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0.9.X 2018-08-29
README.txt 2018-08-29 25.0 kB
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MedGui Reborn Stable v0.098
- Fixed bad detection of file extenction (not low case) on compressed file
- Changed main MedClient server to speedvicio.ddns.net
- Added favourites as folder selectable at MedGuiR startup (you must to close the GUI with favourites selected)
- Fixed thegamesdb search button
- Swapped thegamesdb games scraper link to (temporany) legacy website 
- Added missing system on TGDB - Search rom info
- Fixed detection of java runtime in any circumstance on win 10 
- Fixed a bug detected any times, on wrong "force_mode" parameter passed on Mednafen
- Fixed a bug on MedClient when a server is not pingable.
- Fixed a bug on MedInstR.exe, now can overwrite server list and uci correctly

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.097
- Fixed a bug for not saved faust and fast setting on win XP
- Others bugfix (I've lost track of)

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.096
- Try to fix any bug when a user input a new server adress on NetPlay section
- Increase the attemp when MedGuiR control an already Mednafen session opened
- Update vgmplayer to v 3.41
- Disabled save setting for "Put data to server" in MedClient section
- Updated 7z.dll to the last critical bugfix

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.095
- Fixed a bug on Mednafen detection to prevent loop
- Added support for emu4crt mednafen fork (rename emu4crt into mednafen.exe)
- Changed Environment Variable setting, to remove it when others process will be recalled from MedGui Reborn.
- Remove the cd selection popup on M3U when a user save Mednafen setting
- Added the support to AmicoX player in ModLand Scraper to play ".mod…", ".s3m", ".xm", ".it", ".midi" chiptune file
- Updated MetroMed to make it compatible with last Mednafen release

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.094
- Added a error message when a user try to load an archive compressed in RAR5 format
- Added a VuMeter detection on About form (Only on Vista and upper OS)
- Added support for last Mednafen 1.21.0-UNSTABLE
- MedPad can change input with new convention used by last Mednafen release
- Clean a bit stdout popup to make more readable the specific Mednafen error

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.093
- Added RomHack/Translations download by link tab
- Added mirror on ModLand Scraper
- Fixed any bugs

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.092
- Fixed a Crash when you interrupt the firmware download
- Added automatic download of firmware at first startup
- Added MedPad (Mednafen Input Configurator) how appendix to MedGui Reborn
- Added the possibility to pass parameter to MedPad

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.091
- Saturn game on x86 will be opened how audio cd
- Added another pc engine bios sha on bios scan
- Added scrape for Pc Engine CD games
- Fixed missing .bin file on pre rom scan
- Added any missing chars on Scrape function
- Removed Xmplay and added fmod.dll to run audio module on about screen
- Fixed a problem with non downloadable content on medclient in any case
- Added Gd3 TAG for vgm and converted vgz to bin file
- Added autodetection of music name for more formats
- Fixed a bug with empty alias that cause a crash at MedGuiR startup

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.090
- Added the scan of folder containing cue, ccd file, now the user can perform a prescan for all cd image file contained into a folder
- Changed the way how medgui can detect genesis/megadrive file in bin format by reading the data in binary mode
- Recursive scan now "should be" more accurate
- Improved the speed for scan a entire games set
- Added a check to m3u creator to prevent same disk add
- When medguir detect a bad cue or ccd file, that point into a wrong binary file, will be open that file with notepad to fix it "manually"
- Added a function to auto creare memory backup (title) for problematic GBA games, it get the values from a database
- Rewrite again the per system and per config function
- Rewrite the routine that assign function key and special key
- Added the possibility to link a ip on netplay session with a alias
- Exchange DiscSn.dll with DiscTools.dll
- Added the autodetection of pc-fx games by the Asnivor DiscTools.dll
- Fixed incorrect chars on sega saturn database
- On saturn list, now will be detected the cd number for multiple cd games
- On "reset config" added clean for , Prescanned rom folder, BoxArt, Snaps & Titles, Scraped rom info
- On MedGuiR > NetPlay added a reference to MedClient FAQ
- A lot of bug fixes, thanks to Forsaken for the intensive test

