Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
rpms 2013-05-30
specs 2013-05-30
sources 2013-05-30
cabs 2013-05-30
samples 2012-09-18
README 2013-05-30 10.8 kB
Totals: 6 Items   10.8 kB 24,381
How to Install
rpm -i https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/mscorefonts2/rpms/msttcore-fonts-installer-2.6-1.noarch.rpm

This installs the TrueType core fonts for the web that were once
available from http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/ prior
to 2002, and most recently updated in the European Union Expansion
Update circa May 2007, still available on the Microsoft website.
This also installs Microsoft's ClearType fonts, see
http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ClearTypeFonts.mspx for more info.

With this rpm the actual font cab files are downloaded from a
Sourceforge project mirror and unpacked at install time. Therefore
this package technically does not 'redistribute' the fonts.  The
fonts are then added to the core X fonts system as well as the Xft
font system.

These are the cab files downloaded:

    andale32.exe, arialb32.exe, comic32.exe, courie32.exe,
    georgi32.exe, impact32.exe, webdin32.exe, EUupdate.EXE,
    wd97vwr32.exe, PowerPointViewer.exe

These cab files are only downloaded if EUupdate.EXE cannot be
downloaded, since the EUupdate.EXE cab contains updates for
the fonts in these cabs:

    arial32.exe, times32.exe, trebuc32.exe, verdan32.exe

These are the fonts added:

    1998 Andale Mono
    2006 Arial: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
    1998 Arial: black
    2007 Calabri: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
    2007 Cambria: bold, bold italic, italic
    2007 Candara: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
    2007 Consolas: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
    2007 Constantia: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
    2007 Corbel: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
    1998 Comic: bold, regular
    2000 Courier: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
    1998 Impact
    2006 Times: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
    2006 Trebuchet: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
    2006 Verdana: bold, bold italic, italic, regular
    1998 Webdings

Current RPM file


Current SRPM file


Current SPEC file


Historical SPEC Files

For more details see the changelog.
Kudos to Hnr Kordewiner <hnr@kordewiner.com> for tracking down a lot of these files.
I added the authors (alias) name cause the revision numbering was not consistent.

  The original msttcorefonts-2.0-1.spec from Noa Resare.
  This is the original location:

  This fixed the sourceforge mirror problem and the deprecation
  problem.  It's directly derived from 2.0-1.  This was posted
  Nov 30 2011 at


  * Mon Feb 18 2008 Andrew Bartlett <abartlet samba org> 2.0-2
  - available from http://moin.kordewiner.com/helpdesk/fedora/mscorefonts?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=msttcorefonts-2.0-2.spec

  * Wed Jun 25 2008  Muayyad Saleh Alsadi <alsadi gmail com> 2.0-3

  * Mon Jun 07 2010 Zied FAKHFAKH <fzied@dottn.com> 2.0-3
  - available from http://moin.kordewiner.com/helpdesk/fedora/mscorefonts?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=msttcorefonts-2.0-3.spec

  * Tue Jun 16 2009  Dennis Johnson 2.0-4
  - from http://fenris02.fedorapeople.org/msttcore-fonts-2.0-4.spec

  * Sat Dec 11 2010  Hnr Kordewiner <hnr@kordewiner.com> 2.0-5
  - from http://moin.kordewiner.com/helpdesk/fedora/mscorefonts?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=msttcore-fonts-2.0-5.spec

  * Mon Aug 15 2011  Dennis Johnson 2.0-6
  - from http://fenris02.fedorapeople.org/msttcore-fonts-2.0-6.spec

  Me.  This builds a big rpm with all the fonts in it.  Due to the
  EULA this is only suitable for local/private distribution.

  Me.  This builds a small rpm that downloads the fonts at install
  time.  This is distributable.

  Me.  This cleans up the spec file and optimizes the download.

* Wed May 29 2013  Rob Janes <janes.rob gmail com> 2.6-1
- added ClearType fonts, thanks to Robbie Litchfield.
  see http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ClearTypeFonts.mspx for more info.
- added %verify section to qualify rpm -V, thanks to discussion on rpmfusion
- bumped version number past Daniel Resare's.  Tried to coordinate with him, but he's
  working on mac stuff now and not interested - "I've given up on Linux on the desktop."
- available at https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/mscorefonts2/specs/msttcore-fonts-installer-2.6-1.spec

* Sun Oct 7 2012  Rob Janes <janes.rob gmail com> 2.2-1
- moved install script to shell script, run in post step
- switched to sha256 from md5
- available at

* Mon Sep 15 2012  Rob Janes <janes.rob gmail com> 2.1-2
- updated comments, messages, description and such.
- don't download older cabs for fonts in the EUupdate.EXE file,
  unless the download for the EUupdate failed.
- available at

* Sun Sep 9 2012 Daniel Resare <noa resare com> 2.5-1
- Daniel Resare: "Ouch, that was a few years. Due to the kind contributions of
  Deven T. Corzine we now have an updated (and working!) package again."
- Almost the same feature set as Dennis Johnson's 2.0-6
- updates the hardcoded sourceforge mirror list - does not use sourceforge's mirror redirect
  (meaning it will get out of date again).
- replaces deprecated BuildPrereq with BuildRequires
- available at http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/msttcorefonts-2.5-1.spec

