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README 2014-09-16 5.2 kB
CoffeeWebServer_2_2.zip 2014-09-16 409.1 kB
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CoffeeWebServer (C)2012-2014 Bo Zimmerman
Please read the LICENSE file for license information
Please read the NOTICE file for credits information
Please finish reading this document (README)

After that open up the coffeeweb.ini file and start reading.  CoffeeWebServer
has an INI FILE documentation system.

Informational web sites:
Sourceforge release site:     http://sourceforge.net/projects/miniwebserver
GitHub release site: http://github.com/bozimmerman/CoffeeWebServer

src               : coffeewebserver source and "binaries"
keys	          : example fake invalid self-rolled ssl keys
root              : default html documents root
tests             : Some JUNIT tests for the web server
target            : You must have already built this thing with Maven, congratz!

1. Download and install a Java JDK 1.6 or better
2. Download and install Apache Maven http://maven.apache.org/
3. CD to root directory and enter:
	mvn package
	(binaries will be in target\classes and target\CoffeeWebServer-?.?.jar)

1. Build
2. Copy target\CoffeeWebServer-?.?.jar into the root install directory
3. enter java -jar CoffeeWebServer-?.?.jar

1. Build and Run
2. point browser at http://localhost/
3. point browser at http://localhost/formdata.html
	(this is for testing FormTesterServlet and multipart form parsing)
4. point browser at http://localhost/filestest.html with a browser
	(this is for testing MultipartFileWriter servlet and multipart form parsing)
5. point browser at http://localhost/ranged.txt with a Header of "Range: bytes=0-2"
   (this is for testing ranged requests)
6. point browser at https://localhost
   (this is for testing SSL)
7. point browser at http://localhost/helloworld
   (this is for testing HelloWorldServlet)
8. point browser at http://localhost/helloworld
   (this is for testing HelloWorldServlet)
9. point browser at http://localhost/log
   (this is for testing LogDumperServlet)
9. point browser at http://localhost/session
   (this is for testing cookie-based sessions)
10.point browser at http://localhost/stats
   (this is for testing servlet statistics)

1. Multiple concurrent connections
2. Support for arbitrary files in directory where server was started
3. Sample Servlets provided
4. Basic Servlet statistics
5. Basic HTTP/1.1 that works with IE, Firefox, chrome, wget, others?
6. Basic HTTP error handling for invalid and malformed requests
7. Proper I/O and thread resource management .. memory is mostly left to the VM. :)

1. Servlet Session support
	(though this is of little proper use without a built-in auth system)
2. Cookie support for servlets -- sessions are cookie based, in fact
3. GZIP output encoding support
4. File Caching supported 
	(with memory usage caps and timeouts enforced by the cache)
5. Range support for file serving
6. POST support
	(this was trivial, so I also did more stuff around this .. see next section)
7. HTTP/1.1 Keep-Alive/Persistent connections
    (did more with this too -- see below)
8. SSL Support 
    (I provided a sample KeyStore in the files directory -- I hope that doesn't count 
     as external configuration. )
9. NIO/nonblocking implementation

1. DEFLATE output encoding support (for Chrome at least -- I.E. doesn't like it one bit)
2. MIME type support that enforces Accept headers
3. Full support for the HEAD method
4. Multi-Part form support, including embedded multi-parts
5. Url-Encoded body/Url-Endoded Part support
6. Form-Data body/Form-data Part support
7. Support for Multi-Part variables, w/ special care to Files
8. Pipe-Lined Request support
9. Chunked encoding
10.Output throttling
11.Access logs

1. Setup your custom coffeeweb.ini or prepare a java inputstream of text equivalent to an coffeeweb.ini:
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    FileInputStream propStream = new FileInputStream(new File("mycoffeeweb.ini"));
2. Setup your own java Logger class, or use the built one.
    import com.planet_ink.coffee_common.logging.Log;
    Log.instance().startLogFiles("web", 2);
    Log.instance().setLogOutput("BOTH", "BOTH", "BOTH", "BOTH", "OFF", "OFF", "OFF");
3. Code this to initialize your configuration:
    import com.planet_ink.util.logging.Log;
    import com.planet_ink.coffee_web.server.WebServer;
    import com.planet_ink.coffee_web.util.CWConfig;
    CWConfig config=new CWConfig();
    WebServer.initConfig(config, Log.instance(), propStream);
4. Start the web server:
    import com.planet_ink.coffee_web.server.WebServer;
    WebServer webServer=new WebServer("My Web Server!",config);
5 . Enjoy -- it's running!
Source: README, updated 2014-09-16