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.089
- Fixed a bug with date format with different time zone
- Added a control to prevent upload of file greater than 10 mb on MedClient
- Added a function to clean all missing game from a prescanned list
- Added a option to rescan Custom Scan Folder
- Added the possibility to close MedGuiR if Mednafen process is already opened 
- Added a function to verify prescanned file, if there are missing file MedGuiR will prompt a message to delete it
- Added all supported resolutions by installed video card on video setting section
- Fixed and removed any website from the list of rom finder
- Removed others annoing popup when it is not necessary
- Added a new About window with all reference to people that help me in this project
- Added a function that control bad or empty Rom Path 1/2
- Added a button to unlock/reset on NetPlay section MedClient value

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.088
- Added a progress bar when the user perform a folder scan or load a prescanned rom set
- Now multi compressed archive file will be not extracted on RomTemp folder, but will be streamed and will be extracted only the file selected on the grid by the user
- Reduce too much the time of Preload/Scan Rom set
- Now non supported files by Mednafen or MedGuiR will be skipped with no more error
- On MedClient, now open file dialog purpose the selection of all file or the specific game
- Added a purge function for auto backup made by MedGuiR to preseve space
- fixed the question multitap on MedClient
- fixed the wrong detection of path of snes and pce roms when you load a faust_snes or pce_fast session on MedClient
- Removed psxt001z.exe and added DiscSN.dll (by Asnivor) to detect PSX serial number, now all psx will be detected (many Thanks to Asnivor to port the dll in net 2.0)

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.087
- Removed excessive and annoyng message when you start a psx game
- Fixed not saved "Famicom Expansion Port" parameter
- Added a new NoDesync preset for Famicom Expansion Port 4player/partytap
- Added new advice for disable multitap on Saturn and Nes module
- Fixed a bug that question at the user to disable the multitap on snes module when you select a nes module.
- Fixed the wrong Faust append text on Setting window when you open NES setting.
- Fixed a bug on load setting with alternative module (pce_fast/snes_faust)
- Added the possibility to save and read Port from List Server
- Added a button to reset all Mednafen and MedGuiR configurations
- Added Mednafen version and the appendix "ByUpdate" into backup config to detect easly the type of backup. 

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.086
- Added auto backup of mednafen config when a different MedGuiR is installed
- Rewrite the function that create a per system config and a per game config, now all parameter are stored in it
- Fixed a bug at startup that require the Ninckname input when mednafen-09x.cfg don't exist
- Optimized and clean a lot the code from repeated functions
- Added Gamekey and Password input text on advanced netplay menu
- Fixed a bug on automatic extraction of bios
- Options aligned with the last Mednafen version

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.085
- Added on advanced menu a rapid way to access on a online session
- Change a bit the code that manage advance context menu

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.084
- Fixed inverted control device in bsnes and faust module
- Now autodetect CD image function is a optional by user, in this way you can open a cd image with Mednafen player to listen the music 
- Added Import/Remove IPS Rom Patch on Advanced Menu 
- Added a function to backup .mcr save state when you play online

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.083
- Added auto-recognize of virtual image file (m3u, toc, pc-fx games and audio cd will continue to request type of media by iso selector).

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.082
- MedGui Reborn can accept "system folder" how parameter passed by MetroMed

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.081
- Fixed detection of Scrape for Genesis japan release
- Now MedGui Reborn can accept parameter passed by MetroMed

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.080
- Adapted the code to new NoIntro convenction (please rescan your collection)
- Change the link that point to my BoxArt server to the new domain
- Added a option on "popup menu" to import a boxart from a file
- Added a option on "popup menu" to open MetroMed modern GUI

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.079
- Added alternative server to download update and missing file in case main server is not avaiable.
- Added a more accurate control to prevent crash at startup GUI when any file are missing
- MedGuiR can create low res ico when "mico.exe" file is missing

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.078
- Added support for GameBoy Sound System (.gbs) by GBS2GB
- Added tag detection for .gbs file
- Added missing support for Sega32X, Game Gear and Master System BGM by VgmPlay
- Added a control to opened Mednafen session on startup GUI
- Added "Disable Multitap" Advice on faust module
- Added missing ledonscale parameter on virtual boy module
- Fixed empty value on first line of M3U creator
- Added Autoupdate at Startup Option for MedGuiR and Mednafen
- Fixed a problem with nes input configuration

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.077
- Added specific Shortcut for fast and faust module
- Added options from Mednafen
- Fixed random crash on shortcut creator

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.076a
- Now "right double click mouse button" on a game on list, open a menu to select the operation to perform (to open Advanced emu options, select the voice from this menu) 
- Added a function to create a desktop shortcut of selected game.
If a boxart exist, MedguiR take the respective image, convert it in icon format and assign it to the shortcut
- Changed the position of form at rom list refresh (it will not be centered at the desktop screen)

