Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder 2018-05-29 144.0 kB 2018-05-29 140.3 kB 2018-05-11 260.6 kB 2018-05-11 338.0 kB 2017-06-26 143.1 kB 2017-06-26 140.1 kB 2017-06-26 224.0 kB 2017-06-26 223.6 kB 2017-06-26 225.4 kB 2017-06-26 296.1 kB 2017-06-26 289.8 kB 2017-06-26 289.1 kB 2017-06-26 291.9 kB 2017-06-26 229.4 kB 2011-12-21 2.7 kB
Totals: 15 Items   3.2 MB 0

Windows Libraries Downloads

Here you will find packages for Windows systems. Each package contains pre-compiled binaries for the specified platform.

In Windows, packages are associated with a compiler, because usually the library files are not compatible between compilers.

There are two major groups of packages for Windows. One containing DLLs and the other containing static libraries.

DLL packages contain dynamic libraries (.dll), import libraries (.lib), and include files (*.h). So they contain run time and development files together in the same package.

LIB packages contain static libraries (.lib) and include files (.h). They contain only development files.

Libraries are in the root of the package, and include files are inside an "include" folder.

Available Platforms

Here is a list of packages and some details of the platforms where they were built:

32bits Static Libraries

  • Win32_vc6: Static library built with Microsoft Visual C++ 6 (static RTL/single thread)
  • Win32_vc7: Static library built with Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1 (.NET 2003) (static RTL/single thread)
  • Win32_vc8: Static library built with Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0 (2005) (static RTL/multithread)
  • Win32_vc9: Static library built with Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 (2008) (static RTL/multithread)
  • Win32_vc10: Static library built with Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0 (2010) (static RTL/multithread)
  • Win32_gcc4: Static library built with Cygwin gcc 4.3  (Depends on Cygwin DLL 1.7)
  • Win32_mingw4: Static library built with MingW gcc 4.3
  • Win32_owc1: Static library built with Open Watcom 1.5
  • Win32_bc6: Static library built with Embarcadero C++ Builder 2010 / Embarcadero C++ 6 Compiler

64bits Static Libraries

  • Win64_vc8: Same as Win32_vc8 but for 64-bits systems using the x64 standard.
  • Win64_vc9: Same as Win32_vc9 but for 64-bits systems using the x64 standard.
  • Win64_vc10: Same as Win32_vc10 but for 64-bits systems using the x64 standard.
  • Win64_mingw4: Same as Win32_mingw4 but for 64-bits systems using the x64 standard.

Cygwin Libraries

  • Win32_cygw17: Same as Win32_gcc4, but using the Cygwin Posix system and also with a DLL and import library (this is built as if it was an UNIX system)

More Information

For more information on the available download packages, see the Tecgraf/PUC-Rio Library Download Tips documentation.

For more information on the LuaBinaries packages, see the LuaBinaries Packaging documentation.

Source:, updated 2011-12-21