Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README 2012-02-24 993 Bytes
memovix-src.zip 2012-02-24 65.7 kB
memovix_libs.zip 2012-02-24 3.4 MB
memovix.zip 2012-02-24 3.5 MB
Totals: 4 Items   6.9 MB 0
File memovix.zip contains binaries needed for execution.

Just unpack it and on Windows execute file run_en.bat (or run_ru.bat for interface in Russian).
Note, Java Run-time environment shall be installed on computer!

On Linux one may use run.sh, but the command line is different. It should be

./run.sh Memovix my.db en

Here my.db is the name of the database file that should be used
(will be created if necessary).

The 'en' is the language of the interface to be used (English is default,
other available language is 'ru' for Russian). Of course, one may create
more convinient shell wrapper :)

If the default font is not good enough, one may use font_change.bat on Windows or

./run.sh FontChooser

on Linux to select more appropriate font. The sample text in the font selector is editable! 

Files memovix-src.zip and memovix_lib.zip contain things necessary for developing.
The "src" contains Java sources, the "lib" contains external jar files that provide
necessary functionality.
Source: README, updated 2012-02-24