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MinimPy2 is available for downloadt at:


Project name: MinimPy

Public access: Latest stable version can be downloaded from sourceforge at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/minimpy/
Latest developmental version may be checked out from the code resository as:
svn export https://minimpy.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/minimpy minimpy
Operating systems: Platform independent
Programing language: Python 2.6 or 2.7 (http://python.org/download/) Higher versions are not compatible with PyGTK. PyGTK 2.x. The version must be matched against the installed python version.
Other Requirements: Windows users need to install GTK+ libraries  and GTK binding for python.as listed below:
	GTK+: http://www.gtk.org/index.php
	PyGTK 2.x: http://www.pygtk.org/
	PyCairo: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/win32/pycairo/
	PyGObject: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/win32/pygobject/
To make use of network sync functionality of the program, SVN (http://subversion.tigris.org/) and python binding for SVN (http://pysvn.tigris.org/) must also be installed.

To facilitate the installation of these requirements for Windows users it is recommended to install python 2.7 (http://python.org/ftp/python/2.7.1/python-2.7.1.msi) first, and then the so called all-in-one package for PyGTK and the related libraries. The latter can be downloaded from http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/binaries/win32/pygtk/2.22/pygtk-all-in-one-2.22.5.win32-py2.7.msi
Generally Linux users do not need these libraries and bindings, because they are already included in most Linux distributions. For other platforms please consult the related documentation regarding downloading, installation and running of python and GTK application.
After installation of these requirements (Windows) simply download MinimPy as a compressed file and extract it in you hard drive. Under windows you can run the application by double clicking the “minimpy.py” file in the extracted folder. You can make a desktop shortcut for this file for convenience. Running the program under Windows would cause the appearance of a dark command window underneath the main program window. This is benign and can be overcome by renaming the “minimpy.py” file to “minimpy.pyw”.
To run the application under Linux, open a terminal, go to the extracted folder, type and execute the following command at the command prompt:
$ python minimpy.py

License: Distributed under the GNU GPL v3. For full terms refer to: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

Source: README, updated 2020-11-09