Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Readme.txt 2023-02-23 51.2 kB
Kodachi-Log.txt 2023-02-23 49.7 kB
kodachi-8.27-64-kernel-6.2.iso 2023-02-22 3.1 GB
kodachi-8.27-64-kernel-5.4.231.iso 2023-02-22 3.0 GB
kodachi-8.27-64-kernel-5.4.231.iso.sig 2023-02-22 536 Bytes
kodachi-8.27-64-kernel-6.2.iso.sig 2023-02-22 536 Bytes
Kodachi-hash.txt 2023-02-22 2.0 kB
Totals: 7 Items   6.1 GB 1,867
# Linux Kodachi change log Written by Warith Al Maawali  
# (c) 2023 Founder of Eagle Eye Digital Solutions
# http://www.digi77.com
# http://www.om77.net
# Discord channel https://discord.gg/KEFErEx
# Twitter http://twitter.com/warith2020
# Linkedin http://www.linkedin.com/in/warith1977
# Kodachi  OS/Software/Code are strictly protected by LICENSE terms at /home/kodachi/LICENSE
# script starts here:

# Notes: 
1- Please do not mass download with Kodachi VPN we need to enjoy low latency and remember you are not alone to enjoy it!
2- I post all Kodachi announcements on Twitter @warith2020
3- Always check the website for new instructions on every new release
4- Please donate to the project my life/pleasure/age is being wiped by this OS to reach up to this level!

# Milestones:
1- I tried my best to get Encrypted persistence to work but Ubuntu has removed it from casper were Debian based distros can have it because its based on and running live-boot but Ubuntu uses casper let us hope they put it back.
2- I tried to move to Ubuntu 20.04 but Python deprecation was a hassle for me to continue so I continued with 18.04.6 for now bare in mind that 18.04 support is still valid for Ubuntu and it should reach end of life by April 2023.
3- Riseup VPN uses Ipv6 this makes DNScrypt TOR DNS, and torrify non functional I will try to find a solution in future releases.

Version 8.27: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS 
6.2 is the latest kernel is set as default for downloads & has no dkms support
5.4.231 stable kernel supports Broadcom NIC
System: 64bit
Release date: 22.02.2023
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Kernel upgrade
! System packages update + Openssl + Syncthing + Crypto wallets + Tor browser
+ Added Pico crypt application
+ Added new bookmarks on Kodachi browsers + plugins update
+ Added one new wall paper 
! Random hardware id is on by default and status added to conky
! Fixed a bug with ip locator within the Dashboard GUI changed
! Fixed a bug with folder shreding within the Dashboard
! Fixed a bug with BTC balance checker within the Dashboard
! Fixed and repostioned items on conky
! browser.disableResetPrompt was set to true  
- Demonsaw chat removed EOL

1.Better get the fresh ISO instead of Dashboard upgrade 
2.This should be stable release before we move to Debian.

Version 8.26: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS 
Kernel: 5.4.217 &  6.0.1
System: 64bit
Release date: 13.10.2022
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Kernel upgrade
! System packages update + system upgrade

1.Better get the fresh ISO instead of Dashboard upgrade 
2.This should be stable release before we move to Debian.

Version 8.25: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS 
Kernel: 5.4.212
System: 64bit
Release date: 6.9.2022
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Added new bookmarks on Kodachi browsers
! System packages update + system upgrade


Version 8.24: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS 
Kernel: 5.18.11
System: 64bit
Release date: 14.7.2022
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Kernel upgrade from  5.18.4 to  5.18.11
! Fixed IPv6 bug if disabled system will enforce it to be disabled on startup
! System packages update + system upgrade


Version 8.23: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS 
Kernel: 5.18.4
System: 64bit
Release date: 16.6.2022
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Kernel upgrade from  5.4.0-112 to  5.18.4
! System packages update + system upgrade


Version 8.22: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS 
Kernel: 5.4.0-112
System: 64bit
Release date: 16.5.2022
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Kernel upgrade from  5.4.0-110 to  5.4.0-112
+ Added new bookmarks on Kodachi browsers
+ Tor browser and session messenger updated
! Fixed a bug while minimizing Kodachi Dashboard yous see 2 icons
! System packages update 


Version 8.21: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS 
Kernel: 5.4.0-110
System: 64bit
Release date: 28.4.2022
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Added Whisker menu to application menu
+ Added feature to change fonts color on Dashboard
! Dashboard bug fixed with periodic tasks timer
! Sphere borwser fix
! Apparmor fix disabled notifications
! Kodachi bookmarks modified new web wallets and online OTP
! Themes bug fixed now we have few more themes and icon sets


Version 8.20: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS 
Kernel: 5.4.0-108
System: 64bit
Release date: 21.4.2022
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
! Steam not installing fixed 
! Fixed TOR issue with Apparmor 
! System packages update 
! New icon themes
- One of the mixers was removed from Kodachi browser bookmarks

Version 8.17: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS 
Kernel: 5.4.0-108
System: 64bit
Release date: 20.4.2022
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Added Steam installer just run: 
sudo bash ~/.kbase/steaminstall 

! Fixed TOR issue with Apparmor ignore the Apparmor message TOR should work now
! System packages update 
! Few scripts were fixed
- One of the mixers was removed from Kodachi browser bookmarks
- Kernel downgrade from  5.16.19 to  5.4.0-108 

Version 8.16: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS 
Kernel: 5.16.19
System: 64bit
Release date: 10.4.2022
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Kernel upgrade from  5.16.9 to  5.16.19
+ Added encrypt swap feature on the Dashboard
+ Added periodic features on Dashboard - Settings
+ Added new predefined profiles on  Dashboard - Settings 
+ Added process killer on  Dashboard - Settings
+ Added NetHogs on system monitor section of the Dashboard
+ Added new bookmarks on Kodachi browsers + redundant plugin removed 
+ GUI spinners added to the Dashboard
+ Added Apparmor extra tools and profiles 
+ Added panic script placed on XFCE panel
+ Added Warrant Canary on the OS /home/kodachi/LICENSE
! Dashboard will run once only
! IPV6 options is more stable on Dashboard
! Settings will be auto saved on Dashboard quit
! System packages update 
! WPA error fixed
! Improved script control on dashboard
- Xpra removed
- Exif cleaner removed
- Broadcom sta dkms removed and replaced with bcmwl-kernel-source  

