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Home / MPC HomeCinema - x64 / MPC-HC_v1.6.7.7114_x64
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README.txt 2013-04-25 2.1 kB
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MPC-HC. 2013-04-25 5.9 MB
Totals: 5 Items   31.1 MB 0
This file includes only a short list of the changes between MPC-HC's versions.
For the older changes see:

+ New
* Changed
! Fixed

1.6.7 - 25 April 2013
+ DVB capture: Improve channel switching
+ Subtitle downloader improvements:
  - Ticket #2144, Sort by language and then by filename by default. Subtitles matching a language
    set as preferred in the options are now displayed first in the result list
  - Ticket #2926, Double-clicking or pressing the "Enter" key will download the selected subtitle(s)
+ Ticket #2837, New INI parser: the accesses are now cached for faster settings loading/saving.
  Using the INI file should now be as fast as using the registry
+ Ticket #2987, Playlist improvements:
  - Scroll and select the first newly added item
  - Put MPC-HC on top and give the focus to the playlist after a drag and drop
* Updated Basque, Catalan, Czech, French, German, Greek, Simplified Chinese, Slovak,
  Turkish and Ukrainian translations
* Updated Little CMS to v2.5 (git cde00fd)
* Updated VirtualDub to v1.10.4-test6
* Ticket #2689, Replace "On top -> Never" by "On top -> Default". In most of the
  cases "On top -> Default" will have the exact same behavior than "On top -> Never"
  but it won't try to override the "On top" flag if an external tool sets it
* Ticket #3049, Re-enable VSync by default for Windows XP users
! Fix a crash when VMR-7 (renderless) renderer failed to load
! SSA subtitles rendering: Improve error checking to avoid possible crashes when the SSA script
  was using obviously wrong values
! Ticket #1392, DVD subtitles: Improve rendering in case of overlapping. Ensure that both subtitles
  will be shown.
! Ticket #2991, Fix loading of MicroDVD subtitles
! Ticket #3001, "After Playback": Always give "Once" events a higher priority than "Always" events
! Ticket #3023, "File -> Load Subtitle" didn't work anymore for DVD
! Ticket #3045, Go to dialog: Fix frame rate detection for DVDs
Source: README.txt, updated 2013-04-25