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Readme.txt 2013-05-13 9.9 kB
LogCutter- 2013-05-13 399.5 kB
LogCutter- 2013-05-13 160.8 kB
Totals: 3 Items   570.2 kB 0 (2013-05-13)
#67 Bug: Minimum value of aggregate filter is incorrect.
#68 Bug: Aggregate matchers don't increment search result count. (2013-05-08)
#58 Bug: Column list on column tab is not cleared down
#62 Bug: Specifying multiple wildcard patterns for file filter doesn't work. (2013-05-07)
#3 Bug: Race condition resulting in zero matches when number of bytes to read is small.
#2 Bug: Displaying result list view items was not thread safe resulting in the following exceptions:
	System.InvalidOperationException: When in VirtualMode the ListView RetrieveVirtualListItem event needs a list view SubItem for each ListView column.
	System.ArgumentException: Source array was not long enough. Check srcIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds.
#1 Bug: Out of memory exception thrown when processing a large number of large files (~100 * 50MB) even though match count is low.
	Fixed by throttling the file read thread so that it just feeds the search thread.
Engine: Status message ‘Looking for file’ should read ‘files’. (2013-05-05)
Engine: Add ability to have different search sources.
Invoke garbage collection after search completion.
Engine: Moved finding of files into its own thread.
Engine: Moved reading of files into its own thread.
Engine: Performance enhancements. (2013-05-04)
Engine: Ability to specify regex parser pattern.
GUI: allow up to two parsers.
Bug: Applicatyion hang when sorting a column in the internal result viewer that contains both numeric and non-numeric values.
Engine: Allow matchers to work on aggregate results i.e. group by having count > 1.
Engine: Add a filter that allows duplicate values to be found.
Engine: Performance increase by using asynchronous progress updates to GUI.
Bug: Filter 2 could not be disabled.
Engine: Standard log4net parser now merges parsed date and time together for better sorting in internal results viewer.
Bug: Fixed default causing file sort order to be ignored. (2013-05-03)
GUI: Internal result viewer should allow parsed numeric Regex values to be sorted according to numeric value rather than as strings.
GUI: Add better exception dialog with copy to clipboard option.
GUI: Exception dialog should allow saving the exception to a file.
API: Add support for aggregate matchers i.e. group by functionality.
Engine: Add aggregate function: count.
Engine: Add numeric aggregate function: average.
Engine: Add numeric aggregate function: maximum.
Engine: Add numeric aggregate function: minimum.
Engine: Add numeric aggregate function: sum.
Bug: Selecting no parser does not remove parser fields from matchers.
Engine: Rename to LogCutter.
Bug: Searches all files in the input folder ignoring the input file filter. (2013-04-26)
Bug: Highlight profiles and rules should auto initialise if none have been configured.
Bug: Result writer crashes when writing arguments that have no highlight profiles.
API: Consolidated IParser and IMatcher interfaces.
API: Consolidated IRegexFilter and IMatcher interfaces.
GUI: Up to two matchers can now be chosen from the GUI.
Bug: When using a parser that can't parse every matched line the GUI freezes at the end of the search.
Engine: Now supports any number of matchers and parsers in any order.
Engine: Add ability to filter on any parsed field.
Engine: Add ability for parsers to operate on any field. (2013-04-17)
API: ResultWriter now decoupled from Arguments class.
GUI: Highlight matches in internal result viewer.
GUI: Add ability to save all rows of internal result view to a file.
GUI: Add ability to save selected rows of internal result view to a file.
GUI: Moved write all results to file menu option to Tools menu.
GUI: Moved write selected results to file menu option to Tools menu.
GUI: Add ability to copy all rows of internal result view to the clipboard.
GUI: Add ability to copy selected rows of internal result view to the clipboard.
GUI: Add Search button as accept button handler (Enter button).
GUI: Add Cancel Search button as cancel button handler (ESC button).
Engine: Assemblies now signed with strong name.
Engine: Assemblies now marked as CLS compliant.
Engine: Implemented inclusion strategy in ini config file serializer.
Bug: Result sorting in internal result viewer doesn’t work.
GUI: Default input file sort for basic search should be filename ascending.
Engine: Included data counts in progress reports.