Note 8.16: Next major release could be based on Debian or MX Linux tell me what do you prefer via Discord or twitter


Version 8.15: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
Kernel: 5.16.9
System: 64bit
Release date: 14.2.2022
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Kernel upgrade from  5.15.1 to  5.16.9
+ On Kodachi Dashboard - > Panic room you can now disable Hardware ID and replace it with a random fake ID ( Users request)
+ Added Metamask plugin on Firefox  (Only on fresh ISO)
+ Added Bitwarden plugin on Firefox to replace Myki (Only on fresh ISO)
! Fixed Kodachi Dashboard font issues
! Tor browser updated (Only on fresh ISO)
! System updated
+ Added the following bookmarks on Firefox (Only on fresh ISO):

Version 8.14: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
Kernel: 5.15.1
System: 64bit
Release date: 8.11.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Kernel upgrade from  5.14.14 to  5.15.1
+ Added Chameleon plugin on Firefox replaced agent switcher (Only on fresh ISO)
+ Added Bluetooth manager (Only on fresh ISO)
! Tor browser updated (Only on fresh ISO)
! System updated

Version 8.13: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
Kernel: 5.14.14
System: 64bit
Release date: 26.10.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Kernel upgrade from  5.14.8 to  5.14.14
+ Added panic repair and restore on last menu of cairo dock (Only on fresh ISO)
+ Added kodachi dashboard to system toolbar (Only on fresh ISO)
! System upgraded to linux-firmware_1.201
! Monero wallet updated (Only on fresh ISO)
! Tor browser updated (Only on fresh ISO)
! System updated

Version 8.12: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
Kernel: 5.14.8
System: 64bit
Release date: 29.09.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Added a button on VPN tab on the dashboard to show the expected Kodachi VPN IP when you connect 
! Dashboard update is via system terminal now
! Fixed issue were ssh keys were regenerated after the update 
! Improved VPN connect disconnect process
+ Added achievements on About tab on Dashboard
+ Tools folder added on Kodachi browser bookmarks 
+ Addresses tools added on Crypto Kodachi browser bookmarks 
! System upgraded to linux-firmware_1.200
! Nvidia drivers updated to 470
+ Kodachi Dashboard added on Desktop  
- Removed https://ethblender.com/ from bookmarks and added new onion site 

Version 8.11: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
Kernel: 5.14.2
System: 64bit
Release date: 09.09.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Upgraded from Ubuntu 18.04.5 to 18.04.6
! Improved settings backup/restore on Dashboard now you can export and import to any location
! Improved VPN connect disconnect process less time
! Dashboard will restore automatically if json file was accidentally deleted
+ Added video guide URL on Dashboard - About
+ Added download Kodachi ISO on Dashboard - About
+ Added verify  Kodachi ISO on Dashboard - About
+ Added remote files restore on Dashboard - About
+ Added onionmail.org to mail Kodachi browser bookmarks


Version 8.10: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.13.12
System: 64bit
Release date: 22.08.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Kernel upgrade from 5.13.7 to 5.13.12
+ Added enable terminal commands history feature
+ Added Hash info on about tab 
! Security bug fixed 
! Dashboard improved 
! Fixed network trouble shoot on startup 
! Fixed bugs on Dashboard GUI 
! Fixed Kodachi Terminal on Dashboard
! Shutter icon was put back on cairo menu
! System and few apps were updated to latest
- Junk files removed ISO is smaller in size
- Forced DNS on conky replaced with Auto DNS recovery

Version 8.9: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.13.7
System: 64bit
Release date: 01.08.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Kernel upgrade from 5.13.4 to 5.13.7 
+ Added update/upgrade progress window
+ Added export/restore settings 
! Fixed TOR bug
! Reduced dashboard timer to 10000 ms from 20000 ms
! System and few apps were updated to latest including messengers and crypto wallets

Version 8.8: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.13.4
System: 64bit
Release date: 23.07.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
* This is a security update to fix kernel security vulnerability recently announced here https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-33909
+ Kernel upgrade from 5.13.2 to 5.13.4 
+ Added feature to enable/disable syslogs  
! DNS script improved
! Fixed saving method on Kodachi Dashboard all json values are auto saved without the need of save button
! Fixed font size bug

Version 8.7: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.13.2
System: 64bit
Release date: 19.07.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride
+ Kernel upgrade from 5.13 to 5.13.2  
+ Added Password change feature into Kodachi Dashboard
+ Added UDP traffic blocker + clear firewall rules into Kodachi Dashboard
+ Added WiFi scan feature in Dashboard  > Panic room
+ Paninc room and About tab redesigned
+ Dashboard version added on about tab
! Fixed wifi issue in some Broadcom devices
! Score set to 50 to give you green shield on Panic Tab instead of 60
! Disable RF will notify a message if no devices found
! VPN age bug fixed if +24 hours
! Few drivers updated
! Fixed a bug on RiseVPN auto switch DNS 
! Fixed typo on about tab
! Fixed VPN age on screen display information
! Rise VPN renamed to Riseup VPN
! Updates scripts modified now includes kernel auto upgrade


Version 8.6: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.13
System: 64bit
Release date: 01.07.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Smooth ride

