Home / Maxima-MacOS / 5.41.0-MacOSX
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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Maxima-5.41.0-VTK-macOS.dmg 2017-10-27 471.6 MB
readme.txt 2017-10-27 1.7 kB
Totals: 2 Items   471.6 MB 4

This version of Maxima is very different from earlier version (before 5.40.0).
Maxima.app is a standalone binary of Maxima on macOS.  It includes Maxima, 
Xmaxima, wxMaxima, and dependencies.  Dependencies are many softwares which 
are necessary to execute Maxima, Xmaxima, and wxMaxima.  They are Gnuplot, 
Tcl/Tk, VTK, wxWidgets, AquaTerm, SBCL, rlwrap, and so on.  They were compiled 
with MacPorts on macOS 10.6.8.

The Maxima.app is made up of two parts.  
One part is an AppleScript application which launches Maxima.  It wraps shell 
environment variables in AppleScript.
The other part is the software of Maxima which is compiled with MacPorts.
So you don't need any shell environment variables.

"Maxima-5.41.0-VTK-macOS.dmg" is a compressed disc image file which includes 
the Maxima.app.
The Maxima.app includes the following:
  gnuplot-5.0.6 (with aquaterm, wxWidgets, and XQuartz)
  vtk-6.3.0 (with python)
  tk-8.6.7 (with XQuartz)

I expect the Maxima.app will run on macOS 10.6.8 or later.  
But I checked that it ran on macOS 10.6.8 and 10.11.6.

You have to install the Maxima.app into your "Applications" folder.
Because Maxima depends on the directory "/Applications/Maxima.app".

Before installing the Maxima.app, you must read the file "ReadMe.rtf" included 
in the compressed disc image of Maxima.

Note: wxMaxima needs jsMath TeX fonts (TeX-fonts-10.zip).

Note: MacPorts is a system for compiling, installing, and managing 
      open source software.  <https://www.macports.org/>
Source: readme.txt, updated 2017-10-27