Home / beta1
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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MyK4Panel11.panel 2014-10-18 660.4 kB
MyK1Panel1.panel 2014-10-04 456.0 kB
MyK4Panel9.panel 2014-09-29 602.3 kB
MiniakPanel_beta1.exe 2011-03-28 181.2 kB
Readme_Beta1.txt 2011-03-28 3.7 kB
Totals: 5 Items   1.9 MB 0
Beta 1

You have to choose at least a midi-in that has a route to your Miniak, else nothing happens (how can it :-)).

Essentially, you can real-time modify the params, "hear" the sounds on your Miniak.
If you like what you stumbled on, press "STORE" on your Miniak, and it will be stored.


Continue writing up reference manual, putting NRPNs/min/max/default in central doc.
Try to infer the "missing" NRPNs that ought to exist for other functionality (program name, setting arp/seq lens etc).

Add in sysex decoding (For patch, I have borrowed heavily from Bernard Escalles info on http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/alesis-ion/
files section. But there were some bugs/missing data).

I have written, in C++, decodes for sequences/arpeggios (95% complete).
I have written in C++, decodes for rhythms (85% complete).
Need to make some time to integrate these into this editor, but also will publish betas for these (when I have debugged them more)
so that others can use the decode in their own apps.

More testing.

This program was written to facilitate understanding of NRPNs and "strange" Alesis standard.
The intent was always to then use this information in deciding which hardware NRPN platform to buy (or decide
to build one myself). I chose the BCR2000 which I thought had a patch for -ve Alesis 14 bit format. But it looks like
it may not :-(
I may write a "filter" program for output from BCR2000 which, so far, I havent worked out how to encode -ve values.


Tab "Voices and Envs"

Env3 has Loop / Free Run in different order to other end

Tested and believe all NPRNs, ranges are ok on first screen (except documented below)

Tab "In-Filter-Drive-Out"

Test all NRPNs. I believe them to be correct.

Tab "Mod matrix"

Found and fixed bugs in the Mod Source/Dest/Level/Offset (I got out by one from Mod level 5 but seems ok now).

Tested first screen.


Tab "Voices and Envs"

Got wrong LFO sync rate (if fixed) ... just need to add it in and test (pretty sure these muddled like I did with SH params)

        // LFO1 -- need tap tempo button to affect rate.
        NRPNControllerId LFO1TempoSync = new NRPNControllerId(0x269, "LFO1 Tempo Sync", 0, 1);
        NRPNControllerId LFO1Rate = new NRPNControllerId(0x26a, "LFO1 Rate", 0, 24); // 0 1023 free? <---
        NRPNControllerId LFO1Reset = new NRPNControllerId(0x26b, "LFO1 Reset", 0, 5); //0 6
        NRPNControllerId LFO1M1Wheel = new NRPNControllerId(0x26c, "LFO1 M1 Wheel", 0, 100);

0x26a is clearly the fractional changes. 

(see the S/H Rate v Sync R for what I am missing)

FM type didnt seem to work, debugging if this is wrong NRPN or scripting error.

        NRPNControllerId FMDial = new NRPNControllerId(0x209, "FM Dial", 0, 1000);
        NRPNControllerId FM_Type = new NRPNControllerId(0x20a, "FM Type", 0, 5);

Arp Edit	-> dont do anything yet
Arp On 		-> dont do anything yet

Patch Request/Bank Request. Sends correct SysEx to machine, but havent work out what to do next.
But the Bank/Patch will send and change program (but you need to have set the bank/patch -- internally they start at sentinel
to say "I havent been set yet".

Tab "In-Filter-Drive-Out"

I noticed I am missing FX Balance!
Freq2 in relative mode (-4octaves to 4 octaves) is missing.

Tab "ModMatrix"

Need to disable track points if only 12 are used.
Also need to program in the default curves (ie if set to min, set them all to -100, max all to 100).
This is relatively simple -- just need to find the time to write down their "defaults" for a given set of points and mode.

In effect, one should consider this working in "custom" mode.

Source: Readme_Beta1.txt, updated 2011-03-28