Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
msp430_add_alpha_0.7.2.tar.bz2 2013-02-19 66.7 kB
msp430_add_alpha_0.7.1.tar.bz2 2012-11-26 66.0 kB
msp430_add_alpha_0.7.0.tar.bz2 2012-10-09 62.3 kB
slac460d.patch.bz2 2012-10-09 474 Bytes
msp430_add_alpha_0.6.2.tar.bz2 2012-09-21 61.9 kB
msp430_add_alpha_0.6.1.tar.bz2 2012-08-19 58.4 kB
msp430_add_alpha_0.6.0.tar.bz2 2012-07-20 53.7 kB
slac460c.patch.bz2 2012-07-20 474 Bytes
README 2012-07-20 6.9 kB
msp430_add_alpha_0.5.2.tar.bz2 2012-06-15 45.5 kB
msp430_add_alpha_0.5.1.tar.bz2 2012-05-30 41.0 kB
msp430_add_alpha_0.5.0.tar.bz2 2012-04-10 32.4 kB
slac460b.patch.bz2 2012-04-10 619 Bytes
msp430_add_alpha_0.4.1.tar.bz2 2012-03-18 19.7 kB
msp430_add_alpha_0.4.tar.bz2 2012-01-03 11.5 kB
msp430_add_alpha_0.3.tar.bz2 2011-11-20 53.6 kB
msp430_add_alpha_0.2.tar.bz2 2011-08-31 45.7 kB
msp430_add_alpha_0.1.tar.bz2 2011-07-28 33.4 kB
Totals: 18 Items   660.5 kB 0
This is a package which provides Jtag access to MSP430 targets
using MSP430-FET430UIF boxes running a version 3 firmware.


- gcc/g++/make 
- cmake
- boost_dev
- Editline Library (libedit)

Get the file slac460c.zip from 


Copy the files slac460c.zip and msp430_add_alpha_0.6.0.tar.bz2
to the workdirectory and extract both archives in the same
directory and change into MSP430.DLLv3_OS_Package

Check the package version: 

sh ./test_version.sh ../slac460c.zip

MSP430.DLLv3_OS_Package/DLL430_v3/version.h:#define VERSION_MAJOR 3
MSP430.DLLv3_OS_Package/DLL430_v3/version.h:#define VERSION_MINOR 2
MSP430.DLLv3_OS_Package/DLL430_v3/version.h:#define VERSION_PATCH 4
MSP430.DLLv3_OS_Package/DLL430_v3/version.h:#define VERSION_BUILD 5

Check for new versions of msp430add package if the version 
number differs. 

Install the patch
(adds string.h includes)

patch -p1 < slac460c.patch

Optonal additional patch for virtual fet mode:

patch -p1 < socket_channel_c.patch

(see virtual fet section below for details)

note: The original Makefile was changed in two aspects. The
boost library include was changed from static to dynamic 
(*.a to *.so) and the library destination was changed to
a local directory. The original Makefile does still exist
and is not overwritten during installation. This installation
adds a new Makefile with the name Makefile.dyn

Compile flags:
-DUNIX: UNIX/Linux compatible replacements for Windows(TM)
specific code

-DNDEBUG: disable debug messages
This flag is active by default und must be disabled if 
debug output is needed. Beside some messages on stdout,
there is a communication trace file created: 'comm.log'

-DFET_SIM: Virtual FET mode
This flag activates the virtual FET mode (see section below 
for details) and is disabled by default. 

This are the build instructions:

enter the workdirectory (if not already there):
(install dir)/MSP430.DLLv3_OS_Package

create the libMSP430.so:
make -f Makefile.dyn

this will copy it to the subdirectory with the cli-tool:
make -f Makefile.dyn install

This is needed to create the target database. The first step
is to create the tool which extracts the data and writes
them to source files.

cd ./target_db/tool/
cmake .

The created tool must be executed to get the files needed
for the library.


