Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
MorganaXProc-1-0-15.zip 2018-12-28 3.9 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-15-sources.zip 2018-12-28 1.4 MB
README.txt 2018-12-28 21.2 kB
MorganaXProc-1-0-14.zip 2018-07-02 3.9 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-14-sources.zip 2018-07-02 1.4 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-13.zip 2018-06-25 3.9 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-13-sources.zip 2018-06-25 1.4 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-12.zip 2018-02-18 3.8 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-12-sources.zip 2018-02-18 1.4 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-11.zip 2017-12-30 3.8 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-11-sources.zip 2017-12-30 1.4 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-10.zip 2017-12-05 3.8 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-10-sources.zip 2017-12-05 1.4 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-9.zip 2017-11-05 3.8 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-9-sources.zip 2017-11-05 1.4 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-8.zip 2017-10-08 3.8 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-8-sources.zip 2017-10-08 1.4 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-7-sources.zip 2017-08-14 1.3 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-7.zip 2017-08-14 3.8 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-6.zip 2017-06-18 3.8 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-6-sources.zip 2017-06-18 1.3 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-5.zip 2017-03-29 3.7 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-5-sources.zip 2017-03-29 1.3 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-4.zip 2017-03-07 3.7 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-4-sources.zip 2017-03-07 1.3 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-3.zip 2017-01-28 3.7 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-3-sources.zip 2017-01-28 1.3 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-2.zip 2016-12-30 3.7 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-2-sources.zip 2016-12-30 1.3 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-1.zip 2016-12-22 3.7 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-1-sources.zip 2016-12-22 1.3 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0.zip 2016-10-24 3.7 MB
MorganaXProc-1-0-sources.zip 2016-10-24 1.3 MB
Totals: 33 Items   82.0 MB 0
Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.15 (2018-12-28)
Fixes some bugs and updates to latest version of required software:
- Fixed a bug where an XPath error on p:when is not correctly handled, but evaluates to false().
- Fixed bug #18: Missing (unused) default namespace declaration in serialised doc (Thanks to Jan for reporting it).
- Fixed a serialisation bug for non blank whitespace characters. (Thanks to Jan for reporting it).
- Fixed a bug where a DocType is not correctly serialized.
- Fixed a bug in serialization, where element node is not correctly copied.
- Fixed a bug in JSON map serialization.
- Moved to XOM 1.2.11.
- Moved to httpcomponents-client-4.5.6.
- Checked with Saxon HE

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.14 (2018-07-02)
Fixed bug (https://sourceforge.net/p/morganaxproc/tickets/17/) introduced with Rel 1.0.13

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.13 (2018-06-25)
This is a combined feature and bug fixing release.
- Improved implementation of operations in the file system:
    - Redirects from http -> https are now followed.
    - Added support for http(s) methods "put", "delete", "head", "patch", "trace" and "options". Many thanks to LambdaWerk GmbH for sponsoring this improvement.
- Fixed a number of bugs, all found by Jan (thank you for this):
    - Fixed a bug where group-adjacent on p:wrap does not work correctly.
    - Fixed a bug where a variable overwrites an option with the same name.
    - Fixed a bug where two spaces were used to separate attributes in XML/XHTML serialization (with indent="false")
    - Fixed a bug where an element in no namespace is not correctly serialized.
- Other bug fixes:
    - Fixed a bug where a wrong namespace binding is used when an element is renamed with a prefix which is already used by an attribute.
    - Changed behavior of p:rename: If no prefix is suggested and an element is matched, no prefix is used for the rename element anymore
    - Fixed a bug in fn:doc() when delivered URI is relative.
- Other changes:
    - Minor speed optimization in the XPath engine.
    - Internal changes and further improvements for XPath 3.1 in MorganaXPath.
    - Some re-packaging in the XPath engine on the way to XProc 3.0.
    - Checked with Saxon HE

