Home / TimeClock
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
TimeClock 3.0 2010-04-16
TimeClock 2.3 2010-03-18
TimeClock 2.2 2010-03-01
TimeClock 2.1 2010-01-19
TimeClock 2.0 2009-12-01
TimeClock 2.0rc2 2009-11-21
TimeClock 2.0rc1 2009-11-17
TimeClock 1.1 2009-11-07
TimeClock 1.0 2009-07-23
TimeClock 0.2 2009-06-26
Totals: 10 Items   0
EZPunch Standard

To install, simply drag the EZPunch Standard folder into your applications folder, or wherever you want it. On first run, it will ask you to create a new user. Operation is as simple as pushing the button to clock in, and pushing it again to clock out. Optional notes can be added with each punch. The program does not need to be kept running between punches.

For networked installs, you can either relocate the data file to a network share through the preferences (only good for small installations) or set up a SQL server. Both PostgreSQL and MySQL are supported at this time, although PostgreSQL is better tested, and as such recommended. A setup assistant is included to assist in initial setup of a PostgreSQL or MySQL database. However, should the database be mis-configured somehow, I will not be held responsible for any strange behavior that might occur, such as punches not being recorded, EZPunch Std crashing, your computer blowing up, or men from the loony bin showing up at your door. Hopefully, though, EZPunch Std will fail gracefully, and maybe even give you an indication of what the problem is :)

Alternately, you may wish to check out EZPunch Client/Server, which has a Client/Server design which should make network deployments much easier.

For more help see the documentation, visit the website at http://www.brewstersoft.com or e-mail the author at israel@brewstersoft.com

Change history:
5.9.8 (2/15/2016)
* Fix potential issue where settings may not be saved
* Prevent de-activation of only remaining admin user

5.9.7 (11/3/2015)
*Fix potential hang on launch if unable to read pay period start/end dates

5.9.5 (3/19/2015)
* Major internal overhaul
5.8 (4/20/2012)
* Fix SQL Error on startup when using non-sqlite databases
* Add user image support
* Rework login window
* Improved behavior when hiding dock icon

5.7.1 (4/11/2012)
*Only hide main window on launch if explicitly selected

5.7 (3/22/2012)
* New: Readfile system. Display messages for one or all uses on login or clock in/out
* New: Option to hide dock icon when menu widget is shown
* Improved: Added more options to menu widget
* Fixed: Overtime calculation when multiple punches occur in one day

5.6 (3/15/2012)
* New: Sandboxed
* Change: Integrate menu widget with main program (so sandboxing works)
* Improved: Reworked E-Mail report code to hopefully fix rare issues experienced by a few users
* New: view times on report as either decimal hours (current) or Hours and Minutes

5.5.1 (1/27/2012)
* Fixed "punch" style punch report

* Much improved report appearance
* Window size saved on close
* Use local date format
* Fix security bug

5.4.2 (10/7/2011)
* Improved iCalendar export
* Fixed bug in show total hours that could cause time worked to be tripled

5.4.1 (7/1/2011)
* Fixed all hours being shown as overtime in reports under certain situations.

5.4 (6/27/2011)
* Added E-Mail option to report (mail and Entourage)
* Added Show Group and Show Weekday Name option to report
* Username is shown on all report lines for that user, if selected

5.3 (5/20/2011)
* Added "Keep on top" option for punch window
* Users with no punches now show up in reports
* Fixed bug that could cause crash on PDF export in certain situations
* Fixed bug causing crash if attempting iCalendar export when user chose not to display user column
* Fixed empty iCalendar exports with 24 hour time format

5.2 (5/2/2011)
* Fixed bug introduced in 5.1 causing a crash when setting the menu widget to launch at login
* Fixed bug causing users to disappear after resetting their password.

5.1 (4/19/2011)
* Improved: Now accepts shifts crossing midnight
* Improved: Daily overtime calculations now properly account for two or more entries for a single day
* Improved: Better menu launching from app and app launching from menu
* Improved: Better handling of existing preferences file when upgrading from older version

5.0 (4/1/2011)
* Added: pay rate settings for user
* Added: Daily hours for user
* Added: Users can be marked as "admin" (no more global admin password)
* Added: Location setting - set a location in preferences to be recorded with each punch.
* Added: Menu bar widget - punch in/out using a menu widget rather than the application.
* Added: Overtime calculation on reports
* Added: Pay calculation on reports
* Added: Weekly subtotals on reports
* Added: User groups - run reports based on group (i.e. Accounting, ASL101, etc)
* Added: Logout option (user or all)
* Added: Auto logout/logout after punch options
* Improved: New user manager interface
* Improved: Combined report/export functions. Run a report, then save the output to disk in CSV, tab-delimited, PDF, or iCalendar format
* Improved: Admin users can now edit punches for any user
* Improved: Enhanced main window appearance.
* Improved: Redesigned preferences GUI
* Improved: Punch warning is now optional
* Improved: added "reset warnings" feature to show all optional warnings
* Improved: Preferences file now stored in preferences folder
* Improved: PDF export now offers option to change page size and orientation
* Fixed: Better dialog behavior
* Fixed: iCalendar exports now work for both 24 hour and 12 hour time formats

