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lazyadmin 2011-10-03
README.txt 2011-10-03 17.5 kB
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	This file is CHANGELOG.TXT
Changes made to TLA, Bugs, and TODO's for each release should be listed in this file.
All dates are in Month/Day/Year.
Nick Sartor 5/3/2006

10/4/2011	-	v.9.1

	*Added options window (finally)!
	*Moved query options menu to a button in the options window
	*Removed "save window sizes" option from menu. It's redundent of the options window setting
	*Added "Check all" and "Uncheck all" buttons to query options window
	*Removed "Advanced" menu option and added "do not ping first" check box in options window
	*Set frmMain startup position to windows default
	*Removed "Reset Windows size" from Options menu (it's in options window now)
	*Added Default AD search, allows user to set default AD search when they get to 2nd screen
	*Added startup screen, allows user to start in mode 0 or 1
	*Added pretty color schemes
	*Added "Start tla maximized" option
	*Added cool red (busy) and green (ready) lights to tla
	*Added help->contents menu to help new users configure/use TLA
	*Cleaned up tla.ini file creation code, and file itself
	*Added "Number of Physical Processors" in logged_in_info function
	*Added "Number of DIMM slots"
	*Added RAM size in each dim slot

1/20/2011	-	v.9
	*TLA now saves last window size by default
	*Added "Reset Window Size" to settings menu
	*Added support to search multiple users in batch wizard. (Thanks Tim) You can search by:
		-Last Name
		-Last Name, First Name
	*Added "Export" to file menu when doing LDAP search. Allows users to save search results to CSV
	*Added service pack information
	*Added version number to OS
	*Moved BIOS version up
	*Made "sections" in results window for networking and drives
	*Added description to network card
	*Added "member of" to user results (in ldap search)
	*Added "More Network Info" to computer menu. This gives for each adapter:
		-DNS Hostname
		-DHCP Enabled (BOOL)
		-DHCP Server
	*Added boot up state results. Possible output is
		"Normal boot"
		"Fail-safe boot"
		"Fail-safe with network boot"
	*Added system type Possible output is
		"X86-based PC"
		"MIPS-based PC"
		"Alpha-based PC"
		"Power PC"
		"SH-x PC"
		"StrongARM PC"
		"64-bit Intel PC"
		"64-bit Alpha PC"
		"X86-Nec98 PC" 
	*Fixed IO error when unable to save tla.ini, give proper description of error
	*Made verbose status for when connecting to hardware (getting cpuinfo, drive info, etc)
	*Fixed computer->hardware info menu (Oh my!)
	*Hid/Disabled "Install printer" from computer menu. Need to do further testing
	*Added warning to tla.ini not to edit while tla is running
	*Added new global variable/user setting: always_show_computer_menu This turns on the computer menu on regardless of successfull pings. This allows the user to proceed if ping fails and perhaps remote management is turned on in the firewall. Users can add "always_show_computer_menu=true" to the TLA.ini to enable this feature. It can be done PER SESSION via the Settings->Advanced menu option
	*Added new form FrmEnableHardwareMenu for above features
	*Added search by department
	*Added fancy new ascii art to startup
	*Removed batch query button from toolbar - still accessible from menu. I didn't think it was necessary
	*Tried to make the custom menu more simple, had many questions regarding this
	*Cleaned up hardware output a bit
	*Focus now jumps to drop down box when you press F1 when switching to mode 0 from mode 1

10/03/2008	-	v.8
	*Cleaned up installed software window (Thanks/Credit to Mike B!)
	*Added uninstall software feature (Thanks/Credit to Mike B!)
	*Removed type ahead find
	*Changed LDAP search output
		-Results are now in list view
		-double clicking in list view display more info if user, runs hardware info if result is a computer
		-removed type ahead find, list view is sortable
		-remove check if computername = last checked. This was stopping TLA from connecting to a machine back to back.
		-added more detailed info in user results window - caveat: more results are returned by employeeID, person must have an employeeID.
		-added more computer info when searching via LDAP

