Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
LICENCE 2012-04-06 31.8 kB
README 2011-05-21 1.9 kB
js-pseudo-class-v1.0.js 2011-05-21 2.7 kB
Totals: 3 Items   36.5 kB 0
JavaScript Pseudo-Class

Copyright (c) 2009-2011 James Watts (SOLFENIX)

This is FREE software, licensed under the GPL

This pseudo-class for JavaScript lets you create, extend and inherit 
objects as classes. This allows you to build new objects from other 
instances, that can mutate and change their state or behaviour at 


 function Person( name, age, gender ) {
     this.Construct = function() {
         alert( 'New person created!' );
     this.name   = name || 'unknown';
     this.age    = age || 0;
     this.gender = gender || 'male';
     this.getAge = function() {
         alert( this.name + ' is ' + this.age + ' years old!' );
     this.setAge = function( age ) {
         this.age = age;

 function James() {
     this.job = 'programmer';

 function Snow() {
     this.Construct = function() {
         this.gender = 'female';
     this.job = 'beautition';

 function Mark( name ) {
     this.name  = name;
     this.child = true;

 function Philip() {
     this.Construct = function() {
         this.Inherit( Person, 'Philip', 47 );
     this.inverse = true;

 // extends Person with James

 var james = new Class( Person, 'James', 25 ).Extend( James );

 // same as above, but longer

 var snow = new Class().Extend( Person, 'Snow', 35 ).Extend( Snow );

 // executes the Construct of Parent, which is Person


 // inherits current state from an instance of Snow

 var mark1 = snow.Extend( Mark, 'Mark' );

 // overwrite mark's values with snow's

 var mark2 = new Class( Mark, 'Mark' ).Inherit( snow );

 // mark3 extends from snow's default state

 var mark3 = new Class( Person, 'Snow', 35 ).Extend( Snow ).Extend( Mark, 'Mark' );

 // inverse instantiation (see Philip.Construct)

 var philip = new Class( Philip );

Source: README, updated 2011-05-21