Home / stable / JSignPdf 1.2.3
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JSignPdf-1.2.3.src.zip 2011-11-18 3.9 MB
JSignPdf_setup_1.2.3_wjre.exe 2011-11-18 41.7 MB
JSignPdf-1.2.3.oxt 2011-11-18 18.8 MB
JSignPdf-1.2.3.zip 2011-11-18 20.3 MB
jsignpdf-itxt-1.2.3-sources.jar 2011-11-18 2.0 MB
README.txt 2011-11-18 4.9 kB
Totals: 6 Items   86.7 MB 0
Version 1.2.3
  * fix signatures "append mode" processing in command-line version

Version 1.2.2
  * program exit codes improved in CLI (codes described in documentation)

Version 1.2.1
  * updated French translation (David Ruelle)
  * fixed handling of misconfigured keystore
  * chapter "Changing the application language" added to the documentation

Version 1.2.0
  * added French (David Ruelle) and Polish (Zbig Wittmann) translations
  * contact field can be specified from command line
  * other improvements introduced in beta versions (see for 1.1.9, 1.1.10)

Version 1.1.10 test (1.2.0 beta2)
  * Bigger Verifier improvements (from A. Stojsavljevic)
  * new command line tool added: SignatureCounter
  * fixed wrong spelling of RenderMode.DESCRIPTION_ONLY enum instance (thanks to Jiri Lisicky for reporting)

Version 1.1.9 test (1.2.0 beta)
  * Support for PKCS11 initialization (additional configuration in conf.properties)  
  * Verifier improvements
  * Added option to control which layers will be generated in visible signature (Acrobat 6 layer mode)
  * Font size setting applied also for "Signature name and description" display mode as a maximal allowed size 
  * Java Runtime Environment update (6u24)
  * setting default OCSP server URL

Version 1.1.1
  * checking known critical extensions is disabled by default in conf.properties
  * added some "well-known" certificate critical extension OIDs
  * created l4j.ini files for exe launchers - JRE options are configurable now

Version 1.1.0
  * fine grained control of certificate display through conf.properties file
  * support for setting custom Policy OID in TSA requests
  * fixed setting hash algorithm from command line

Version 1.0.3
  * additional windows launchers JSignPdfC.exe and Verify.exe
  * Append mode is the default for not-encrypted PDF documents
  * added previous/next buttons for changing the page in PDF preview window
  * fixed page numbering in PDF preview

Version 1.0.2
  * added command line option --load-properties-file (-lpf) added
  * embedded JRE for Windows (Java 6, 32-bit)
  * improvements of Install Cert Tool

Version 1.0.1
  * fixes keystore handling in simple view

Version 1.0.0
  * implements PDF preview & selecting position of visible signature using mouse
  * adds support for Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL)
  * provides support for selecting hash algorithm (depends on cryptographic provider for selected keystore type)
  * adds keystore types provided by BouncyCastle cryptographic library   
  * checks if a certificates are valid and if they're intended for signing 
  * includes proxy support for TSA, OCSP and CRL
  * font used in visible signatures can be changed (using conf/conf.properties file) 
  * fixes removing old signatures in non-append mode 
  * fixes embedding font of visible signature if the input PDF is in version 1.2 
  * adds tool for installing trusted certificate to default Java keystore (InstallCert Tool) 

Version 0.9.8
  * output prefix and suffix can be empty in batch mode - can use the same filename if output goes to different directory

Version 0.9.7 (bugfix release)
  * fixes password handling in simple view (caused *KeyException for PKCS#12 keystores)
  * Output PDF filename field can be left empty in a GUI, then is automatically used the value from Input PDF suffixed with "_signed" (e.g. test.pdf->test_signed.pdf)

Version 0.9.6
  * it's version 0.9.5 with small fixes
  * TSA & OCSP command line switches
Version 0.9.5 (not public)
  * support for timestamp server  
  * OCSP support
  * Contact field added
  * fix non-unique key aliases in WINDOWS-MY keystore
  * improvements in command-line version:
	- possibility to load default property file (-lp parameter)
	- selecting key by index (e.g. because of national character in key alias, -ki parameter)  

Version 0.9
  * embedded Unicode font for Layer 2 texts in visible signature (fix for i18n and PDF/A specification) 
  * additional option for setting font size in visible signature
Version 0.8
  * command line support (batch mode)
  * upgraded libraries (iText 2.1.5, Apache Commons CLI 1.2)
  * new launcher for windows with splash screen (using launch4j)
  * bug fixies

Version 0.7
  * support for visible signatures

Version 0.5.1
  * fix for Java 5 (version 0.5 used feature available only in Java 6)

Version 0.5
  * support for PDF security (encryption, rights)
  * certification level support
  * "append signature" support
  * windows installer (with bundled JRE)

Version 0.2
  * initial release
  * Adding digitally signatures to (not encrypted) PDFs
  * OpenOffice.org Add-On
  * Swing UI
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-11-18