Home / lcdproc / 0.5.5
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
Readme.txt 2012-02-18 2.6 kB
lcdproc-0.5.5-user-html.tar.gz 2011-11-09 104.5 kB
lcdproc-0.5.5-dev-html.tar.gz 2011-11-09 46.8 kB
lcdproc-0.5.5.tar.gz 2011-11-09 946.2 kB
Totals: 4 Items   1.1 MB 0
These are the release notes for LCDproc v0.5.5, the new stable
version of LCDproc.

This release includes some bug fixes as well as several updated drivers.
See below for a brief list or the file ChangeLog for a more comprehensive

The CFontz633 driver has been deprecated and will output a warning about
this on start-up. It will be removed after this release. Please use the
CFontzPacket driver instead (setting Model=633 in LCDd.conf).

The t6963 driver's 'Size' option in LCDd.conf now has to be configured in
pixels instead of characters.

SHA1 (lcdproc-0.5.5.tar.gz) = 17547391b2bf9b61fd9f7dac74782e1cebdf34be

Known bugs:
 - If vBars are used together with ICON_BLOCK_FILLED on the same screen
   and that icon is implemented as a custom char, it sometimes is replaced
   with a non full block from the vBar.
 - On Solaris the mtc_s16209x driver fails to compile. Configure LCDproc
   to exclude this driver.
 - The server config file LCDd.conf is not installed if 'make
   install-server' is used to install only the server without the clients.
 - On recent Linux distributions which use RPM style init scripts the script
   init-LCDd.rpm hangs because it incorrectly references a pid file that is
   not created. Workaround: Remove the line '# pidfile: /var/run/LCDd.pid'.

 - Something removed
 + Something added
 * Something changed / fixed

Updated drivers
 + New common 5x8 font for t6963, sed1520, mdm166a and i2500vfd drivers
 * CFontz: Fix display of bars
 + sed1330: Add support for HG25504
 * sed1520: Make it work with 68-family style interface
 * picolcd: Add OffBrightness, more icons and fix bignum
 * SureElec: Change port initialization (SF 3212891)
 * imonlcd: Fix spinning of disc icon
 + imon: Add bignum support
 * hd44780:
   * New (possibly faster) screen update algorithm
   * hd44780-imon: Add charmap for NEC uPD16314 and make it configurable
   * hd44780-ethlcd: fix LCDd hang up on network error (it exits now)
 * pyramid: Fix several problems making it more reliable
 * CFontzPacket: Use cellwidth = 5 on CFA-631 and CFA-635
 * t6963: Rewrite this driver fixing several problems

Build system
 * Fix xosd detection
 * enable-extra-charmaps adds language specific charmaps (currently

lcdproc client
 * Fix a single dot appearing on line 5 of the D screen
 * Make the iface screen more readable on 2x16 displays

Server core (LCDd)
 + Add an option to start LCDd with screen rotation disabled
 * Update LCDd.conf to be better understood by Config::Model
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2012-02-18