The second step is to create the library which contains
the database:

cd ../lib
cmake .
make install

Now as both libraries are in place, the main application can
be built:

cd ../../mspdb_v3/

extend the path to start the libMSP430.so from this directory:


You can now start the debugging tool:

By default the debugging tool will start in AUTO mode and 
the driver will select the jtag mode automatically. If this
is not working, please try one of these options:

5xx 4 wire jtag
./mspdb_v3_ti -J 4AFTER2 

1xx/2xx/4xx 4 wire jtag
./mspdb_v3_ti -J 4WIRE

2 wire, all types
./mspdb_v3_ti -J SPYBIWIRE

You will need a MSP-FET430UIF to use the package and it has 
to be updated to a v3 firmware version. The Windows binary 
installation provides tools to change the firmware version 
from v2 to v3 and backwards. To do this directly unter Linux,
please refer to: http://mspdebug.sourceforge.net/tilib.html

The cli tool provides an internal update functionality but
this works only if there is already a version 3 firmware
installed. If the minor version differs the tool will ask
for the update automatically. If you want to change from
version 2 to version 3 or back, please refer the TI-website
(again http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/MSP_Debug_Stack)
for details. 

Virtual FET Simulation driver

Within ths version, virtual FET functionality is added. The
current version is more a proof of concept than usable.

The idea is to redirect the v3 Driver output from USB to
a socket connection. A patch for the driver is needed to add
the alternative output. The patch will not change the 
driver but add some code blocks which have to be activated
by a compile flag (UIF_SIM)

If the patch is not already installed, please do this now:

patch -p1 < socket_channel_c.patch

The virtual FET depends on the target database lib which
was built before and the simulator lib. The simulator lib
can be built with following commands:

cd ../simulator
cmake .
make install

Now the server for the virtual FET can be created  It is located 
in the virtual_fet subfolder:

cd ../virtual_fet

Start a session:

./virtual_fet -P 33333 -T <target name>

...MSP430.DLLv3_OS_Package/virtual_fet> ./virtual_fet -P 33333 -T MSP430F5438A
target [MSP430F5438A]
start: 5c00 size: 40000 name: main
start: 1800 size: 200 name: information
start: 1000 size: 800 name: boot
start: 1b00 size: 100 name: bootcode
start: 1c00 size: 4000 name: system
start: 0 size: 1000 name: peripheral16bit
start: 0 size: 10 name: CPU
start: 0 size: 80 name: EEM
SimServer: accept connections at port 33333

The virtual FET will now wait for a connection. If no real
FET is connected, the virtual FET will connect as default.
If there are real FET, the virtual FET will act as the last
listed FET in the list:

...MSP430.DLLv3_OS_Package/mspdb_v3> ./mspdb_v3_ti
Scanning USB for FET... number of connected FET: 1
No 1 simulator 0
Using FET connected to simulator
Initializing FET
FET protocol version is 30204005
LIB protocol version is 30204005
Set Vcc: 3000 mV
Device: MSP430F5438A
Code memory starts at 0x5c00
Number of breakpoints: 8                                                                                              
mspdb_v3$ regs                                                                                                        
 PC: 05c00)  ( R4: cccc4)  ( R8: cccc8)  (R12: ccccc)                                                                 
 SP: 05bfc)  ( R5: cccc5)  ( R9: cccc9)  (R13: ccccd)                                                                 
 SR: 00000)  ( R6: cccc6)  (R10: cccca)  (R14: cccce)                                                                 
 R3: 00000)  ( R7: cccc7)  (R11: ccccb)  (R15: ccccf)                                                                 

The model included in this package is not fully functional. It
supports the identification process of 5xx targets and read out
of registers and memory. An instruction model to be added.

New features of this version:

- ported to verion 'C' of the TI-driver (slac460c.zip)

- Cleanups and fixes

- Continued with implementation of FETv3 Protocol

- new or refactored simulator modules (CPU, EEM, memory)

Known Problems:

- Socket mode port is hardcoded to 33333

- Rework of interactive mode needed

- Simplification of build needed (use features of cmake)

- no FRAM devices in database

- number of breakpoints limited to 1 
Source: README, updated 2012-07-20