Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
LibppGam.tar.gz 2015-02-05 10.8 kB
README 2015-01-21 1.3 kB
Totals: 2 Items   12.1 kB 0
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Please if you use this library reference to Phys.Rev. D90 (2014) 12, 123014 (astro-ph/1406.7369), "Parametrization of gamma-ray production cross-sections for pp interactions
in a broad proton energy range from the kinematic threshold to PeV energies"
by Ervin Kafexhiu, Felix Aharonian, Andrew M. Taylor, Gabriela S. Vila

The full documentation for this library will be ready soon.

Download the file LibppGam.tar.gz and unpack it (tar -xvf LibppGam.tar.gz)

The folder contains: 
1) LibppGam.f is the Fortran version of the library
2) LibppGam.py is the Python version of the library
3) LibppGam_Matlab.tar.gz is the compressed version of the library written in Matlab


Explanation on how to use this library will come soon...

Source: README, updated 2015-01-21