Home / PathfindingExtreme
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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nodenavigator_trackback_is_track_now.7z 2013-07-13 1.5 MB
nodenavigator_symmetric_astar.7z 2013-07-03 1.5 MB
nodenavigator_avoid_data_polymorphism.7z 2013-07-02 1.1 MB
README.txt 2013-07-02 1.7 kB
nodenavigator-pf-astar-working.7z 2012-12-24 1.2 MB
Totals: 5 Items   5.3 MB 0
Nodenavigator explores pathfinding in C++ on maps generated by the Lua map generator.

Requires make, SDL, freetype and SDL_ttf to compile.
As build environment, mingw (2012) was used.
A windows binary is provided, together with the required SDL.dll.

The windows binary to start is named "map2d.exe".
Initially, a circle is displayed as a test of the node setup.

The pathfinding demo is started by hitting the p key.
First the map is loaded, the next step is named "PF enter points".
You enter start and endpoint of the search by clicking twice in the map graphics, 
which will show a line marker. 
When you move the mouse over the map, the movement cost of each terrain is displayed.

After that, hit p again to start the pathfinding. Now "PF in progress" is displayed.
Also, the data to be displayed is switched to first level of pathfinding data.
The pathfinding data is displayed as a Moire pattern, where equal distances have the same color.

Hit p several times to generate some data.
Now hit 9 on the keypad to step through the pathfinding data.

The first level of data is the distance travelled.
The second level of data is the distance left to travel (underestimated).
The third level of data are the closed nodes.
The fourth level of data are the path pointers, which are closed and open nodes.
If you get lost, hit 6 on the keypad to get back to the map, which is data level 0.

Hit 6 on the keypad to get back to the map, or hit 3 and 9 to change the data level.

Now hit p again till it reads "PF complete". 

Now hit the keys 6, 9, 9 and 9 on the keypad. 
The white area now will contain the path that has been found marked in black.
Source: README.txt, updated 2013-07-02