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.11.16 to 5.13 (Update available on fresh ISO only)
+ Rise VPN added to the list of free VPN's that users can connect to
+ Lynix hardening and compliance tool added in Panic room
+ json.log reduced from 10 MB to 2 MB SSD life saver (Update available on fresh ISO only)
+ rsyslog was disabled SSD life saver (Update available on fresh ISO only)
+ System journal limited to 50 MB SSD life saver (Update available on fresh ISO only)
+ Keepass theme changed to dark  (Update available on fresh ISO only)
+ GRUB entry for old LAN names biosdevname=0 was added (Update available on fresh ISO only)
+ New bookmarks https://simpleswap.io/  https://anonfiles.com https://mail.tm/en/ deepl.com/translator to Kodachi browsers (Update available on fresh ISO only)
! Fixed few typos on tray menu  :p
! Fixed Kodachi VPN sentence on Kodachi Dashboard 
! Fixed a bug on DNS manual editing 
! Fixed a bug where if network is disabled Kodachi complains of no internet
! Fixed and improved auto update script now it will verify sha512 before accepting the updates from the website
! Fixed few bugs on Kodachi engine
! Kodachi Dashboard updated + Full system apt update
! Few application where updated (Update available on fresh ISO only)
- Disabled discord redirection when banned

Version 8.5: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.11.16
System: 64bit
Release date: 22.04.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Game changer

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.11.14 to 5.11.16 
+ Now from 8.5 you can update Kodachi (Patches) without downloading fresh ISO for live and installed modes long time requested feature here we go :)
+ More drivers support for Nvidia + ALFA AWUS1900 + AWUS036ACH + nouveau-firmware + xserver-xorg-video-nvidia + linux-firmware
! Full system update + MyMonero wallet
! Solved a bug where Kloak was running on background and some keyboards would stop functioning  
! Dashboard UI improved
! Country locator bug on Dashboard fixed
+ Torrent IP leak website checkers added on bookmarks
+ XMR donation address and QR code added to dashboard

Version 8.4: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.11.14
Kernel: 5.4.67 LTS
System: 64bit
Release date: 16.04.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Game changer

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.11.10 to 5.11.14 I will also provide an ISO with kernel 5.4.67 for those who have issues with latest kernels
+ Now you can connect to new Kodachi VPN nodes with TOR end enabled ( You get new TOR IP each time you connect to those nodes so you VPN ip is hidden as well gift for anonymous dudes and pen testers :)
+ Now you can set the watched ip on VPN tab to auto update it self
+ Keystroke anonymizer kloak was added and you can control it from panic room	
+ Now you can update TOR circuit with a click of a button
+ Quad9 uncensored DNS added 
+ Adguard DNS added
+ Wifi Radar was added this will detect ALpha devices
+ iommu=soft boot parameter was added to installed grub
! Fixed kernel information display error on Dashboard
! Fixed Dashboard freezing issue
! Fixed your own vpn has kodachi word replaced with config
! Fixed a bug where top information area expander could not be hidden
! Online check script improved
! BTC balance checker improved	
- Replaced Onion circuits with TOR circuits NYX very cool app try it

Version 8.3: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.11.10
System: 64bit
Release date: 30.03.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Game changer

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.11.8 to 5.11.10
+ Kodachi health status on Dashboard updated
+ Kodachi Dashboard tray icon updated with torrify and health status
+ iommu=soft boot parameter was added to legacy and UEFI boot fails safe options
! AMD Ryzen blank screen fixed (Pending confirmation from users)
! Bug fixed were TOR and torrify had always the same country id
! APT sources bug fixed
! Bug fixed when disabling TOR remove tick on torrify check box
- Dashboard timer moved to panic room
+ System , TOR browser and session messenger were updated
+ Digi77 server has been moved to new server with latest updates
+ 2 extra VPN nodes were added to Kodachi VPN list

Version 8.2: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.11.8
System: 64bit
Release date: 22.03.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Game changer

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.11.7 to 5.11.8
+ Now Kodachi can automatically spoof your MAC each time you connect to new VPN
+ Now Kodachi can change your system time based on the new ip and timezone that is changed based on the IP address.
+ New MAC spoofing button was added if you needed to manually spoof a new MAC address
+ GeoIP DB updated 
+ Few packages update

Version 8.1: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.11.7
System: 64bit
Release date: 19.03.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Game changer

+ Few packages update
+ Sphere browser is back
! Fixed a bug where installation fails on some systems
! Dashboard Tor selection bug fixed
! Conky version display bug fixed
+ New bookmarks on search in Kodachi browser
- Kodachi browser start home changed to new search engine Metager
! Fixed few Kodachi scripts

Version 8.0: 
Based on: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.11.7
System: 64bit
Release date: 18.03.2021
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Game changer

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.9.8 to 5.11.7 
+ Kodachi has new brand with new logo,wallpapers + Dashboard and system monitor.
+ New Dashboard with amazing unique features that you will never see in any other OS I leave this for you to explore!
+ Now you can automatically change your system timezone based on your new ip :)
+ You can have fake hostname for your system!
+ You can see Kodachi source codes all shell scripts in Kodachi system monitor 
+ You can see/monitor all type of system logs in Kodachi system monitor
+ You can generate passwords with Kodachi
+ You can verify all kodachi files sources and system files with s single click :)
+ You can disable wifi bluetooth RF and block USB devices with single click 
+ VPN , DNS TOR , Panic room management has totally changed 
+ 6 typed of kill switched were added ! By process by ip by VPN by DNS ! with sound alerts :)
+ Now you get warned if your security score is low
+ Full system update
+ Opensnitch firewall this is a powerful firewall try it
+ Right click on any files will give you more features like digest gpg encryption openssl encryption ..etc
+ Exif cleaner app added
+ New exit country nodes for TOR total of 36 :)
+ Aid,GTKhask verification tool installed
+ Vbox guide on kodachi website	added
+ New media codecs installed
+ Timezone added to conky
+ Kodachi browser threat maps was added + fast swap ob crypto currency bookmarks
+ Shellcheck for geany was added
! Swap issue after reboot was fixed
! Null country on some ips was fixed
! ip = ip not visible fixed
! Bandwidth warning limit increased to 100 GB and 200GB shutdown for shutdown
! All local common variables that are stored in local json file have been moved to a remote json.
! Tor browser guarded node changes on reboot now not fixed anymore
! Ip country resolve has been improved for non available records   
! Torify script improved   
! Conky information windows set to transparent  
! Ping VPN nodes before connection disabled
! Systemhealth script improved
! Fixed right menu wipe option    
! Bash command history disabled 
! Postfix bugs fixed 
! lz4 bug fixed
! Terminal slow launch fixed
! Synthing same permanent id issue solved new id will be generated after boot up 
! Mullvad does not need ipv6 to be enabled this was fixed
! DNScrypt is only allowed via dnssec now
- Reduced number of icons on bottom menu most of options moved to Kodachi Dashboard	
- Sphere wire Thunderbird signal gimp openshot-qt snapd Xnview Bettergram removed by this I saved 400 MB on the iso size

