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                              LogArch v1.1
  LogArch is an utility allowing to archive log files produced by enterprise server
applications. A typical example is a java enterprise web application, involving
http server, web-services processing, database jobs and utilizing log4j library.
Most applications cut log files by time intervals or by maximum size to prevent 
infinite growing then add some suffix to file name. This process is called log
rolling and causes producing a series of files like this:
or cut by hour:
or cut by size:

Theese files require much space to store and most users use scripts to delete or 
compress them as they are highly redundant. LogArch does exactly this allowing
to analyze date suffix and group files using it as a key. An extracted suffix could
be added to archive name to group files by application and date.
Modern archivers like WinRar and 7-Zip usually achieve high compression
rates for text files allowing to store log records history with almost no extra

* Install Java SE runtime (java 6, 7, 8 or later)
* Install archiver software (ex.Winrar)
* Unpack LogArch_1.1.zip into desired installation directory

Installation directory should now contain the following subdirectories:
  * lib
  * log
  * etc
LogArch.jar is a main executable file
Settings.cfg is a default configuration file example

                           Configuring LogArch for your application
    Edit example Settings.cfg file supplied (this example could be later restored by
running LogArch with --get-settings key).
Configuration file is case-sensitive JSON file. Be careful not to change file syntax
or application will refuse to load it.

First check WinrarPath parameter, it should point to Winrar.exe executable:
    "WinrarPath": "c:\\Program files\\Winrar\\Winrar.exe"
Backslashes are used as escape symbols so should be doubled.

Now configure archive file creation jobs in "ArchiveJobs" array. Each job
produces an archive file as an output and needs the following basic parameters to
be specified:
    "FilesPathSource" should point to a directory where your external application
stores logs.
    "logNames" is an array that stores file names. The name could include variable
date suffix, that will be parsed by LogArch.
NOTE: This version (v1.1) supports only date suffix, which goes after file name.
Suffix format could be configured with "DateFormatForLogFiles" parameter:
    "DateFormatForLogFiles": "yyyy-MM-dd-hhmmss"
In order to keep some most recent files uncompressed specify number of days
in "ArchiveOlderThan" parameter.
The name of resulting archive should be set in "ArchiveFilePath" parameter:
"ArchiveFilePath": "d:\\my_running_system\\my-logs-<DATE>-arch.rar"
A name or path of archive file may contain variable date suffix marked with
<DATE> tag.
Date format for the arhive file name suffix could be configured with the
following parameter:
    "DateFormatForLogFiles": "yyyy-MM-dd.hh"
This parameter also sets grouping. This example shows setting for creating
separate archives for log files which are changed every hour or more frequently.
Grouping is supported by every minute/hour/day/month/year but not every 2,
3, etc. minutes/hour/days/months/years.

Configuring the built-in scheduler is optional and will be described in next
revisions. By default built-in scheduler is disabled by setting "StartScheduler"
parameter to false:
 "StartScheduler": false

                             Running LogArch
    Basic command to start application is presented below:
java -jar LogArch.jar --settings Settings.cfg

LogArch will read the configuration file specified, check "FilesPathSource" 
directories for files matching "logNames" filter and not within
"ArchiveOlderThan" days interval. The archiver with the appropriate command
line will be started to create an archive file if any uncompressed/undeleted are
found during this check.
If the built-in sheduler is not activated application will exit after the archiver
ends job. The default configuration tells the archiver to test archive and delete log
files if the test passes.

To stop the application running in scheduler mode use:
java -jar LogArch.jar --stop
Source: README.txt, updated 2015-04-09