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               JThread Version 1.01 
         Copyright (c) 2002, Stefan Kueppers
         All rights reserved.

This is free software but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY !
See LICENSE.TXT for details.


JThread is a system independent object oriented threading library.
The OO-architecture separates between operating system independent interfaces
and system dependent implementations.
The best about it is, that it makes very difficult things
(and multi-threaded programms can be very complex) very easy.

At the moment, POSIX compatible operating systems, like Linux
and Solaris have an implementation. Windows may follow.

A sample for parallel matrix computation is included.

HowTo install (first time):
To install and compile the source of JThread on your system,
first extract the source distribution in a directory of your choise.
If you have downloaded the tar-package, create and change to directory JThread and call 
	tar xvzf jthread.tgz
to extract the source.
Now execute the script "configure.sh" in the JThread directory. 
This will generate the script "envinit.sh" containing the environment for 'JThread'.

HowTo build:
1. source the envinit.sh script: "source envinit.sh
2. call "make all".


HTML documentation can be generated with "doxygen" in the doc directory (doxygen JTHREAD.DOX).


The following directory-structure was chosen:

 include/ : C++ header files (*.h). 
  JFC/      : Non thread-save foundation classes.
    Ifc/      : Interfaces of the JFC classes.

  JThread/  : Thread save classes for concurrent programming.
    Ifc       : Interfaces of the JThread classes.
    ImplBase  : Implementation basis, which is equal for all plattforms.

  Math/     : Mathematical classes.

 impl/    : C++ implementation files for the interfaces and implementation-basis (*.cc).
    JFC/    :  OS independent implementation of the JFC-classes.
    Math/   :  OS independent implementation of the Math-classes.

    POSIX_Impl/ : POSIX implementation ..
      JFC/        : for JFC classes.
      JThread/    : for JThread classes.

    WIN32_Impl/: WIN32 implementation - may follow.

 jtest/   : C++ test-applications for the jthread-library.
 excample/: C++ example programs, using the jthread-library.

Generated files:
 obj : Object files.
 lib : Library files.
 bin : Executable files.

I hope you will find this software useful.
Stefan Kueppers.

V1.00  	initial Release
V1.01	make it compileable again under current c++ on linux, because c++ changed a lot in the last 15 years ;-)
	I used this compiler to do the job:
		Thread model: posix
		gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.8) 

Source: README.txt, updated 2018-02-03