Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
MassGeotagger-0.78beta.zip 2014-06-29 5.3 MB
README.txt 2014-06-29 5.4 kB
MassGeotagger-0.78beta-src.zip 2014-06-29 913.0 kB
MassGeotagger-0.77beta.zip 2012-01-14 5.2 MB
MassGeotagger-0.77beta-src.zip 2012-01-14 813.9 kB
MassGeotagger-0.76beta.zip 2012-01-01 5.2 MB
MassGeotagger-0.76beta-src.zip 2012-01-01 531.5 kB
Totals: 7 Items   18.0 MB 4
MassGeotagger README file

Current version : 0.78beta
Author : pmourant @ sourceforge, anacreon_ [at] hotmail [dot] com
Site : http://sourceforge.net/projects/massgeotagger/
Licence : CeCILL_V2 for France, GPL v2 for the rest of the world. See the provided files for the content of the licence.

Since MassGeotagger is a java program, a recent version of Java has to be installed. It has been developped for Java 1.6 compliance.

Unzip the file, MassGeotagger is a java program designed to be launched directly by clicking on the MassGeotagger-x.jar if you have java installed. 
However the program can also be launched with the following command:
java -jar MassGeotagger-x.jar
This command is also available in the provided MassGeotagger.bat file.

Use cases
MassGeotagger is dedicated to setting geographic coordinates in jpg EXIF data. Thus, the minimum requirements are some jpg photos to locate. However this software has been made to handle large collection of jpg photos with gpx files containing GPS track logs in order to locate all photos after a first configuration step.
MassGeotagger has been initially made to handle the files produced by TrekBuddy after my honeymoon in japan an korea.

Typical use of MassGeotagger is
1. Select a photo file or a photo folder, select whether you want to recursively parse the folder then parse it.
The result of the parsing will be displayed in the result panel with thumbnail, file name, photo timestamp and coordinates.

2. If you have gpx files, select them and parse them.
The result will be displayed in the result panel as a set of points on a map, a list of the waypoint can also be selected.

3. Select the matching method. Different strategies can be used to locate all the photos, depending on the availability of gps waypoints.
With gps waypoints.
a. You know the time of the APN that took the photos and the time of the GPS device that produced the gpx file
Select the By Offset matching method.
Set the APN time and the GPS time, usually APN time is stored without timezone whereas GPS time is always with timezone since the gps track logs are saved as GMT time.
On any change, the interval is refreshed with the new value.

b. You don't know the time of the APN that took the photos and the time of the GPS device that produced the gpx file but you can identify the location of at least one photo.
Select either the By JPG and GPX Waypoint matching method or the By JPG Nearest GPX matching method. The first one lets you select one photo and a gps waypoint in the list of available waypoints, the second one lets you select one photo and its location on the map, the interval is deduced from these data.

Without gps waypoints.
Select the By User Input matching method.
When double clicking on the map, the selected coordinates are retrieved. If the Autoinsert coordinates checkbox is checked, the coordinates are automatically inserted in the selected photos.

4. Click on the Match button to match the selected photos with gps waypoints using the defined interval as the calcul basis.

5. Check on the map where your photos have been located by selecting the Viewer view in the View menu.

6. Return in the Matcher view to save your changes
a. Overwrite EXIF to write the coordinates of the selected photos directly in the photos.
b. New directory to copy the photos with coordinates in a new directory.
c. KML File to write the coordinates in a KML file, this file can be opened with Google Earth if it has been configured to access local ressources.
Click on the Write button.

- About
- Save as default : save the selected photo folder, the gpx file folder, the current interval, the coordinates format, the selected colors of the Viewer view and the selected language as default, these values will be loaded when the program is launched
- Save as ... : same action as Save as Default but with a specific filename, this file won't be loaded be default.
- Reload : reload the default configuration.
- Reload File ... : same action as Reload but the user is prompted to select the file to load.
- Exit : Exit the program.

- Degrees Minutes Seconds Reference : display coordinates as degrees minutes seconds reference.
- Decimal : display coordinates as decimal values.

Language, be aware that this value need a Save as default and a restart of the program to be taken into account?
- English
- Français

- Matcher : the main view, used to match photos with gps coordinates and save the data in EXIF tags.
- Viewer : this view lets you see on a map the location of the selected photos, and if gps waypoints have been loaded their location and the full track. 

Fixed bug in reading geotagged photo file, actual gps coordinates can be stored in different formats.

removed previous version main bug by redesigning MapPanel class to use the setMapMarkerList instead of loops of unitary addition or suppression. Added README.txt file.
Known bugs : when using By User Input matching method, a rounding error appears on the latitude value set in photos.

first revision that have been made publicly available.
Known bugs :  bug due to JMapViewer component that is not designed to handle mass unitary addition or unitary suppression of map markers. 
Source: README.txt, updated 2014-06-29