Home / Motif 2.3.4 Binaries
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 i686 2012-10-23
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 x86_64 2012-10-23
Fedora 17 i686 2012-10-23
Fedora 17 x86_64 2012-10-23
Ubuntu 12.04 amd64 2012-10-23
Ubuntu 12.04 i386 2012-10-23
README 2012-10-23 322 Bytes
Totals: 7 Items   322 Bytes 4
Please see the file COPYING  for important information.

Please see the file RELNOTES for current Release information.

Please see the file INSTALL.configure on how to build and install
this product using the autoconf tools.

Please see the file distro/README.RPM for information on creating 
rpms from this source tree. 
Source: README, updated 2012-10-23