Home / Morpho
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archive 2014-02-25
Morpho_2.0.3-1.zip 2014-06-05 3.2 MB
Morpho_2.0.3-1.tar.gz 2014-06-05 2.3 MB
Morpho_2.0.3-1.tgz 2014-06-05 2.6 MB
README.md 2014-02-10 2.2 kB
Totals: 5 Items   8.1 MB 0


Morpho provides a rich toolset for Geometric Morphometrics and mesh processing in R. This includes (among other stuff) mesh deformations based on reference points, permutation tests, detection of outliers, processing of sliding semi-landmarks, im- and export of a variety of triangular surface mesh files.

Installation of the R-package Morpho from CRAN:

Within R:


Installation of the R-package Morpho from sourceforge/github (latest release):

  1. Make sure to work with the latest version of R and install dependencies (type the following commands into your R terminal):
    install.packages(c("rgl", "MASS","doParallel","colorRamps","yaImpute","RcppArmadillo"))

Also required are the packages 'Matrix' and 'parallel' which usually are already installed as R's recommended packages.

  1. Download the version suitable for your OS from sourceforge or github. Either the compiled package (for Windows and OS X) or the source tarball (Linux).

  2. Installation command from within R:

  3. check if the package can be loaded:

    load package: library(Morpho)

Installation of the R-package Morpho (development snapshot) using devtools:

install prerequisites
  1. install devtools from within R (Ubuntu/Debian users will have to install libcurl4-gnutls-dev beforehand):

    • Make sure to have the latest versions of Rcpp and RcppArmadillo installed!!
  2. Install build environment

    • Windows: Install latest version of Rtools During installation of Rtools make sure to install the toolchain, and to select "Edit the system path" (and confirming the installers suggestions).
    • OSX: Install XCODE
install Morpho

Run the following command in R:

    install_github("zarquon42b/Morpho", local=FALSE")
Source: README.md, updated 2014-02-10