Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
0.8.1 2015-03-27
README 2014-12-08 2.2 kB
multiplicationstation-0.8.1.zip 2014-12-08 3.2 MB
multiplicationstation-0.6.8.zip 2014-12-06 3.2 MB
Totals: 4 Items   6.4 MB 0
December 8, 2014

1. Updated to work with wxpython-3

2. Admin interface still requires -wx flag arg:
	"python mstation.py -wx"

3. Reduced set of Admin config variables offered through GUI

4. Another release with further improvements to admin interface
	will be undertaken soon.  

January 17, 2010

1.	Bugfix for windows: os.getenv('HOME') -> os.getenv('USERPROFILE')

January 17, 2010

1.	If installed (installation only applies to Linux now, Win/Mac run from within package directory),
	then .mstation_config_master located at /var/games/MultiplicaitonStation/.mstation_config_master 
	and copied -> $HOME/.mstation_config at user's first run.  Previously ran into permission problems 
	if users try to change settings via admin.  Now every user takes their own copy of the config file 
	and saves in their $HOME.

December 27, 2009

1.	Display init probs on windows fixed by adding lines 141-143 mstation.py

		if self.env.OS=='win':
			os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'windib'

December 23, 2009

1. 	wx now merely an option (use -wx command line argument)

2. 	defaults changed for minimum resource requirements (ie. fireworks off, etc)

3. 	sound is off by default; toggle on via admin config or manually editing
	the config file.  If running from the install directory then the config
	file is at: ./Globals/globals/config
	If installed (Linux only) then config located at:
	In either case, if you mess-up the config, just copy config_default over
	to config.  

4.	Screensaver/splash is off by defualt.  Toggle on in config via admin gui 
	(using optional -wx flag) or manually as per above.
Source: README, updated 2014-12-08