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.075d
- Fixed another bug at startup GUI when a joypad is not connected
- Added a control to verify Rom Path on NetPlay Tab
- On MedClient now Gamekey value is visible an the user can autoconnect to a opened netplay session without input it
- Removed from MedClient the Gamekey textbox
- Added a popup to remove Gamekey if it is set when you close a Netplay session

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.075c
- Added new options from Mednafen 0.9.43
- Small improve on MedClient

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.075b
- Added a control to manage error connection on FTP
- Autorecognize path of rom in MedClient if specified on MedGui Reborn Rompath1/2 section
- Added Mednafen version on MedClient grid
- Added a control to verify Mednafen version before start a netplay session to prevent version mismatch

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.075a
- Added a timer to auto refresh list of connected user
- Fixed any bug
- Added a popup at startup gui that invite user to close any opened Mednafen session before open the gui

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.075
- Added NetPlay finder (MedClient)
- Added snes_faust.input.sport1/2.multitap parameter from mednafen 0.9.42

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.074c
- Fixed problems with any parameters on snes_faust module
- Added missing cpu overclock parameter on pce_fast module
- Added Gamekey option on Netplay session (tnx Scall for suggestion)
- Added NoDesync profile for pce_fast module (tnx Scall for provide file)

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.074b
- Corrected Nick change on UCI (modified the original dll to correct a bug)
- Now you can pass all RAW command on UCI (not LIST command)
- Added scroll text for Game Name
- Another fix to recursive scan
- Fixed a problem to Mednafen version detection on pc with lower cpu

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.074a
- Fixed bios control on selection
- Autodetect of bios file and check if they are compatible with Mednafen
- Fixed "Transparency of otherwise-opaque mask areas" control value from -2/2 to 0/1
- Removed "psx.input.analog_mode_ct" value from NoDesync psx file

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.074
- Now MedGui provide to auto-download all essentials file to operate (internet connection is required)
- If Mednafen is not detected you can directly download last version of it from Mednafen official page
- Corrected various bug encountered during debug
- Other fix to UCI irc
- Solved a crash when a user input "localhost" on netplay list server
- Added a internal web browser (it's not enabled by default) called Med Browser based on ie, not support by default javascript
- Now Mednafen version will be verified at every MedguiR start or when you change the Mednafen path
- Autodetect all new options from next release of Mednafen
- Added a function to detect last Mednafen version available and added a option to download it
- Added right mouse click on a picture (boxart, title or snap) to delete it
- Fixed a bug when a game database is not recognized
- Fixed a bug when iso selector closed (double popup window)
- Correct how to recursive scan perform the work (now the scan is more reactive and should generate fewer errors)
- Improve the rom scan time

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.073
- Added a Playlist Audio Cue Generator (Now you can generate a audio playlist to load on Mednafen)
- Fixed a problem when a joypad is not attached at startup GUI
- Fixed a crash with Recent rom section
- Added NoDesync presets (it will be auto-enabled when you start a netplay session)
- Added custom GUI button assign for Joypad 
- Added Autodisabled Multitap option on a netplay session start
- Rewrite "ignore other port function" for joypad setting
- Fixed various bug
- Fixed PRIVMSG (/msg) command in Ultra Crappy Irc
- Updated MedInstR, now you can skip the overwrite of server list and irc channels list, and you can open the MedGuiR Changelog after install

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.072
- Another correction on Saturn game name detection
- Added Mednafen CD-Play module support
- Added any missing pce_fast option
- Fixed a crash on game start
- Now you can navigate into GUI with a compatible directinput pad (the function is very preliminary state) 
It use the Microsoft JOYINFOEX structure https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd757112(v=vs.85).aspx

Layout joypad reflect XBox controller:
D-PAD directions = Keyboard Arrow direction
A button = ENTER KEY
X button = SHIFT KEY (on list rom), SPACE key on GUI
Y button = F KEY (add to favourites)
B button = CANCEL KEY 
L button = BACK TAB KEY, on list rom swap rear 10 entries
R button = TAB KEY, on list rom swap next 10 entries
SELECT = Swap from list rom to upper Gui menu
START = Swap from list rom to Tabcontrol

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.071
- Fixed a crash on isoselector close
- Fixed a bug on delete after conversion on single audio conversion
- Fixed the blank value on abort of bios selection
- Added a control to verify if mednafen.exe exist on start emulation
- Fixed a problems with blank title string for game not detected on database
- Changed the MedguiR updater server