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.12 (2018-02-18)
This release improves usability of configuration and fixes some bugs.
- Improved checking for config-document. If an expected value is not found, a hint is written to std-error.
- Fixed bugs in XOM implementation of NodeModel.getStringValue(): Results are now according to XDM specs.
- Fixed a bug in serialisation of comments.
- Fixed a bug in serialization of processing-instructions.
- Fixed a bug with pipeline encoding on Windows when pipeline is called from GUI. Thanks to Jan for finding it.
- Fixed bug where two content-type headers might be send by p:http-request. Thanks to Hans for reporting it.
- Fixed a bug in pxp:unzip appearing on systems with non UTF-8 standard encoding. (Thanks again to Jan for finding it)
- Fixed bug where a null pointer exception may be raised when a non-required option is not bound.
- Checked with Saxon

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.11 (2017-12-30)
Highlight of this release is a new mechanism implemented to support the use of different XSL-FO-processor in p:xsl-formatter:
- The hard coded connection from MorganaXProc to Apache™ FOP is removed in favour of a new FOConnector interface. This interface can be used for XSL-FO processing with any conformant FO-processor.
- Two new implementations of FOConnectors for Apache™ FOP version 1.1 and version 2.2 are supplied with MorganaXProc's standard distribution.
- Parameters can now be passed to both FOConnectors using p:xsl-formatter's parameter port.
Additional changes:
- Changed algorithm for resolving relative URIs in options against the base-uri: If option is an empty string, the base-uri is returned, no longer the parent of the base-uri.
- Checked with SaxonHE
- Checked with SaxonHE Due to changes in Saxon ISO schematron implementation works with p:validate-with-schematron again when this Saxon version is used.

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.10 (2017-12-05)
This service update improves the usability of p:xslt and p:validate-with-schematron:
- Fixed a problem with relative import in XSLT stylesheets.
- Improved error message in p:xslt when a text node appears in the result tree before an element node.
- Fixed a bug in p:validate-with-schematron preventing the use of different parameter sets without restart.
- New feature: Parameters on p:validate-with-schematron are now also submitted to the validation itself (phase 4 of the skeleton implementation). 

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.9 (2017-11-05)
It is a service release fixing some bugs:
- Fixed a bug where exclude-inline-prefixes in an importing pipeline is not correctly handled by the imported pipeline.
- Fixed a bug where a prefix parameter name in p:with-param is not correctly resolved.
- Fixed a bug where a single variable reference with a prefixed option- or variable name is not correctly resolved in p:with-param.
- Minor changes in MorganaXPath's ModelNode interface on the way to XProc 3.0.
- Changed XQueryConfiguration for VariableResolvers: You can now set a resolver providing declarations (for static analysis) and another providing the actual values (during dynamic analysis).
- Changed mechanism of variable detection so the use of a specific variable is only reported once now in diagnostic method "getUsedVariables()".
- Checked with SaxonHE

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.8 (2017-10-08)
It is a service release fixing some bugs, improving error messages and adding some new features in the XPath implementation on the way to XProc 3.0:
- Fixed a bug in XSLT match pattern compilation where a not allowed axis does not result in an error message.
- Fixed a bug leading to an error message when constructing an empty document node in XQuery.
- Fixed a bug leading to NullPointerException when a http-request does not return an entity body (http response 204)
- On the way to XProc 3.0 class "XQueryDocument" was renamed to "XdmDocument".
- Added security checks for HTTP method "patch", "option" and "trace".
- Fixed misleading error code: Double binding of one input port now results in XS0011.
- XPath/XQuery: Added new diagnostic method discovering variables used in the expression and deciding whether the expression relies on the context item.
- XPath/XQuery: Updated interface "XPathFunction" so a function can declare dependence on the context item.
- Changed a misleading error message "Missing scheme in absolute URI reference" that appear with p:document, but actually is not related to @href but says, that in the document to load there is a namespace binding with an URI not conforming to RFC 3986 because  URI has no scheme (which required). Thanks to Felix for pointing this out to me.
- Clarified error message when p:import is used in the wrong place.
- Just changed generic Exception thrown in XQueryNodeModel to "XQueryAddingException" to better reflect cause of exception.
- On the way to XProc 3.0: Added static method "compileSequenceType" in SequenceTypeCompiler.
- Better textual representation of sequence type matcher for map().
- Checked with Saxon and

