there is enough place to show all the things
	- Thing.setImage(...) with http link as image now cache the content and give it before getting the new version if it exists.
	- hidden field managed from manifest of taglets (taglet is not shown in the taglet lists, but potentially active)
	- addToHistory parameter added to function forward(...)
	- added mynfc_isImage parameter in url to manage url as image taglet (optional parameter)
	- added mynfc_name parameter in url to extract the taglet Name (optional parameter)
	- Input.setWidth(...) added
	- multiple inputs on the same screen are now possible.
Enjoy !
Source: README, updated 2011-12-23