Home / v2.2
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
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lambertw_fast.m 2014-04-07 442 Bytes
get_expected_plane_depth.m 2014-03-13 307 Bytes
Totals: 2 Items   749 Bytes 0
The toolbox can be downloaded with or without the sample calibration images. It is strongly recommended that you download the sample images so that you can play with the toolbox and compare your results.

This is the toolbox accompanying our TPAMI 2012 paper - Herrera C., D., Kannala, J., Heikkilä, J., "Joint depth and color camera calibration with distortion correction", TPAMI, 2012. Please cite our paper if you use this toolbox.

More info at: http://www.ee.oulu.fi/~dherrera/kinect/

2014-04-07 - v2.2 - Patch. Added an implementation of the lambertw function to avoid a dependency with the symbolic toolbox. Thanks to Oliver Woodford for the idea and implementation.
2014-03-13 - v2.2 - Patch. Corrected a major bug in get_expected_plane_depth.m Calibration was failing if the rotation between depth and color cameras was large. Thanks to Xuan Ju for spotting it!
2012-06-15 - v2.1 - Minor update. Corrected bugs on the corner detection and reordering algorithms. Other minor bugs corrected. Added C++ code to use calibrated model.
2012-02-09 - v2.0 - Major update. Added new disparity distortion model and simultaneous calibration of external RGB camera.
2011-10-18 - v1.1 - Corrected estimated camera direction (camera pointing forward) in do_initial_rgb_calib.m
2011-06-13 - v1.0 - Added missing file mat2rgb.m
2011-06-01 - v1.0 - First upload

Source: readme.txt, updated 2014-04-07