7/22/2008	-	v.7
	*Renamed process monitor tooltip to display "Process monitor..."
	*Cleaned up process monitor (Thanks/Credit to Mike B!)
		-Added KB's to page size
		-resized columns
	*Removed frmstartproc.frm
	*Added frmLaunchProc.frm
	*Added ability to start remote process with options:
		-Option for remote window state; hidden, normal, maximized, minimized
		-Add more settings
		-Create GUI for settings

4/07/2008	-	v.6.1	-	"Spring Cleaning" release
	*Fixed year in changelog for v.6 release
	*Fixed focus when switching modes (pressing f2 or clicking on the AD query button
	*Fixed text on AD Query button. It was "user user query"
	*Disabled "Run Process" from menu. Code was never implemented and just crashed TLA.
	*Created new function "greyMenus" in functions.bas. Greys/ungreys available menus in TLA if there's a valid isn't/is a valid hostname
	*Fixed focus in about box to the "ok" button (tab index = 0 on OK button)
	*Re-arranged batch paste windows to make the options button more visable.
	*Created batch query menu
	*Moved batch query from file menu under batch query menu and renamed it "query multiple computers" in anticipation of more queries.
	*Removed all toolbars and made them picture boxes instead. Toolbars in VB is a nightmare.
	*changed icons. Icons are from the tango desktop project - http://tango.freedesktop.org/
		-Add more settings
		-Add ability to save which hardware queries are selected between sessions
		-Add ability to start process remotely

2/13/2008	-	v.6	-	"Mike B" Release
	>>>Special thanks to Mike B for working on TLA! All of these changes/fixed are due to his hardwork!
	*Modified frmProcs to use a ListView instead of a List
	*Modified process.bas to use a listview instead of a list
	*Added mListview (Generic listview functions - Sort, Size, Print etc)
	*Added cCommonDialog class - a class to use windows dialog boxes without vb dialog ocx
	*Added version number to the make tab of the project
	*Added Checkbox to frmProcs to allow finished processes to stay in the list (Essentially keep a list of all 	processes that have ran - track down intermittent spyware / virus)
	*Changed frmMain.mnuLaunch_Click to use LoadComputer and check if valid_name before running
	*Changed tbPC to use LoadComputer to save having to remember to click Enter in frmMain.cmboComputername before running
	*Changed Toolbar1 name to tbPC to make the code more readable
	*Changed KeyPress Handler for frmMain.cmboComputername to use LoadComputer
	*Added LoadComputer to frmMain check if computer already loaded, if not then loads it
	*Added Save To File to frmProcs to save the output to a csv file
		-Add more settings
		-Fix/write "Start Process" feature
		-Add ability to save which hardware queries are selected between sessions

11/06/2007	-	v.5.1
	*Removed all file dialog boxes. An additional OCX file was required for this and as
		you may know, my goal is to keep TLA 100% portable.

11/02/2007	-	v.5
	*Fixed tooltip on installed programs. Tooltip said "installed processes" now says 
		"installed applications
	*Removed dept-decal parsing (dash)
	*Modified action function and output function.
		These functions now take a "dest' paramenter. The dest parameter is the
		destination for output. It's of type TextBox.
	*Added "hardware" module
		The hardware module contains all the code that was in the hardware function but is
			now much more modular. Each WMI instance has it's own function. They all have
			the same function call, they expect a computername and a boolean value "headers."
			if headers is true, it prints things like "CPU Speed" before printing the actual
	*Added "selected" query. Users can now select what things they want to query. For example
		you can unselect bios version and TLA won't get that information from the remote host.
		This is especially useful when doing a batch of computers, or, if there's a floppy disk
		and you don't want the TLA query to make a noise on the remote host (When querying drive
		information, TLA checks the floppy drive and this makes a noise on the remote host).
	*Added batch functionality. Users can now either paste in a file or read in a txt file containing
		multiple computer/hostnames or IP addresses. TLA will go out and fetch info on each of the
		machines, and output the data to a form window. All the values are tabbed. The user then
		has the option to save the data to a file or copy it to the clipboard. The batch functions
		also support the selective query features.
		-Fix Process manager flickering when mouse over
		-Add more settings
		-Clean things up - process manager/service manager (point release, 4.1?)
		-Fix/write "Start Process" feature
		-Add ability to save which hardware queries are selected between sessions

