Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Build 15 2011-04-28
Build 14 2011-04-27
Build 13 2011-04-25
Build 12 2011-04-23
Coolio IRC.zip 2011-05-10 3.3 MB
Source Code.zip 2011-04-28 111.8 kB
README.txt 2011-04-23 1.6 kB
Totals: 7 Items   3.4 MB 0
Chat Server by TehGamer

Setting up a chat server could never have been easier! All you have to do is run the file Chat Server.exe, and it will begin listening
for incoming connections on port 8220. There are two types of clients: Op clients and Regular clients. Regular clients can only
become Op clients if they know the Op password (the default is password)

Every time a client leaves, they are degraded to regular clients. All activity is logged, with a date and time in a nice, crisp, clean way
so it's easy to know who said what to who and when.

The Chat Server.cfg is required to be in the same directory as the Chat Server.exe file. In the Chat Server.cfg, there are 4 lines:

     //Everything here IS case sensitive, so if you change 'Channel' to 'channel' you will get errors!
     Channel: Chat 101
     Message of the Day: Welcome to my Chat Server!
     Password: password

Everything is easily modifiable, so there is no hassle. If no Server.log file is present, the server will create one (in the same directory
as the Chat Server.exe is located.

To use the client:
First, type in a username, and then, choose an IP (which should be given to you by your chat server host.) If you are connecting
to the server on the same network as the server, you will need your internal IP address (run Command Prompt and type 'ipconfig'
If you are connecting from another network, your server host will need to have forwarded Port 8220 and told you their
EXTERNAL Ip address, which can easily be determined if the host goes to a site like Whatsmyip.com.
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-04-23