Home / Preview Builds / 2011-06-26
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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AlephOne-20110626.dmg 2011-06-28 12.5 MB
macgatherfix.diff 2011-06-28 1.3 kB
README.md 2011-06-27 3.4 kB
AlephOne-20110626.zip 2011-06-27 4.4 MB
AlephOne-20110626-MacWinSrc.xz 2011-06-27 8.7 MB
AlephOne-20110626.tar.bz2 2011-06-27 3.4 MB
Totals: 6 Items   29.1 MB 0

Aleph One 1.0b3

This is the third beta for the 1.0 release of Aleph One. Highlights for this release include many improvements to interface polish, Marathon 2 film support, OpenGL (Shader) improvements, and additional Lua accessors.

This beta release is network compatible with both previous betas and the previous stable release, with the exception of new Lua features and fixes.

Please see the release notes for beta 2.

Important Note for Mac OS X Users

Running beta 3 will transition your preferences file to ~/Library/Preferences/org.bungie.source.AlephOne/ . This means that if you subsequently run an older version, your preferences will be reset.

Important Note for Windows Users

Running beta 3 will transition your preferences file to C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\AlephOne in Windows XP, and C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\AlephOne in Windows Vista and 7. This means that if you subsequently run an older version, your preferences will be reset.

Additionally, new screenshots, films, and saved levels are now stored in C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\AlephOne in Windows XP, and C:\Users\username\Documents\AlephOne in Windows Vista and Windows 7. Aleph One 1.0 will not automatically transition old screenshots, films, and saved levels. You can transition them by copying them from your scenario prefs folder in to the new location after running beta 3 for the first time.

Changes since beta 2:

  • Mac OS X: fixed JPEG support (fixes TGI menu screen)
  • Fixed compressed textures on drivers without S3TC support
  • Don't let the user proceed to gathering if a valid level isn't selected in Setup Network Game
  • Log a warning rather than trying to parse missing MML files in plugins
  • Hosts can allow overlay map in net games
  • Fixed model lighting
  • Fixed FOV error in Limit Vertical View
  • Fixed perspective problems in OpenGL (Shader) projection calculations
  • Log an error when running a Lua script fails
  • OpenGL (Shader) now renders landscapes like OpenGL (Classic)
  • Fixed outstanding timing adjustment jitter compensation, should lead to smoother LAN and Internet games
  • Load Lua HUD when joining a saved net game
  • Apply correct cheat flags when joining a saved net game (should fix crosshair)
  • New API for resizing shapes to match OpenGL replacement images; see MML.html
  • Removed Gamma Corrected Blending option. None of the current assets are designed to use GCB, and its maintenance was deemed not worth the potential benefits
  • Bloom now always uses gamma corrected blending; if gamma correction is not available in hardware, it is emulated with shaders. This may cause a bloom slowdown on older cards compared to 0.23.2, but will result in consistent, high quality visuals.
  • Added timing adjustment logging for net games. I will post a thread to http://www.pfhorums.com/ with instructions on how to enable and submit net game logs.
  • Directory argument now takes precedence over ALEPHONE_DATA
  • Tweaked bloom filter
  • Switch to proper resolution before pre-level movies
  • Accept + and - for model side and depth_type attributes, as documented in MML.html
  • Log unhandled exceptions to Aleph One Log.txt instead of stderr
  • Transition Mac OS X and Windows preferences (see above)
  • Improve mouse code by making small rounding errors symmetric
Source: README.md, updated 2011-06-27