9/26/2007	-	v.4
	*The RSS news feed was feature removed, I will leave it in the documentation below.
	*Fixed extra character "2" in process manager
		The process manager was putting a "2" at the end of work size column. I had
		an " & 2" when I was populating the list box. I have no idea why :^)
	*Removed the ability to resize ping window. I don't see a need for that.
	*Added Service Manager.
		The service manager allows the user to:
			List & Relist services
			Stop services
			Start services
	*Fixed crash on "About" window
		The about window was using "Tabs" which required another OCX file. It was
		only for cosmetics. I've removed the tab and thus removed the requirement.
	*Fixed install printer error
		This one was embarrassing - the hostname/ip wasn't being passed!
		-Fix Process manager flickering when mouse over
		-Add more settings
		-Clean things up - process manager/service manager (point release, 4.1?)
		-Fix/write "Start Process" feature

4/26/2007	-	v.3
	*Added RSS news feed.
		TLA now checks my project page on sf to get the latest news. It will
		only check it once a day. It does a DateDiff on the last run var in the INI.
		Users can disable RSS all together by adding display_RSS_news=false in their INI.
		I now have a basic ping window. You can launch it via the menu bar. It will take
		the computer name, if any, or you can enter a computer name manually. The ping
		window makes use of the same ping functions used to determine if a computer is 
		reachable when getting hardware info. Basic information is returned:
			Bad name (passed to function, ie-blank)
			Host Unkown
			Timed out
			Destination unreachable
		The ping window is also called on a reboot or shutdown (see below). It will auto-
		matically launch and start pinging the remote computer to see if the shutdown/restart
		was a success. And yes, it stops pinging when you close the window:)
	*Cleaned up formats (Finally!)
		The installed on date is now human readable.
		The uptime now includes the amount of days up
		Ram is shown in bytes, using commas
		Drive space is shown in bytes using commas
		Processor speed is shown in Mhz using commas
	*Remote Reboot/Shutdown/Logoff
		Force remote rebooting, shutdown and logoff is now implemented. This is a "forced"
		action, that is, the user is NOT prompted and the action happens immediately.
		Of course, all unsaved work is lost. There is a prompt before this happens. This
		feature can be accessed via the menu bar. No plans as of yet to put it in the 
		-Fix Process manager flickering when mouse over
		-Add more settings
		-Fix remote printer install

10/16/2006	-	v.2.1
	*Added homepage URL in about dialog box. Planning to launch a site soon.
	*Removed "Welcome" screen. TLA now makes a default INI file with settings and comments
	Users should read through to customize their copy of TLA.
	*Added Computer History Combo Box
		TLA now remembers the last computers you accessed. The number of computers is
			equal to the amount of "computer_history=" lines you have in your ini file
			there are no restrictions. If there is no computer_history= it only remembers
			the last one per session.
	*Fixed custom menus. There was a problem with most applications that causes custom menus 
		not to work. (Thanks to Tim H for cleaning up the mess:).
	*Variables can now be passed to the commandline. Variables available are:
		-%HOSTNAME%      Host name used in WMI query  (possibly in the form DEPT-DECAL)
		-%USERID%        ID of user logged in form COMPUTERorDOMAIN\USERID
		-%MODEL%         Machine model
		-%OS%            Installed OS descriptor
		-%CPUSPEED%      CPU speed in Hz
		-%RAM%           RAM in Bytes
		-%SERIAL%        Machine serial number pulled from PC BIOS
		-%HWADDR%        Hardware address of first NIC
		-Fix Process manager flickering when mouse over
		-Add more settings
		-Fix remote printer install