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.7 (2017-08-14)
It is a service release improving usability and fixing some bugs:
- Improved error messages: A dynamic error (XD0030) is raised, if the namespace URI is not valid when creating an element or attribute (replaces an unspecific java exception wrap in c:error).
- Improved error message when an element/attribute with a prefix is created, but no namespace is associated with this prefix.
- Improved attribute creation with names in namespaces: Using existing prefixes if possible.
- Improved element creation with names in namespaces: Removing unnecessary prefixes. (Thanks to Gerrit for pointing this out.)
- Changed initialization process for XMLCatalog resolver: If this resolver is not used, resolver.jar is not required on the classpath anymore.
- Changed mechanism in p:validate-with-schematron, so that XSLT 2.0 implementation is used as default, if selected XSLT processor supports 2.0 or higher.
- Fixed a Nullpointer bug when <p:choose /> has no children <p:when /> or <p:otherwise />.
- Improved import of XSLT-functions from stylesheet with @version="3.0": Only functions marked as "public" are visible in XProc pipelines.

- Checked with Saxon HE and Saxon HE
- Experimental implementation to support XSLT 3.0 with Saxon 9.8.x.

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.6 (2017-06-18)
Highlight: Reworked command-line interface with new switches, better exit (status) codes and connectivity for stdin, stdout and stderr.

- XPath: Improved error message when fn:error() is called without parameters.
- XPath: Fixed a bug in fn:matches where "$" is not correctly handled.
- XProc: Fixed a bug preventing imports with relative URIs in <p:validate-with-schematron />.
- XProc: Fixed a bug in import of schematron rules from EXPath packaging system.
- Checked with Saxon HE 9.7.18.

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.5 (2017-03-29)
- Added support for loading optional classes and resources via CLASSPATH.
- Added support for configuration properties on command line interface.
- Improved error messages on failed validations with p:validate-with-relax-ng.
- Dto. for validations with pxp:nvdl.
- Slight performance improvements in serializer.
- Support for FOP 2.1 in p:xsl-formatter.

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.4 (2017-03-07)
- Fixed ticket #8: Changed code so no null pointer exception is thrown anymore from JING during recursive schema import. Thanks to David for reporting.
- Fixed ticket #9: Copyright information are separated from pipeline result, so piping results to another app in unix systems is easier. Thanks to Christophe for pointing this out to me.
- Improved support for using Saxon in p:xslt. Features of Saxon PE and Saxon EE now are available in p:xslt. All editions of Saxon are now recognised, so you do not have to rename them anymore. Used Edition is now shown in copyright information.
- Improved error messages in p:unescape-markup.
- Reworked XProcSource: Pipelines and inputs can be build from a SAX- or a StreamSource now.
- Additional pipeline informations available in Java via XProcPipeline.getInfo().
- Checked with Saxon HE

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.3 (2017-01-28)
- Changed behaviour of p:validate-with-relax-ng: If necessary a base64 decoding is performed on a compact syntax loaded with p:data. Thanks to David for pointing this out to me!
- Fixed a bug where an inherited namespace is not correctly copied to an implicit inline document.
- Fixed a bug where pure whitespace nodes in XSLT stylesheets get lost.
- Fixed ticket#6: Top level c:directory of p:directory-list does now conform to specs.
- Fixed ticket#7: Full stop now allowed in step names and in port names. (Thanks to David for reporting these two bugs!)
- Upgraded to httpcomponents-client-4.5.2.
- Revised package structure and naming: Clear separation of XProc and XPath/XQuery related classes.