* Sat Sep 8 2012  Rob Janes <janes.rob gmail com> 2.1-1
- generates distributable rpm that downloads and unpacks the fonts at
  install time, not rpmbuild time
- available at

* Sat Sep 8 2012  Rob Janes <janes.rob gmail com> 2.0-7
- added EUupdate.EXE European Union Expansion Update circa May 2007
- refactored sourceforge mirror stuff
- replaced wget with curl, which seems to be installed by default on fedora
- replaced ttmkfdir with mkfontscale and mkfontdir.  This creates fonts.dir file
  for the core X font system.  ttmkfdir has been supersceded by mkfontdir - they
  both create fonts.dir but mkfontdir is part of xorg-x11-font-utils.
- removed 09-msttcorefonts.conf and refactored fc-cache lines.  fc-cache walks
  subdirectories so the 09-msttcorefonts.conf to add the /usr/share/font/msttcore
  is redundant.  fc-cache indexes for the Xft font system, not the legacy core X
  font system.
- added 09-msttcore-fontpath.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d for core X font system
- added xset fp+ to add the fontdirectory to core X font for the current session so
  the installer doesn't have to relogin.
- available at

* Mon Aug 15 2011  Dennis Johnson 2.0-6
- BuildRequires ttmkfdir, cabextract, wget
- removes Requires
- fixes sourceforge mirror
- generates 09-msttcorefonts.conf
- restores call to ttmkfdir in %install section
- available from http://fenris02.fedorapeople.org/msttcore-fonts-2.0-6.spec

* Sat Dec 11 2010  Hnr Kordewiner <hnr@kordewiner.com> 2.0-5
- move 09-msttcorefonts.conf to this spec file
- drop %{ttmkfdir} - again
- msttcore fonts history site setup at http://moin.kordewiner.com/helpdesk/fedora/mscorefonts
- available from http://moin.kordewiner.com/helpdesk/fedora/mscorefonts?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=msttcore-fonts-2.0-5.spec

* Mon Jun 07 2010 Zied FAKHFAKH <fzied@dottn.com> 2.0-3
- removed chkfontpath dependency for Fedora >= 9
- removed prerun and post chkconfig reference
- divergent development, same purpose as Andrew Bartlett's but derived from Noa Resare's 2.0-1
- available from http://moin.kordewiner.com/helpdesk/fedora/mscorefonts?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=msttcorefonts-2.0-3.spec

* Tue Jun 16 2009  Dennis Johnson 2.0-4
- Provides msttcorefonts
- Requires ttmkfdir, cabextract
- restores call to ttmkfdir in %install section
- available from http://fenris02.fedorapeople.org/msttcore-fonts-2.0-4.spec

* Wed Jun 25 2008  Muayyad Saleh Alsadi <alsadi gmail com> 2.0-3
- drop %{ttmkfdir} completely 

* Mon Feb 18 2008 Andrew Bartlett <abartlet samba org> 2.0-2
- Make work with Fedora 9 fonts system
- available from http://moin.kordewiner.com/helpdesk/fedora/mscorefonts?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=msttcorefonts-2.0-2.spec

* Sun May 07 2006 Noa Resare <noa resare com> 2.0-1
- checksums downloads
- random mirror
- use redistributable word 97 viewer as source for tahoma.ttf
- available from http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/msttcorefonts-2.0-1.spec

* Mon Mar 31 2003 Daniel Resare <noa resare com> 1.3-4
- updated microsoft link
- updated sourceforge mirrors

* Mon Nov 25 2002 Daniel Resare <noa resare com> 1.3-3
- the install dir is now deleted when the package is uninstalled
- executable permission removed from the fonts
- executes fc-cache after install if it is available

* Thu Nov 07 2002 Daniel Resare <noa resare com> 1.3-2
- Microsoft released a new service-pack. New url for Tahoma font.

* Thu Oct 24 2002 Daniel Resare <noa resare com> 1.3-1
- removed python hack
- removed python hack info from description
- made tahoma inclusion depend on define
- added some info on the ttmkfdir define

* Tue Aug 27 2002 Daniel Resare <noa resare com> 1.2-3
- fixed spec error when tahoma is not included 

* Tue Aug 27 2002 Daniel Resare <noa resare com> 1.2-2
- removed tahoma due to unclear licensing
- parametrized ttmkfdir path (for mandrake users)
- changed description text to reflect the new microsoft policy

* Thu Aug 15 2002 Daniel Resare <noa resare com> 1.2-1
- changed distserver because microsoft no longer provides them

* Tue Apr 09 2002 Daniel Resare <noa resare com> 1.1-3
- fixed post/preun script to actually do what they were supposed to do

* Tue Mar 12 2002 Daniel Resare <noa resare com> 1.1-2
- removed cabextact from this package
- added tahoma font from ie5.5 update

* Fri Aug 25 2001 Daniel Resare <noa metamatrix se>
- initial version
Source: README, updated 2013-05-30