Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.md 2014-04-22 2.8 kB
MCPSC_RC_1_0_0.zip 2014-04-22 4.4 MB
Totals: 2 Items   4.4 MB 1


NOTE: Its not an update package anymore, its the full RC1.0.0

Minecraft Private Skin Center - Manage your own private server skins with this PHP/MYSQL script

Its a PHP based CMS, players can register, login, upload, delete, edit their own skins.(it contains the latest Skincraft too for editing) Remember its in beta status there WILL be updates!! but it works great!

IN ORDER TO WORK WITH THIS SCRIPT YOU WILL NEED A HEXA EDITED MINECRAFT.JAR CLIENT FILE! Use Dirtty Joe or some java decompiler to do this. This script is works up to minecraft 1.7.2 In 1.7.2 the cloaks will not work! 1.7.6 and upper versions uses a new skin link method, so forNOW, you wont be able to use this system!

Current version: MC-PSC V1.0 RC1

Features: - WARDROBE(Currently only for skins) - Captcha Reg. Security - Multilanguage - Skin managing Per user(Everyone for Himself) - Cape upload download - Realtime, Webgl 3D Skin Viewer, where you can rotate and try how you will look like in the game :D - Skin Editor(Skincraft) - Server Checker - Session Based login system. - Anti SQL Injection Functions included.

WARNING! It uses webgl(For 3D graphics), only tested browsers are: Firefox, Chrome (Others are not supported by me so if you are using others and something is wrong dont bother to write me. I wont respond.)

NOTE: THIS RELASE SCRIPT IS NOT ANDROID COMPATIBLE!!! (Well it works, but not the webgl, so no 3d graphics, unless you install Firefox or chrome android version.)

Install: What will you need: WAMP/LAMP envrionment web server(Tested on both) Mysql, PHP, APACHE

  1. Make a database in mysql and Import SQL mineskincms_install.sql
  2. Edit config.php(instructions in the file)
  3. Add your skin and cape directory CHMOD 777
  4. CHMOD Wardrobes/ Directory for 777
  5. Set permissions 644 for config.php
  6. Edit your minecraft's .jar class files in hexa to your skin server. (in 1.5.2 the files are: aus.class, bfk.class, bfj.class, bjb.class)
  7. enjoy.

For Helping in hexa edit minecraft.jar; or in earlyer versions read this thread: http://forum.ragezone.com/f628/guide-new-method-lan-premium-893920/

Note: There is NO demo site(I have one up and running, but i dont give out my links since its a private server, so you will have to try or see pictures posted here) so dont ask it.

BUGS: If you upload a SKIN/CAPE you have to refresh the profil screen 3-4 sometimes to see the changes.

If in the wardrobe you do not select any file, the browser goes to white.

In Chrome the register page bit messy :D OK in firefox!

Future features in development: - Profil page to change password - Better Page Control. - Permissions system - Admin Panel(currently it does not have any)

Source: README.md, updated 2014-04-22