Version 7.6:
Based on: Xbuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.9.8
System: 64bit
Release date: 14.11.2020 
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Stable

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.9.2 to 5.9.8 
+ Full system update
+ Session messenger , Tor browser, Firefox plugins , Ghacks updated
! Kodachi tag changed from: Simplifying anonymity to Security simplified

Version 7.5:
Based on: Xbuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.9.2
System: 64bit
Release date: 30.10.2020 
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Stable

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.9.1 to 5.9.2 latest and first OS on distrowatch to deploy 5.9.2 :)
+ New wipe feature was added to instantly wipe logs on Panic room -> System logs and info - > Option 9
+ Full system update
+ Mymonero updated
! Apt sources tweaked
- Fcitx removed not functioning properly

Version 7.4:
Based on: Xbuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.9.1
System: 64bit
Release date: 23.10.2020 
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Stable

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.8.0-23 to 5.9.1 some hardware were not compatible with 5.8.0-23
+ Firefox + Signal + Tor browser update
+ Added new information on panic room system information

Version 7.3:
Based on: Xbuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Kernel: 5.8.0-23
System: 64bit
Release date: 20.10.2020 
Tag: Security is the chief enemy of mortals.! | Tag line by William Shakespeare
Code name: Stable

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.4.0-42 to 5.8.0-23
+ Full system update 18.04 to 18.04.5 LTS
+ Added Demonsaw 
! Fixed Tor browser issue
! Fixed SSH key generation
! Conky performance fixed
! Menu bug fixed
! VPN config files updated
! Mymonero, Electrom , Wire , Xnview , Veracrypt, Session messenger and full system update done
- Replaced Nano with Ublock Origin on browsers
- Removed online installer it caused issues when live image is too old
- Removed Tor redudancy from /home/kodachi/.local/share/ 

Version 7.2:
Based on: Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 5.4.0-42
System: 64bit
Release date: 03.08.2020 
Tag: Use Kodachi OS or be in the land of insecurity! | Tag line by J.D
Code name: Defeat

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.4.0-33 to 5.4.0-42
+ Full system update
+ Added session messenger ( One of the best secure messengers)
+ Added Steghide-GUI now you can hide your text messages encrypted in jpg or wav ..etc  files!
+ Added pci=noaer to grup options for error prevention
+ Few icons changes
+ Threema web added to bookmarks
! Conky improved and refresh timer reduced
! Yandex DNS moved to lower position
! Fixed bandwidth message length issue
! Fixed onions share update issue
- Replaced Kodachi browser ip lookup plugin
- Replaced Riot with Element

Version 7.1:
Based on: Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 5.4.0-33 
System: 64bit
Release date: 25.05.2020 
Tag: Use Kodachi OS or be in the land of insecurity! | Tag line by J.D
Code name: Katana

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.4.0-26 to 5.4.0-33
+ System update
! Fixed model for DNS if system is Torrified without VPN
! Fixed Tor enable with or without VPN scripts
! Few conky labels changed
- Removed empty link for Ring application

Version 7.0:
Based on: Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 5.4.0-26 
System: 64bit
Release date: 25.05.2020 
Tag: Use Kodachi OS or be in the land of insecurity! | Tag line by J.D
Code name: Katana

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.0.0-27 to 5.4.0-26
+ Added FDN DNS
+ Added Next DNS
+ Added Cloudflare Family malware and adult content filtering
+ Added Neustar Family malware and adult content filtering
+ Added exfat file system support
+ Added Enigmail plugin for Thunderbird
+ Added Tilix
+ Added USBGuard
+ Added USBKill
+ Added proxychains
+ Concky improved new display items like Torrify ip/country and font size
+ Added MPV player
+ Added new options to Ip source control and sys logs scripts
- Jaxx wallet remove
- Exoduse wallet removed
- Xelcore wallet removed
- Bisq exchange removed
- Tox chat removed
- Ring chat removed
- VLC removed
- Full system update
- Removed Tenta and Fourth estate DNS / slow and dead
- Kodachi browser changes
	- DuckDuckGo plugin removed
	- Disable JavaScript removed
	- BP Privacy Block All Font and Glyph Detection replaced WITH trace
	- Canvas Defender replaced WITH trace
	- Canvas Blocker replaced WITH trace
	- AudioContext Fingerprint Defender replaced WITH trace
	- Adnauseam added
	- uBlock Origin replaced WITH Nano Adblocker
	- CSS Exfil Protection Added
	- HTTPZ Added
	- Privacy Badger and Privacy Possum removed
	- Added Buster
	- Discord link added
	- MYKI plugin added
	- anonymousspeech link added to mails
	- ctemplar.com link added to mails
	- restoreprivacy link added to privacy bucket
	- Added get.webgl.org to Security check to test WebGl
	- Added WebGL Fingerprint Defender plugin
	- Public IP Display replaced with My Public IP plugin
	- Kodachi settings json added to browser	
! Fixed VPN <-> Torrify to VPN -> Torrify on screen score status
! Fixed i2p now is working
! Proton VPN moved to location 5 of VPN lists
! Fixed light browser spelling mistake
! Fixed Bisq wrong place on XFCE menu
! Fixed onion sites not working with Kodachi browser
! All scripts have been changed and improved to work with json
! All settings were moved to a single file json
! Casper,dkms and geoip were updated from latest Ubuntu release with kernal 