10/5/2006	-	v.2

	*Program Doesn't crash (as much) - Added On Error goto statements to return error codes:
		-Error Code 1:
			Output: "Cannot connect to COMPUTERNAME Make sure you have admin access! Error code 1"
			Called from: hardware_info()
			Causes: Might not have admin access to a machine
			Solution: Make sure you're an administrator on the machine
		-Error Code 2:
			Output: "Unable to retrieve information. Error code 2"
			Called from: GetSoftware()
			Causes: Unknown
			Solution: Unknown
		-Error Code 3:
			Output: "Cannot list processes, make sure you're an administrator"
			Called from:
		-Error Code 4:
			Output: "Error reading your INI file! Error 4"
			Called from: mnucustom_click in frmMain
			Causes: incorrect format in INI file
			Solution: fix the INI
	*Added F1/F2 to toggle through modes 1 and 2
		-toggling through selects all in the search box - works fully, however the icons aren't correct
	*Type Ahead Find (Tim Hunter)
		-Typing in the LDAP results window now will search for what you're typing for.
	*Added custom menus
		-there is a custom menu (option) which is modified in the tla.ini file
	*Now works in vista (Thanks to Tim H for code).
	*Removed MSFlexGrid (File no longer required!)
		-Program crashes on Install printer menu option - FIXED
		-Program crashes if user is not admin on remote computer - FIXED
		-Fix Process manager flickering when mouse over
		-Add more settings
		-Fix remote printer install
7/16/2006	-	v0.1.1
	Fix an ldap issue. Previously if the LDAP://RootDSE didn't exist TLA would crash. Thanks to Tim H. for the fix.

7/14/2006	-	v.1 (FIRST PUBLIC RELEASE)
	*Added installed software functionality.
		-Fix Process manager flickering when mouse over
		-Add more settings
		-Fix remote printer install
		-Program crashes on Install printer menu option
		-Program crashes if user is not admin on remote computer


6/1/2006	-	v.5 (INTERNAL RELEASE)
	*Employee ID resolved to First, Last, Dept and email in hardware info (xp only)
	*Ability to search AD by computer name, including using wildcards
	*Kill process feature added to process manager
	Minor Fixes
			-MSFlexgrid is now left justified
		-Fix Process manager flickering when mouse over
		-Add "kill proc" option to proc manager
		-Add more settings
		-Fix remote printer install
		-Program crashes on Install printer menu option
		-Program crashes if user is not admin on remote computer

5/11/2006	-	v.4.1 Released (INTERNAL RELEASE)
	Minor Fixes
		-Fixed Process Counter
		-Fixed input box erasing when switching user search mode
			-Increased length of line in user search results
		-Fix Process manager flickering when mouse over
		-Add "kill proc" option to proc manager
		-Add more settings
		-Fix remote printer install
		-Program crashes on Install printer menu option
		-Program crashes if user is not admin on remote computer

5/3/2006	-	v.4 Released (INTERNAL RELEASE)
	*Added user search via LDAP. (Some code submission from Tim Hunter)
		-Ability to search via employee ID, or last name
		-Returns Lastname, Firstname, email, principal name, tel, dept, and emp ID
	*Fixed Refreshing in process manager
		-Users can now set an interval in which to automatically refresh the proc list
	*Process Manager is no longer modal
	*Settings Menu added
		-User can now click Settings->Save window size to retain size for next run
		-Fix Process manager flickering when mouse over
		-Add "kill proc" option to proc manager
		-Add more settings
		-Fix remote printer install
		-Program crashes on Install printer menu option
		-Program crashes if user is not admin on remote computer
		-Total process counter on process manager is not working

3/17/2006	-	v.3.1 Released (Minor update) (INTERNAL RELEASE)
	*Change process manager from flexgrid to textbox
	*Began config file

1/30/2006	-	v.3 Released (INTERNAL RELEASE)
	*Added Process Manager
	*Added Setting/ini file
		-program now runs a "wizard" on first run

1/23/2006	 -	v.2 released (INTERNAL RELEASE)
	*No notes available

?/?/?		-	v.1 Released (INTENRAL RELEASE)

	*No notes available
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-10-03