Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
LifePoisonCounter.apk 2011-03-08 120.6 kB
lifepoisoncounter.zip 2011-03-08 392.2 kB
readme.txt 2011-03-08 2.1 kB
Totals: 3 Items   514.9 kB 0
Life & Poison Counter

Poison support added from original code base for LifeCounter. 

- Added Poison column
- Poison column starts at 0 to keep track of poison totals, to the right of each players life column
- Yes, it is possible to remove poison counters. You know, in case someone plays "Leeches"
- Can't go below 0 poison counters, I don't think it is possible according to the rules (you can have a negative life total, however)
- Poison columns are always purple (like ichor) to indicate they are the poison column and separate from the life column
- Shrunk buttons and text sizes slightly (total column numbers doubled)
- Added goo/ichor to icon (mainly so its easier to tell the difference between this and the original app)
- Changes colour of text according to how close you are to the limit (0 for life, 10 for poison counters)
- Long press on +/- buttons to add 5 at a time for bigger total changes

- Code available at Sourceforge: http://lifepoisoncount.sourceforge.net/
- Code either downloadable via svn, or as a zip file
- Android App file (.apk) also available to download (must be added to phone manually)

Original project:


LifeCounter is a small application for Android I made after getting my Android Dev Phone 1, as a small project to learn the platform and brush up on my Java.

There are two tags on this repository: master, which is the source code to the free version on Android Marketplace, and nonfree, which has identical code as master, but is in a different package because I can't just upload the same package name to the market. "nonfree" is in the name for legacy reasons; both versions are licensed under GPLv3+.

Download LifeCounter on the Android Market:

- [Free Edition][free]
- [$0.99 Donation Edition][donation]

Or you can [download LifeCounter.apk][apk] and manually install it.

[free]: market://search?q=pname:org.elliotglaysher.lifecounter
[donation]: market://search?q=pname:org.elliotglaysher.lifecounternonfree
[apk]: http://www.elliotglaysher.org/Releases/LifeCounter.apk
Source: readme.txt, updated 2011-03-08