Version 6.2:
Based on: Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 5.0.0-27 
System: 64bit
Release date: 25.08.2019 My birthday :p
Tag: Use Kodachi OS or be in the land of insecurity! | Tag line by J.D

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.0.0-19 to 5.0.0-27 
+ Added Bisq decentralized exchange
+ Added custom DNS script
+ Added wicd network manager
+ Added system logs information
- Removed mac changer from startup
- Check for updates set to never (Reduce bandwidth usage)
- Full system update
- Removed shadow over dock windows Windows manager tweaks -> compositor -> Show Shadows Under Dock Windows
- Bleach bit settings changed to overwrite data
- Touch pad update
! Solved wifi not connecting for Mac and Broadcoms.
! Modified power settings
! Mac changer, storage ,memory scripts improved
! Enable Disable network interfaces script improved
! Updated Firefox plugins + bookmarks
! If system is live then stop unattended-upgrades service
! Reduced kodachi firefox profiles in size and quantity
! Ip verify script improved
! Improved overall performance

Version 6.1:
Based on: Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 5.0.0-19 
System: 64bit
Release date: 27.06.2019
Tag: Use Kodachi OS or be in the land of insecurity! | Tag line by J.D

+ Kernel upgrade from 4.19.0-12 to 5.0.0-19 
+ Added Zelcore Wallet 
+ Added Sphere anonymous browser
+ Added Remmina remote tool
+ Added simplescreenrecorder
+ Added Riot chat
+ Added Tox chat
+ Added Zswap swap compression tool
+ Added XnView 
+ Added IP verify on security services
+ Added Mullvad VPN service
+ Added Mullvad DNS
+ Added 3 new profiles for kodachi browser (Light,Loaded,Noscript, and Ghacks profile)
+ Added Firefox plugins (Privacy badger,Decentraleyes,Multi Account containers,AudioContext finger printing,Private bookmarks,Do not track me google,Searchonymous,NoScript,LibreJSCanvas Defender,PeerName)
+ Added new bookmarks on Kodachi browser
+ Added BTC donations balance now u can see how much Kodachi has received in donations live on the screen!
- Conky performance improvement lsof  to lsof -n
- Memory tools will now show you keyboard status as well
! Fixed a bug where VPN password will be rejected if it contains letter $
! Fixed few DNS bugs

Version 6.0:
Based on: Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 4.19.0-12
System: 64bit
Release date: 09.02.2019
Tag: Use Kodachi OS or be in the land of insecurity! | Tag line by J.D

+ Kernel upgrade from 4.18.0-14 to 4.19.0-12 (Big jump)
+ Storage tools added now you can 
1) usb persistence (capsper-rw) for kodachi
2) usb encrypted persistence (capsper-rw) for kodachi ( waiting for ubuntu to allow this with capser boot!)
3) usb persistence for other os kali/parrotos/tails yes with one click !
4) usb encrypted persistence for other os kali/parrotos/tails
5) mount storage device as read only (forensic)
6) wipe disk free memory
7) nuke luks encrypted storage device
8) add additional swap file
9) encrypt swap files yes! with one click!
10) display advance disk information
+ Memory tools kept all in one place now you can
1) Normal memory clean
2) Force memory clean
3) Memory wipe
4) Memory wipe then shutdown
5) Memory watch

+ New app Stacer linux tuner
+ New app Grsync files sync 
+ Now with Tor you can exclude 14 9 or 5 eyes countries with a single click https://www.privacytools.io/
+ Added Tor obfuscation
+ Added luks nuke feature for storage devices not only the OS !
+ New grub items to help assist your boot like: Terminal boot, Full OS on Ram , forensic mode , fail safe, and Old NIC names eth0 for networking names
+ Added Safe box feature in Kodachi with a single click you can encrypt entire directory on the fly!
+ Added Quad 9 DNS to the dns list
+ Added wmctrl DuckDuckgo command line search tool
+ Added few essential tools like lupin-casper, mesa-utils, update-notifier, xbrlapi, xfpanel-switch and speech-dispatcher
+ Added buttons to disable or enable network cards
+ Added buttons to enable or disable system swap 
+ Few more security related bookmarks were added to Kodachi browser
- muf was set as default pdf viewer
- Icon auto arrange button was added on left tool bar
- Information display shows faster on start up 
- Now you can see Tor excluded countries, swap encryption, on information display
- Ping speed on information display changed from google to cloudflare
- Exudos , Electrom wallet , Tor browser and many more packages were updated
- Thermald was removed some pcs had issues with it
! Many code changes to improve and fix bugs operational scripts
! Kodachi kill was improved to avoid wiping mounted devices don't try it :p
! Gui was tuned a bit with icons arrangement

Version 5.8:
Based on: Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 4.18.0-14
System: 64bit
Release date: 21.01.2019
Tag: Simplifying Anonymity