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.2 (2016-12-30)
- Support for XPath 3.0 as expression language.
- Fixed a bug where text defined directly under the root element of a document is lost at the result of p:escape-markup. (Thanks to Arnaud for reporting it!)
- Fixed a bug with implicit p:inline according to the XProc 1.1 specs.
- Fixed a bug where "=" in an URI query section of p:http-request is erroneously escaped.
- Fixed a bug in XPath function matches() where a new line is wrongly matched by „$“.
- Checked with SaxonHE

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0.1 (2016-12-22)
- Fixed a bug in p:choose and p:when, where a xxx:log/xxx:output etc. is mistakenly interpreted as a p:log, p:output etc. Thanks to Bert for reporting it!
- Fixed a bug where attribute „use-when“ is ignored in an imported library. (Also found by Bert.)
- Fixed a bug where an „unconnected port“-error is raised, although there is a pipe connection in an p:xpath-context.
- Reworked handling of XMLReader's in p:unescape-markup: Better support for nu.validator. Use: „nu.validator.htmlparser.sax.HtmlParser“ for HTMLParserClass.
- Checked with Saxon HE
- Fixed a bug resulting in a NullPointerException when the HTML parser class given in configuration is not found.
- Minor bugs fixed in XPath/XQuery implementation.

Changes in MorganaXProc 1.0 (2016-10-24)
- Import of XSLT functions into XProc's XPath context.
- Speed improvement in <p:xslt/> (reworked adapters for XSLT processors).
- Added support for Saxon-HE 9.7x as XSLT/XQuery processor.
- Adapted supported XQuery connectors to processor's latest version.
- MorganaXProc now supports extension attribute mox:version on <p:xquery/>.
- Speed improvement in XPath's for-expression.
- Further improvements in error messages and debugging aids.

Changes in MorganaXProc 0.95-11 (2016-07-27)
- High speed improvement while checking dependencies in large subpipelines.
- Implemented better mechanism for override-content-type in p:http-request.
- Compiler now creates optional dependency map as debugging aid. 
- Added Console view to GUI so outputs to std.err and std.out can be viewed.
- Extended support for EXPath packaging system and XMLCatalog.
- Minor bug fixes.

Changes in MorganaXProc 0.95-10 (2016-05-31)
- Support for XMLCatalog
- New steps to support debugging of pipelines
- Lot of minor bug fixes

Changes in MorganaXProc 0.95-9 (2016-01-17)
- Implementation of proposed extension steps pxp:nvdl, pxp:unzip, pxp:zip, pxp:compress, pxp:uncompress and pxp:set-base-uri. With the implementation of these steps, MorganaXProc's implementation of XProc (1.0) is complete.
- Reworked handling of p:documentation and p:pipeinfo, so they are ignored, wherever they appear. (No more compilation errors!)
- Fixed some minor bugs in XProc and XQuery implementation.
- Minor improvements in speed and memory usage in XQuery and XPath.

Changes in MorganaXProc 0.95-8 (2015-10-04)
- Added import for XQuery functions via p:import.
- Added import for Java functions via p:import.
- Added import of Java written XProc steps via p:import.
- Minor bug fixes in XProc implementation and improved error messages.
- Major improvement in XPath- and XQuery- implementation regarding conformance, memory usage and execution speed.

Changes in MorganaXProc 0.95-7 (2015-06-03)
- Fixes a bug which prevents access to context node in p:xslt when option „template-name“ is used.
- Changes interface „XSLTTemplate“ in XSLTConnector to cover this case.
- Fixes a bug when p:viewport has no p:viewport-source and there is no default readable port for p:viewport.
- Corrects error message when p:viewport matches document node and more than one element should replace it.

Changes in MorganaXProc 0.95-6 (2015-05-30)
- Fixed a bug that prevent p:pipeline to be used in the graphical user interface.
- Fixed a bug that lead to a null pointer exception when MorganaXProc is used from java application with unbound input ports.
- Improves error handling when a p:declare-step has just children "p:variable".