Bug: Input folder history adds new items to the end and deletes excess entries from the end so older ones are kept and newer ones are lost.  This needs to enqueue new items to the head and remove excess from the tail.
GUI: Internal result viewer should show alternate lines in different colours.
Bug: Changes to basic input controls should be immediately reflected in the advanced controls and vice versa.
GUI: Removed group boxes from advanced tabs.
GUI: Move parser onto its own ‘Parsing’ tab. (2013-04-03)
GUI: Add option to not use internal result viewer.
Engine: Progress update percentage now doesn't include a file until its been processed.
Engine: Changed progress report percentage to be based on total search size rather than file count.
Engine: Add in-file progress updates.
Engine: Results are displayed in internal result viewer at regular intervals if batch not fulfilled.
Engine: Change group names in log4net parser to be more readable with regard to spaces and capitalisation.
GUI: Add ability to sort based on any output column in internal viewer.
GUI: Fix flicker when displaying lots of results in internal viewer.
GUI: Add option to display only filename in internal result viewer (or a relative path if file is in a subfolder of the root search folder). (2013-03-28)
Engine: Add switch to choose whether to print line numbers in output.
Engine: Add switch to choose whether to print file summaries in output.
Engine: Add switch to choose whether to print file start notification in output.
Bug: Fix defect where clicking the Cancel button before a search has started displays an InvalidOperationException.
Engine: Add feature to display x lines before a match.
GUI: Add About dialog listing assembly versions.
GUI: Add release notes to About dialog.
Engine: Add feature to display x lines after a match.
GUI: Add internal result viewer.
Bug: Fix Bug causing a ThreadAbortException to be displayed from the SearchResultHandlerCommand when cancelling a search using the internal results viewer.
Engine: Add time till search completion to progress update.
Bug: Input 'Recurse' checkbox doesn't resize properly with form.
GUI: Basic arguments pane for simple searches.
Bug: Matching 'Case Sensitive' checkbox doesn't resize properly with form.
Bug: Matching Regex filter text ComboBox doesn't resize properly with form.
Bug: Results 'Open Output' checkbox doesn't resize properly with form.
Bug: Fix Bug where results are still written to output file when external viewer argument is not selected.
Bug: Fix Bug where results files is still opened when external viewer argument is not selected.
Bug: Fixed Bug with multiple input filter masks only matching files that match all masks instead of any mask.
Engine: Add ability to use any matcher as an input file filter.
Engine: Add ability to support line parsers.
Engine: Add log4net line parser.
Bug: Fix Bug where 'use basic settings' setting isn't being persisted across application sessions.
GUI: Add all parsed fields as output columns of internal viewer.
Engine: Regex matcher should add any matched groups to the line output.
GUI: Add ability to write the internal viewer results to a file. (2013-02-22)
Engine: Separated search engine into its own assembly.
Bug: Fixed Bug causing app to crash on start-up if settings file was missing.
Engine: Added equals regex filter.
Engine: Added greater than or equal to regex filter.
Engine: Added less than or equal to regex filter.
Engine: Added first unique regex filter.
GUI: cleanup.
Engine: Added support for text matchers as regex filters
Engine: Add switch to choose whether to print arguments in output.
Engine: Added argument defaults for when there are no previous settings to load.
Bug: Fixed Bug in XML setting serialiser.
Bug: Fix defect where a cancelled search displays an error dialog for ThreadAbortException twice.
Bug: Fix defect where a failed/cancelled search still opens the results file. (2012-10-02)
Engine: Add ability to turn off external result writing.
Engine: Add ability to turn off internal result writing.
Engine: Added ability to only show files in results that have matches.
GUI: Refine button to switch output file to input file and increment output file name.
Engine: Regex filter groups filled in.
Engine: Allows multiple semi-colon delimited input folders to be specified.
Engine: Allows multiple semi-colon delimited input filters to be specified.
Engine: Added XML serialization of settings.
Engine: Optimise events by initialising them.
Bug: Fixed missing method exception when running on .NET 3.5.
Bug: Fixed defect where cancelled searches sometimes don't re-enable the search button.
Engine: Generic ini file serializer.
GUI: Grouped the arguments on screen.
Engine: Added regex group filter.
Engine: Added ability to restrict the number of files processed at start of list of end (using a negative value).
Initial release.
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2013-05-13