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.070
- Added a selectable number of cd for M3U maker
- Fixed a bug with CD detection occurred on last MedGui release
- Fixed a bug with single audio conversion
- Changed MedInstR (MedGuiR installer) to prevent erroneus installation message

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.069
- Better recognize of Saturn Game Region
- Fix a bug on mp3 to ogg/wav cue converter
- Mednafen - stdout.log windows now is full maximized
- More Clear categorization of Mednafen Errors on Mednafen - stdout.log windows
- Removed PSX CUE Renamer (now is not usefull)
- Rework on generic cue/toc creator, now work with all cd system supported by Mednafen (not PC-FX)
- Removed "Redump" button on Game utility

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.068
Already exist on v.0.067
- Added Snes Faust module options (rsn and spc will use this module by default)
- Added support for Sega Saturn game
New on v.0.068
- Autoswitch from Faust to BSnes for unsupported Special Snes Chip games
- Added a filter on "Rom filter" for Music file
- Added md5/sha1 check for any Mednafen bios
- Added ssfplay support
- Added auto-creation cue file for Saturn game
- Clean a bit the reported information on ChipTag
- Real name of Psx and Saturn games are now recognized on the fly

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.067
- Fixed console music format support
- Added Round-Trip Time of a server
- Added .rsn and .spc support
- Added two new custom dat for .rsn .nsf and .hes file
- Rsn file will be decompress on the fly
- Fixed random clear on recents rom/favourite rom
- Fixed don't working rom filter in any chase
- Another fix on MDM DATs Maker
- Small fix on Scanning rom function for rom with "[]" char
- Added mp3 option in CUE converter
- MedGui Reborn main form are now full sizable
- Added detection Chipmusic tag for nes, snes, psx and gba
- Added Scan folder on drag & drop
- Added RSN Song List form
- Added "recursive scan" option
- Added vgz, vgm Genesis/Megadrive sound support (the conversion will be performed on the fly by vgmPlay by Michael Stamper)
- Added ModLand Scrape (Chip Tune Downloader)
- Added icon for pccd_fast option

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.066
- Added Redump.org Cue Search
- Changed a bit psx Serial detection
- Changed sbi psx patch download Method
- Added any link on link section
- If you have carried out a scrape of a game , the next display of information will be offline
- Added "Force Scrape Update" option in TheGamesDB Scraper
- Fixed a conflict on NoIntro DATs and "Last Played Game/Favorites Rom" function

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.065
- Added support for .ecm file (the file will decompress by unecm.exe tool developed by Neill Corlett)
- Fixed another crash on Prescanned function
- Various bug fix
- Added rct option on GBA save utility
- Fixed any bug on GB Custom Palette Maker
- Fixed any bug on Recent Roms and Favorites Rom function

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.064
- Added Custom Path (Press right mouse button on "Folder button" to perform a prescan and add path to "Rom Path 2 Listbox" Tab)
- Fixed any random crash on Prescanned function

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.063
- Re-enabled Global Mednafen Setting button
- Added "Last Game Played" button (Press right mouse button to delete list)
- In UCI code fixed a problem with the user left channell
- Fixed another date visualization crash in thegamedb section 

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.062
- Changed the comparison method of uncompressed Rom from md5 to crc 
- Added message for unrecognized path file
- Added a check for update obsolete Scrape "xml" info from thegamedatabase site
- Added a link to Mednafen Guide
- Added a How-To tab for MedGuiR/Mednafen key shortcut
- Changed colour for selected game on the grid
- Added a check for single missing prescanned roms (Missing games will be crossed on the grid)
- In General tab removed "Don't Deleted rom temp" and add "Pop-UP Picture" Option
- "PopUp Picture" option zoom image on mouse hover on a picture
- Changed a bit the layout GUI
- Small fix in "Gameboy Custom Palette Maker"
- Fixed the missing order rom filter on online Dats update
- Auto clean Romtemp Folder at GUI exit

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.061
- Fixed a problem with crc rom with start with 0 or 00 value
- Added a preliminary cd image iso support
- Added summary Error.log for MedGui Reborn
- Added automatic popup stdout.log for Mednafen error

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.060
- Added snaps and title support
- Added "Snap Manager" section to rename .png snaps/file into a standard NoIntro name or CRC name format
- Changed Custom DAT Maker to make standard clrMame/NoIntro Dat structure
- Corrected any english translation issue on the GUI