+ Kodachi has new green look :)
+ Kernel upgrade from 4.18.0-13 to 4.18.0-14
+ Added My Monero Wallet
+ Added Electrom BTC Wallet
+ Added Keepass XC (keepassx keepass2 replacement)
+ Added Double Commander ( Krusader Gnome-commander replacement)
+ Added Gimp
+ Added Mu Pdf
+ Added Thermald
+ Added Voko Screen
+ Added Qalculate
+ New screen info look
+ Ping speed on screen
+ Now you can hide the screen infro with single click
+ Bandwidth info on screen
+ Gateway info on screen
+ Ping speed for each connection to VPN on windows popup
+ acpi=off on grub menu for old pc support
+ Bandwidth monitor on panic room
- Removed Inkscape
- Removed Blender
- Removed Pcmanfm
- Removed Krusader
- Removed Gnome-commander 
- Removed Waterfox browser (Trying to minimize the size of iso)
- Removed Iridium browser (Trying to minimize the size of iso)
- Removed keepass2
- Removed keepassx
! Set Viewnior as default image viewer
! Modified right side panel
! Modified Icons theme
! Fixed a bug when connecting to Kodachi ip the wrong country is displayed on popup window
! Renamed VPN names for better viewer
! Modified some bookmarks on Kodachi browser
! Fixed a bug where you can't toriffy if force VPN traffic is on
! Now auto login is disabled if Kodachi is installed
! Fixed few other bugs on the scripts 
! Few packages were updated including office Exudos Jaxx Wire Signal ..etc 
! Online installer was put back make sure when you install Kodachi you don't change the user name or scripts will fail!
! Bandwidht warning if you exceed 2 GB to 4 GB of Kodachi VPN bandwidth fair BW for everyone  to enjoy

Version 5.7:
Based on: Debian 9.5 Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 4.18.0-13
System: 64bit
Release date: 01.01.2019
Tag: Simplifying Anonymity

+ Proton VPN welcome to Kodachi users now can use free or paid version of ProtonVPN
+ Boradcom drivers added
+ Bettergram added (Telegram replacement)
+ Feature to increase decrease screen font size (conky)
+ Feature to auto adjust screen font size (conky) based on screen resolution
+ Feature to control forced temp DNS
+ Feature to show open local ports
+ Gmerlin video codecs added
+ tlp added for bettter power management
+ noapic  added to boot grub options for old pcs
+ Now you can see live btc,xmr price on your screen display (conky)
+ Added new privacy bookmarks to Kodachi browser
- System, Exodus, Jaxx Waterfox updated
- Telegram removed
! Improved all scripts that work with interface cards including network boot and mac changer
! Screen conky redesigned to save space on lower resolution screens
! Fixed nuke issue if password doesn't match then quit
! Printer cups , force DNS , Nuke , System encryption status where added to screen display (conky)
! Fixed scoring test script now nuke is counted along with system encryption
! Fixed printer cups disable script
! Fixed bug with FSlint search utility shortcut was wrong
! Fixed bug with Internet force via VPN script
! Some other system bugs were fixed including permissions and tor start delay

Note: For those who had Broadcom, Internet connectivity or graphic cards issues hopefully this version has them fixed

Version 5.6:
Based on: Debian 9.5 Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 4.18.0-13
System: 64bit
Release date: 15.12.2018
Tag: Simplifying Anonymity

+ Nuke system Yes Kodachi can be nuked with a single button! Check website for more information
+ USB persistence support! Tested and it works Check website for more information
+ Light locker settings
+ Startup Disk creator
+ FSlint search utility
+ Force temp dns on and off feature
+ Printer cups port 631 on and off feature
+ Force memory cleaner 
+ Memory watch  
+ Performance tab in Firefox
+ New kernel updated
- Removed duplicate action buttons
- Super key assigned to left keyboard super key
! Fixed performance issue was there since 5.3 
! Fixed network applet showing twice
! Fixed right menu thunar directory size calculator
! Modified memory script
! Fixed typo mistake with myownvpnauth.txt
! Fixed Torified shell sudo error message
! Fixed and improved screen display fonts

Version 5.5:
Based on: Debian 9.5 Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 4.18.0-12
System: 64bit
Release date: 05.12.2018

+ Security modeling with scoring system
+ Now you can Torify entire system! Oh Yes I am serious I made it!
+ Kodachi has custom terminal with security info!
+ Hide.me VPN welcome to Kodachi 
+ TOR DNS added (Users request)
+ Nord DNS added
+ Censurfridns added
+ FreeDns added
+ Display of total ovpn files downloaded
+ Test speed any VPN provider nodes
+ Option to enable/disable ipv6 (Users request)
+ Option to enable/disable auto login
+ More ip retrieval urls.
+ VPN,ipv6,auto login,FW info with changes on screen display
+ Kodachi browser has canvas finger print blocker 
+ Kodachi browser blocks fonts finger printing
+ Kodachi browser has new security check sites with blockchain bookmarks
+ Confirmation window before wiping kodachi script is executed
+ New kernel updated
- Google DNS removed (Users request)
- Hostname in live iso changed to LIVE-OS (Users request)
- Background image changed
! Fixed bugs with ovpn files download of Nord and VPNGate
! Fixed kodachi browser bugs now binance works :)
! Fixed many bugs if I name them you won't use earlier version :p
! No hard coding kodachi name on scripts all based on variables (Users request)
! Increased file limit and placed open files counter on display screen
* I have put plenty of hours to improve the code so almost 80% of the code was altered hence version jump from 5.3 to 5.5 

Version 5.3:
Based on: Debian 9.5 Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 4.18.0-11
System: 64bit
Release date: 21.11.2018

+ Added Jaxx wallet
+ Added VPNGate free VPN service 
+ Added NordVPN Paid VPN service 
+ Added VPNGate profiles download - Daily updated twice
+ Added NordVPN profiles download - Weekly updated
+ Added Ghacks privacy tweaks for Kodachi browser profile better footprint online
+ Added VPN port and protocol on display screen
+ Added ISP IP information on display screen
+ Added Cups printer link on Kodachi browser local bookmarks
+ Added Synaptic software manager
+ Added Print manager 
+ System packages update
- Kodachi based on Firefox again as Waterfox does not support onion urls
! Fixed bug when using own VPN
! Fixed other scripts to make Kodachi more stable

Version 5.2:
Based on: Debian 9.5 Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 4.18.0-11
System: 64bit
Release date: 13.11.2018

+ System packages update
+ Few more URLS on Kodachi bookmarks
! Fixed critical issue on Exodus wallet to force new address on every boot for live ISO
! Fixed persistence install for UEFI now you can install Kodachi on any UEFI bootable device
- Display changes

* Installation instructions have been updated on the website
* Kodachi browser won't have Tor enabled by default it is optional from 5.1 if you want the traffic to pass through Tor use the circle shape plugin on the address bar to toggle Tor or i2p traffic this change is to make browsing faster.

