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Quick Start Guide

MapGraph is Massively Parallel Graph processing on GPUs.

- The MapGraph API makes it easy to develop high performance graph
  analytics on GPUs. The API is based on the Gather-Apply-Scatter
  (GAS) model as used in GraphLab. To deliver high performance
  computation and efficiently utilize the high memory bandwidth of
  GPUs, MapGraph's CUDA kernels use multiple sophisticated strategies,
  such as vertex-degree-dependent dynamic parallelism granularity and
  frontier compaction.

- MapGraph is up to two order of magnitude faster than parallel CPU
  implementations on up 24 CPU cores and has performance comparable to
  a state-of-the-art manually optimized GPU implementation.

- New algorithms can be implemented in a few hours that fully exploit
  the data-level parallelism of the GPU and offer throughput of up to
  3 billion traversed edges per second on a single GPU.

- Partitioned graphs and Multi-GPU support will be in a future
- There is also a CPU-only version of the MapGraph engine packaged and 
  distributed inside the bigdata open-source graph database.

Building and running MapGraph

"make" at the top-level will build all algorithms in the ./Algorithms
directory and the documentation.  Each algorithm accepts some common
parameters for things like the name of the input matrix, the CUDA
device on which to execute the algorithm, etc.  In addition, "-help"
may be used to obtained detailed usage information for a specific

The CUDA Makefile assumes that CUDA (version >= 5.0) has been
installed and is in the PATH.

For example, you can run SSSP using:

./Algorithms/SSSP/SSSP -g smallRegressionGraphs/small.mtx

The output should look something like this:

Running on host: bigdata01.systap.com
Detected 2 CUDA Capable device(s)
Running on this device:
Device 0: "Tesla K20c"
  CUDA Driver Version / Runtime Version          6.0 / 5.5
  CUDA Capability Major/Minor version number:    3.5
  Total amount of global memory:                 4800 MBytes (5032706048 bytes)
Reading from smallRegressionGraphs/chesapeake.mtx:
  Parsing MARKET COO format  (39 nodes, 170 directed edges)... Done parsing (0s).
  Converting 39 vertices, 170 directed edges (unordered tuples) to CSR format... Done converting (0s).
CPU time took: 0.00100001 ms
origin: 1
Using single starting vertex!
Single source vertex!
NOT streaming from host
GPU 0 column_indices: 170 elements (2720 bytes)
GPU 0 row_offsets: 40 elements (160 bytes)
Starting vertex: 0
Kernel time took: 1.1487 ms
Wall time took: 1.159 ms
Contract time took: 0 ms
Expand time took: 0 ms
visited edges: 170
M-Edges / sec: 0.146678
Total iteration: 2
retval: 0
Correctness testing ...passed

If you wish to view the results of a run (which currently consists of all the
vertices and their final values), then supply a second argument for the output

./Algorithms/SSSP/SSSP -g smallRegressionGraphs/small.mtx -o small.out

For SSSP, the output is a column whose value is the shortest path distance
from the starting vertex.

MapGraph Directory Structure

- ./Algorithms - This is the parent directory for the BFS, SSSP, CC,
   PR and other graph analytics that are bundled with the MapGraph

- ./doc - The MapGraph documentation.  This includes detailed
  information on the MapGraph API and how to write your own high
  performance graph algorithms using MapGraph.  Use "make doc" at the
  top-level directory to build the documentation. See
  doc/api/index.html to get started.

- ./bc40 - This directory contains code from the back40computing
   library. See http://code.google.com/p/back40computing.  This is not
   a complete copy of that library.  Only those methods that are
   relevant to graph processing have been included.  The original bc40
   library provided a high performance implementation of BFS, but did
   not support any other algorithms.  The bc40 kernels bundled by
   MapGraph have been extensively adapted to support the MapGraph API.

The following directories support performance and correctness
regression tests for mapgraph.  See regressions/README for this.
Correctness testing depends on powergraph (which can be very complex
to install). We are still in the process of cleaning up and extending
CI and performance regression testing.

- ./CI - directory for Continuous Integration testing.

- ./regressions - makefile and scripts for regression testing (old).

- ./smallRegressionGraphs - a few very small sample data sets.

- ./largePerformanceGraphs - includes makefiles to download some graphs.

- ./PowerGraphReferenceImplementations - implementations of various
  algorithms for the powergraph API that are also implemented by
  MapGraph.  This is for performance comparison against PowerGraph.

This work was (partially) funded by the DARPA XDATA program under
AFRL Contract #FA8750-13-C-0002.

This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. D14PC00029.
Source: README, updated 2014-03-30