Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
MeasurementTool_1.0.0.0.iso 2019-05-18 707.9 kB
ReadMe.rtf 2019-05-18 1.5 kB
Totals: 2 Items   709.4 kB 0
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{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.17763}\viewkind4\uc1 
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc\ul\b\f0\fs52\lang9 : MeasurementTool - Instructions \ulnone :\par
\f1\fs24 Software Developed and Released by SBTOPZZZ \{Saumitra Topinkatti\}.\par

\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qj\b0\fs20 This software is used to measure the Realistic distances/lengths between two points (between two pixels) on the display. The measurement algoritms used are very accurate and hard-coded, to get the best out of it.\par
To use the app, launch the App, then click on "\b Start\b0 ", then a new transparent window is opened. A "\b Stop\b0 " button is visible to the Top-Right of the display, which goes back to the initial screen of the app. Now, tap Once and a small square will appear. The next tap will follow another Square, and the distance between the points(in centimeters, inches, millimetres). To clear the measurement, use the Right-Click of the mouse. Once measured, you can also Copy the value (\b Ctrl + C\b0 ), incase you need it. That's it!\par

\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qc If you have any trouble using the App, or facing any error or warning, contact me at \b sbtopzzz@gmail.com\b0 , or \b sbtopinkatti@gmail.com\b0 .\par
[\f2\ltrmark\b\f1 Sunday, \f2\ltrmark\f1 19 \f2\ltrmark\f1 May, \f2\ltrmark\f1 2019, according to Indian Standard Time\b0 ]\f0\fs52\par
Source: ReadMe.rtf, updated 2019-05-18