Pending issue to be fixed in future:
%- Kodachi browser is not supporting Tor onion URLS you can use Tor browser instead for that. As I am waiting for waterfox team to reply on te issue.

Version 5.1:
Based on: Debian 9.5 Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 4.18.0-11
System: 64bit
Release date: 09.11.2018

+ Added Noisy crawler
+ Added Synchting file transfer service
+ Added Tenta DNS
+ Added Opennic DNS
+ Added Boot type on Desktop display Legacy or Uefi
+ Added system persistence or not status on Desktop display
+ Added Iridium-browser
+ Added Waterfox browser (Kodachi browser is based on Waterfox now)
+ Added language-selector-gnome so you can easily change language layout
- Removed Chromium (Iridium-browser replacement)
- Removed Firefox (Waterfox replacement)
- Display changes with logo replacement
! Fixed Dnscrypt display 
! Fixed VPN disconnect status
! Fixed Kodachi installation script
! Fixed force all traffic via vpn script
! Fixed few bugs on connectivity script

* Kodachi browser won't have Tor enabled by default it will be optional from 5.1 if you want the traffic to pass by Tor use the circle shape plugin on the address bar to toggle Tor or i2p traffic this change is to make browsing faster.

Pending issue to be fixed in future:
%- Kodachi browser is not supporting Tor onion URLS you can use Tor browser for that.
%- Kodachi can boot from Legacy + UEFI as live image but if you want to install it you have to boot from Legacy mode so persistence mode is not supported in UEFI boot for now.

Version 5.0:
Based on: Debian 9.5 Xbuntu 18.04 LTS
Kernel: 4.18.0-11
System: 64bit
Release date: 30.10.2018

+ Added Block all Internet traffic feature
+ Added Chromium web browser
+ Added Torified secure shell now u can type all commands via Tor private network!
+ Added Tor on direct Internet feature
+ Added ssh key regeneration
+ Added GNUNET Switch on and Off
+ Added detect and install missing drivers
+ Added Install Kodachi online and offline feature
+ Added Gnome Commander
+ Added Gdebi
+ Added Blender Viewnior and Risrtto light image viewers
+ With a right click of a file you can now get md5,sha256,sha512,wipe,open edit as root
+ With a right click of a directory you can calculate the size of it or open as root
- Removed Midori (Security concern its not updated!)
- Removed PeerGuardian (Security concern its not updated!)
- Removed Atom editor ( Size is too large!)
- Removed snap installs and replaced with apt
! Fixed installation script no more hangs !
! Fixed VPN connection script 
! GUI improvements new icons new bars
! Updated many packages
! Much better driver support
! Faster boot more stable system don't miss 5.0 with Improved ISO size of 1.94GB!

Version 4.3:
Based on: Debian 9.5 XFCE/ Mint 19 
Kernel: 4.18.15 
System: 64bit
Release date: 20.10.2018

+ New kernel latest stable one!
+ Added Telegram secure messenger.
+ Added Wire secure messenger.
+ Added VLC media player.
+ Added refresh status in Desktop
+ Added custom installation slides.
+ Added more Tor fixed exit nodes.
+ Added snap installer
- Removed Virtual box not compatible with kernel 4.18.15 
- Disabled Cairo clipboard monitor ( For better privacy)
! Fixed bug installer hangs if PC is connected to the Internet.
! Fixed and improved couple of scripts Distro takes less resources and its much faster.
! Updated Exudos, Tor and Signal.
! XFCE panel moved to left side.
! Rearranged bottom panel icons.

Version 4.2:
Based on: Debian 9.5 XFCE/ Mint 19 
System: 64bit
Release date: 14.10.2018

+ New kernel!
+ New installer with supports of encrypted persistence mode
+ Added Rootkit hunter shortcut
+ Added memory info and resolution on Desktop information
+ Added Midori web browser
+ Added ssh, denyhosts control on services menu
- Window manager, icons, and theme changed
! Fixed Redshift bug
! Fixed and improved couple of scripts
! ISO is 700MB less than version 4.1

Version 4.1:
Based on Debian 9.5 XFCE kernel
Release date: 6.10.2018

+ Added ntp and rdate now you can sync time on the  running live system
+ Added Screen Fetch
+ Now you can see which network interface is active on Desktop
+ Added Country localization on login
+ Kodachi has 2 new VPN nodes
- Window manager,icons, and theme changed
- Xfce panel modification
! Fixed Exodus wallet shortcut that was missing 
! Fixed Mac changed bug now u can change your mac address if Kodachi is running on Vmware
! Fixed boot and network repair scripts

Version 4.0:
Based on Debian 9.5 XFCE kernel
Release date: 3.10.2018

+ Added MenuLibre Gnome Commander Coyim Ring Open Shot Icedove Atom
+ Added Rkhunter Steghide Gnome Nettool GResolver SiriKali Deny hosts signal
+ Added Nvidia Detect Florence i2p Zulucrypt Zulumount Onion Circuits Onion share Gnu Net
+ Added cloud flare DNS over TLS via Dnscrypt
+ Public Ip resolver
+ Firefox plugins
+ Support for persistence encrypted volumes
+ Uefi boot support
- Replaced Komodo-Edit with Atom
- Replaced Electrom LTC/BTC with Exodus wallet
- Removed TrueCrypt Veracrypt still there
- Improved almost all kodachi scripts its much faster and optimized
- Themes icons wall paper all new look!
- Feature to disable tor permanently
! Fixed Tor bug
! Fixed Dns Crypt bug
! Conky enhanced
! GUI enhanced



