Home / 5.4.0 / Tools Executables
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
lua-5.4.0_Win32_bin.zip 2020-08-24 406.6 kB
lua-5.4.0_Win64_bin.zip 2020-08-24 373.0 kB
lua-5.4.0_Linux44_64_bin.tar.gz 2020-08-24 226.1 kB
lua-5.4.0_Linux50_64_bin.tar.gz 2020-08-24 231.7 kB
lua-5.4.0_Linux54_64_bin.tar.gz 2020-08-24 232.7 kB
lua-5.4.0_Linux319_64_bin.tar.gz 2020-08-24 225.6 kB
lua-5.4.0_Linux415_64_bin.tar.gz 2020-08-24 230.8 kB
lua-5.4.0_Linux313_64_bin.tar.gz 2020-08-24 222.1 kB
README.tools.md 2020-07-08 1.7 kB
Totals: 9 Items   2.2 MB 12

Executables Downloads

Here you will find packages of the executables of the tools described in the documentation.

Available Platforms

Here is a list of packages and some details of the platforms where they were built:

  • Linux26g4_64: Ubuntu 10.04 (x64) / Kernel 2.6 / gcc 4.4 (GTK 2.20)
  • Linux32: Ubuntu 12.04 (x86) / Kernel 3.2 / gcc 4.6 (GTK 2.24)
  • Linux32_64: Ubuntu 12.04 (x64) / Kernel 3.2 / gcc 4.6 (GTK 2.24)
  • Linux35_64: Ubuntu 12.10 (x64) / Kernel 3.5 / gcc 4.7 (GTK 2.24)
  • Linux313_64: Ubuntu 14.04 (x64) / Kernel 3.13 / gcc 4.8 (GTK 3.10)
  • Linux319_64: Ubuntu 15.04 (x64) / Kernel 3.19 / gcc 4.9 (GTK 3.14)
  • Linux44_64: Ubuntu 16.04 (x64) / Kernel 4.4 / gcc 5.3 (GTK 3.18)
  • Linux415_64: Ubuntu 18.04 (x64) / Kernel 4.15 / gcc 7.3 (GTK 3.22)
  • Linux50_64: Ubuntu 19.04 (x64) / Kernel 5.0 / gcc 8.3 (GTK 3.24)
  • Linux54_64: Ubuntu 20.04 (x64) / Kernel 5.4 / gcc 9.3 (GTK 3.24)
  • SunOS511x86: Sun Solaris 11 (x86) / gcc 4.5 (GTK 2.20)
  • MacOS1011: Mac OS X 10.11 (x64) [El Capitan] / Darwin Kernel 15 / clang 7.0 (Fink GTK 2.18)
  • Win32: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (generated by mingw6)
  • Win64: Same as Win32 but for 64-bits systems using the x64 standard

More Information

For more information on the available download packages, see the Tecgraf/PUC-Rio Library Download Tips documentation.

For more information on the LuaBinaries packages, see the LuaBinaries Packaging documentation.

Source: README.tools.md, updated 2020-07-08