Changes in MorganaXProc 0.95-5 (2015-05-16)

- Implementation of proposed file extensions steps and proposed os extension steps.
- Speed improvement in evaluation of XPath expressions.
- Internal changes on the road to XProc 2.0 result in improved error messages.
- Some bug fixes.
For details see blog.

Changes in MorganaXProc 0.95-4 (2015-03-08)

New features:
- Support for user defined XPath functions to XProc, XQueryConnector and XSLTConnector via XPathExtensionFunction.
- Improved usability of resolvers for XQuery, XSLT and XPath.
- Full access to XProcFilesystem from XQuery and XSLT.
- Finally module import in XQuery is implemented.
- New implementation for fn:collection(uri) in XPath and XQuery.
- Extension attributes as in "3.8 Extension attributes“ of "XProc: An XML Pipeline Language W3C Recommendation 11 May 2010“ are now supported.
- Improved error management: i.e. Description for XD???? and XC???? are now displayed in error document. ErrorCode is accessible via new method „getErrorCode“ from XProcOutput.
- Adapted to new versions of Saxon ( and Apache’s HttpClient (4.4).
- EXPath Packaging System (EXPath Candidate Module 9 May 2012) is now supported.

On the road to XProc 2.0:
Using attribute "version='1.1'" in p:pipeline and p:declare-step activates new features (experimental implementation!!):
- text value templates for p:inline. 
- Attribute value templates for attribute shortcuts.
- Implicit (p:inline) with text value templates  in p:input, p:output, p:variable, p:with-option, p:xpath-context, p:iteration-source, and p:viewport-source.

Additionally some bug fixes are included in this release.

Changes in MorganaXProc 0.95-3 (2014-09-16)

Apart from some minor bug fixes, the basic new features are:
- A new graphical user interface to run XProc pipelines.
- Improved support for writing your own XProc steps in java with the new class "AtomicStep".
- Now XProcFilesystem is usable in XQueryConnector, so all schemes are available in fn:doc.

Changes in MorganaXProc 0.95-2 (2014-05-20)

This is a service update with a lot of minor changes under the hood.

The basic new feature are:
- New implementation of p:validate-with-relax-ng: Support for option „dtd-id-idref-warnings“ added.
- Reworked handling of XML 1.1.: XML 1.1 documents are now detected before they are handled by an xml-parser, so later cannot crush anymore.
- Further improvement of error messages: defaulted names are now visible in error messages.
- Defaulted names are non longer NCNames but constructed as suggested in recommendation. All NCNames are now usable by pipeline authors.
- Improved error messages in p:try when p:group and/or p:catch is missing.
- Introducing test-suite reporter: You can now test your MorganaXProc configuration against the XProc Test Suite. Type „java -jar MorganaXProc.jar“ to see details of usage.

Changes in MorganaXProc 0.95-1 (2014-04-06)

- Fixing a bug which might lead to a null pointer exception when a file with an unknown content-type is loaded in http-request with scheme "file".
- Fixing a bug which might lead to an inaccessible resource in p:xquery's fn:doc() when documentBaseURI is set to null in MorganaXProc's configuration.
- Fixed spelling in some error messages and getting version information for XQuery processor right.
- Improving error details for xml-syntax exceptions in pipelines and input documents.
- Changing allocation of prefixes for namespaces in p:data’s wrapper, so that „c“ is used for „http://www.w3.org/ns/xproc-step“ even if this namespace is not explicitly used in the pipeline.
- Improving compilation error messages: They now contain line and column in pipeline source, where error occurred.
- Improving runtime error messages: They now contain line and column in pipeline source, where error occurred.
- Improving readability of compilation errors in console.
- Adding method „getMemoryUsed()“ to XProcOutput to deliver info about pipeline’s memory consumtion.
- Improving debugging information by introducing timing and memory information into debug reports.
Source: README.txt, updated 2018-12-28