Version 3.7:
Based on Debian 8.6 XFCE 
Release date: 8.1.2017

+ Added data-urlencode to Curl post commands.
+ Added MAC address on display screen.
+ Added wlan0 changer works if wifi is disabled.
+ Added Anonymous wallpapers.
! Changed Panel and Cairo position.
! Repositioned Kodachi browser and few other icons were updated.
! Changed Comodo Edit theme.
! Improved own VPN script if VPN config files are not set it will open the files for you to edit.
! Improved update notification.
! Fixed IP resolve issue.
! Fixed VPN issues.
! Fixed few other bugs.
! Fixed version checker.
- Replaced VPN and Tor scripts with one single script.
- Disabled mouse scroll on workspaces panel.
- Kodachi source is on Github now :).

Version 3.6:
Based on Debian 8.6 XFCE 
Release date: 30.12.2016

! Changed default editor from Komodo(slow) to Geany(fast).
! Improved own VPN script.
! Improved VPN start stop reconnect now VPN connectivity process is mush faster.
! Fixed bug in Tor connectivity.

Version 3.5:
Based on Debian 8.6 XFCE 
Release date: 29.12.2016

+ Added Refracta Installer now you can install Kodachi permanently on your PC.
+ Added new tool Mat Meta data anonymization tool.
+ Introduced banned message if someone misuses the bandwidth or host illegal torrent files using our VPN network.
+ Added Gibru engine to search bookmarks.
+ Added new version notification.
+ Added own VPN tool so now you can use your own VPN all you need is paste your config on the right directory located on Kodachi Desktop.
! Improved destroy Kodachi script.
! Improved display script with new CPU/Network Monitor on task bar.
! Detect screen resolution changes and display accordingly.
! Fixed few bugs.
! System updated.
! Firefox /Firefox plugins / Tor / Veracrypt / Komodo edit / Electrum Bitcoin Wallet updated.


Version 3.4:
Based on Debian 8.6 XFCE 
Release date: 17.10.2016

! Fixed bug on Destroy Kodachi script to avoid deleting the content of attached media
- Replaced Google DNS with Level3 DNS if Main DNSCrypt Fails.
- Normal Firefox Browser moved to other apps dock.
- System updated

Version 3.3:
Based on Debian 8.6 XFCE 
Release date: 13.10.2016

+ Added firejail app.
! Fixed DNS bug.
- Updated firefox links.
- System updated.

Version 3.2:
Based on Debian 8.6 XFCE 
Release date: 12.10.2016

! Fixed DNS bug.
- Additional show Desktop icon was added to the right.
- Battery indicator was removed.
- System updated.
- Browser plugins updated.
- Tor Browser updated.

Version 3.1:
Based on Debian 8.5 XFCE 
Release date: 17.07.2016

Release date:NEW Features:
- Sound icon on panel.
- Sound Mixer on Other apps group.
- Placed shortcut on the panel.
- Removed Tor from startup.
- Conky refresh rate reduced from 30 seconds to 15.
- VPN connection establishment is faster now.
- Pidgin Messenger updated.
- Luminosity control and System info added to other apps panel.
- Battery status added.
- Moved show desktop icon location to left.

Version 3.0:
Based on Debian 8.5 XFCE 
Release date: 10.07.2016

Release date:NEW Features:
- RAM wiped out on shut-down and reboot.
- Random MAC address generated on boot up.
- More exit nodes for TOR.
- Free space wipe.
- Kill Kodachi shred entire system!.
- Repair Network feature.
- Tor browser added.
- Bitcoin Litecoin wallets added.
- VeraCrypt added.
- UFW GUI added.
- Force all traffic through VPN added if enabled non VPN traffic will be blocked so no leakage!
- More DNS entries added.
- Pidgin Messenger added with OTR as well.
- Transmission client added.
- fcitx, ibus, smbclient, syslinux-utils, added.
- Manually generate a random mac address button added.
- Lock screen button added.
- Projector or secondary screen display button added.
- New Themes and Icons.
- New Firefox plugins on Kodachi Web Browser.


Release date:Fixes and removals:
- Tor will never connect until we have a valid VPN connection.
- Conky display fixed.
- Rearranged all Kodachi custom coding files.
- Kodachi scripts have been rewritten.
- Miner removed from the system.
- Skype, Vmware and many share tools have been removed.
- Plymouth removed.
- Nvidia drivers removed.
- Gnome replaced with XFCE.

Version 2.0: 
Based on Debian with Gnome 
Release date: 16.11.2013

Version 1.1:
Based on Linux Mint 
Release date: 1.11.2013

Version 1.0: 
Based on Linux Mint 
Release date: 20.10.2013

Hash: SHA512

# Warrant Canary

I as Warith Al Maawali confirm that I take full control of the scripts
included on the Linux Kodachi OS. 
The OS has never been compromised or suffered a data breach. 
I have not disclosed any information of Kodachi users, and I have not been
forced to modify the OS to allow access or data leakage to a third party of
any kind.

As of April 06, 2022 I state the following:

I have NOT received any National Security letters regarding the Linux
Kodachi OS;
I have NOT received any gag orders;
I have NOT received any warrants from any government organization.
I am 100% committed to ensure users ultimate privacy and security on my
humble knowledge with he help and support of the Linux Kodachi community.
Kodachi nodes are very secure I use them my self and I also have TLS
authentication enabled in all of them. Meanwhile I regularly destroy VPS
nodes and create new once so system logs are all wiped out and we all have
new fresh ips to enjoy private and peaceful Internet 

Version: PGP Desktop 10.2.0 (Build 1672)
Charset: utf-8

Source: Readme.txt, updated 2023-02-23