4.3 (3/9/2011)
* Added iCalendar export
* Added auto/manual backup and restore option for local databases
* Fixed MySQL connection timeout issues
* Added iCalendar (iCal, Outlook, etc) export
* Fixed data import from 4.1 and earlier.

4.2 (2/18/2011)
* Added ability to specify database name when using MySql/PostgreSQL backends
* Fixed dashboard widget for new data paths
* minor GUI tweaks

4.1.2 (2/16/2011)
*Fixed password storage to be compatible with MySQL

4.1.1 (1/18/2011)
* Windows release only
* Changes to make compatible with windows machines

4.1 (12/23/2010)
* Added: Option to verify user password on each punch
* Added: Select user from list to login
* Added: Choose pay periods as date range when exporting/reporting

4.0 (12/20/2010)
* Added accumulated hours display (based on pay period)
* Changed button color to indicate punch type
* Added user login option
* Added multiple punch warning for punches less than 15 minutes apart

* Export multiple users at one time
* Fixed verbiage on PDF exports to line up with export type (hours or punches)
* New check for updates feature
* Users are now properly sorted by name
* Note: Future versions will be 10.5 only. Sorry about this, but supporting 10.4 is becoming increasingly difficult as my development tools mature. Specifically, getting a cocoa build to work on 10.4. If anyone has access to a 10.4 development machine and wants to help with this, please let me know.

* Changed name to E-PunchClock Std to align naming with the client/server version and avoid potential confusion with other "PunchClock" products
* Tweaked new punch insertion to make it more logical
* Other minor changes

* Added new "Mini View"
* Added option to run a program/script on punch
* Added ability to open multiple punch windows
* Added "Display Date" option
* Added export hours option
* Changed export dialog to more closely match report dialog for consistency
* Changed to using Apple's help viewer rather than built-in webkit. This reduced the executable size by about 70MB
* Improved feedback on punch deletion
* Fixed bug where leaving TimeClock open past midnight would result in all punches being considered "in" until TimeClock was restarted
* Updated punch editor to separate punch date and punch time
* Set time rounding default to "off" to avoid perceived "stuck clock" syndrome
* Tweaked punch editor layout for better display
* Removed erroneous (but harmless) "Unable to update last user" prompt on first launch.
* Removed excessive precision- we only show minutes, so we should only record minutes.
* fixed export missing end date (should be inclusive)

* Fixed importing users from older versions

* Added 12/24 hour time format selection
* Added optional password protection for reports/exports
* Better handling of future punches
* Better synchronization between Application and Widget Preferences
* Fixed bug where clicking "Restore Location" in database preferences would not actually move the data file
* Improved database integrity checking and error handling
* User name changes can now be canceled

* Added ability to re-locate "local" data file, i.e. to shared folder or network mount
* Added SQL server data storage option (MySQL and PostgreSQL)
* New database setup wizard to assist with setting up the data structures needed for a MySQL or PostgreSQL database
* Combined punch editor and new-punch adder. The punch manager is now your one-stop-shop for all punch editing needs
* Added a user manager- you can now remove and rename users as well as add!
* Dashboard widget shows current user on front of widget
* Changing user in dashboard widget also updates user in Application
* Fixed bug where a future punch would cause all current punches to be the same type
* Added documentation

* Added password protection option to TimeCard editing

* Added note entry to punches
* Added data exporting (tab-delimited, CSV, or PDF)
* Minor gui tweaks/clean-ups

* Added Dashboard widget
* Minor GUI fixes

* Fixed crash-on-launch bug
* Fixed small bug that could lead to incorrect reporting if a user entered a custom "out" punch as the first punch of a day, and the last punch of the previous day was an "in"
* Added PPC support

0.1 - Initial Release. Features include:
* Simple, one-button interface for general use
* Punch editor and missed-punch entry.
* Report generator: Generate a basic punch listing report (one line per punch) or in/out report (one line per in/out pair with hours â"in" and total hours for report)
* Time rounding-option to round recorded time to nearest quarter-hour, as is typical for most businesses.
* Unlimited users

This program is free (as per the GNU license), but with donations gladly accepted if you find the software useful.

Contact Israel Brewster at israel@brewstersoft.com for more info/support.
Source: README, updated 2016-02-15