Python program to change the root part of a KSP .craft file.
Needs Python 3.3.2+
Run: python (craft file path/name) (part number to become root)
generates a new file with the new root part.
The part number you input is which part you want to be root, counting from 1. For now, gotta open the craft with a text editor, identify which part you need to be root and count them.
To help you, you gotta know that a part starts with a
and soon there's a line that says partName = (something) which gives you a very good clue.
This is a very first working version and there's zero error tolerance. Backup your file (though it should be untouched).
All corrections and suggestions are welcome. Feel free to fork or translate this to c# to build a KSP mod! (i really want someone to do that!).
more info and discussion:!-How-to-change-the-root-part-of-a-craft!
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