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.059
- Bin file greater than 10 mb are recognized as an image file
- Added region detection for psx games
- Saved last nick name, server, port and channel on UCI chat at MedGuiR exit
- Added folder rom scan for 7zip and rar compressed file 
(the single selected file will be uncompressed on the fly on RomTemp folder, this operation will delete all previous extracted file on RomTemp folder)
- Added a icon to recognize "compressed/uncompressed/disc image" game
- Small fix

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.058
- Fixed redundant error if a prescanned .cvs is missing
- Added number of player on TheGamesDB scraper
- Added more filter to better detect of games from TheGamesDB
- Added a possibility to visualize cover in main form from pre cached scraped boxart
- Fixed date format on scraped info
- Fixed any warning in case of missing library
- Auto-Disabled any game utility if resources are missing
- Added auto-download of missing main library
- Now TheGameDB form are sizabled
- On PSX setting "Ignore other port" are checked by default

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.057 fix
- Finally bios files will not appear in the Game Grid List
- Fixed a bug that prevented RomTemp folder clean by any unnecessary files

MedGui Reborn Stable v0.057
- Fixed a jitter crash if network not avaiable
- Fixed the missing "&" chars on Game title 
- Cause of small freeze Net-Play Host are not verified at Setting load
- Added Game Info Scraper from TheGamesDB site
- Added a message if BoxArt are not avaiable on the server
- Fixed a crash on Sbi autopatcher
- Fixed a redundant scan on multiple file compressed with folder inside

MedGui Reborn Beta v0.056
- (UCI) Added clickable hyperlink
- (UCI) Added notification when a user type your nick
- (UCI) Added MyIP to main window (double click on label to send MyIP on IRC channell)
- Added "auto-connection at start" button to auto connect a instance of Mednafen game to a remote Net Play Host
- Fixed any random crash on prescanned roms
- Improved a bit the GUI behavior
- Re-enable .bin support for Sega Megadrive/Genesis rom (BUG: the bios console file are detected as Genesis/Megadrive Rom)
- Fixed a small bug on DATs scan roms
- Added "update for only DATs file" (press refresh/reload button in "general tab")
- Added favourite Net Play Host combo list
- Added a check to Net Play Host to verify if the selected server is available or not (green label are open, red label are closed)
- Rewrite auto setting of controller on port 1/2
- Added "ignore option" to disable auto setting controller on port 1/2
- Changed "Favourite button" (Press Again to Return to previous System)
- Added in link tabs, How-To hyperlink
- Updated NoIntro Dats


MetroMed Beta 07:
- Added Port input text on advanced netplay menu

MetroMed Beta 06:
- Added Gamekey and Password input text on advanced netplay menu

MetroMed Beta 05:
- Fixed a exception when any values was missing from Mini.ini
- Fixed a bug that reset console type string, when a user abort a selection of a virtual cd iso games on openfiledialog.

MetroMed Beta 04:
- Added 3 profiles (balanced, performance and quality) for cover animation
- Added auto-recognize of virtual image file
- Fixed resize of split panel

MetroMed Beta 03:
- Added animation cover on selected game
- When a prescan is not found MetroMed will propose direct scanning through MedGuiR
- At startup MetroMed will load the last opened console folder
- Fixed resize of cover when MetroMed main window is resized
- Any bugfix

MetroMed Beta:
- Added the ability to send path of selected game to MedGuiR

MetroMed Alpha 02:
- Added no preview boxart for the games without a cover
- Added a preliminary function to search a specific game
- Fixed a bug when you pass from small window to max windows on resolution of cover

MetroMed Alpha 01:
- Add the ability to scroll game info by mouse wheel on cover
- Corrected the position of Game name on top gui
- Unified the colors of fast and faust button to style GUI
- Removed PC-FX, SATURN and PSX buttons because MedGuiR at the
moment not implement the prescan function for virtual image file
- Added (temporarily) a Virtual image button to load virtual image file

MetroMed Alpha:
- Initial commit

MetroMed is a standalone "appendix" of MedGui.
You must to prescan, download boxart or scrape info of your rom collection from MedGui Reborn to use MetroMed.
MetroMed have all basic options to play a local or online session, you can always start MedGui from it to perform advanced session.
To start a game perform a double click on a cover, other operations are available by perform a right click mouse on the cover.
Source: README.txt, updated 2018-08-29