Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
0.1.3 2014-02-25
0.1.2 2010-04-08
readme_en.txt 2010-04-08 2.1 kB
nmonanal_0.1.2.jar 2010-04-08 1.8 MB
nmonanal_0.1.2_src.zip 2010-04-08 23.6 kB
Totals: 5 Items   1.8 MB 10
User's  guide
1. Download and install nmon.
 - for linux platform, you can download form: http://nmon.sourceforge.net.
 - For AIX platform, you can download form : http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/display/WikiPtype/nmon , AIX 5.3 TL09+ and AIX 6.1 TL02 include nmon function within topas and its installed by default.

2. Make a pipe for nmon.
#mkfifo /tmp/nmonnamedpipe 

3. Run analyser's agent in target host:
# java -cp nmonanal_0.1.2.jar li.xiang.nmonanalyser.agent.Agent

4. Run nmon, begin performance capture.
 #nmon -s 20 -c 360 -F /tmp/nmonnamedpipe  
20 second per snapshot, capture 360 snapshots, totally 2 hrs. you can put the command in crontab for long time data capture.

5. Run java nmon analyser gui.
# java -jar nmonanal_0.1.2.jar

5.1 Get the real-time performance data from agent

Main menu --> " Data Loader "  --> "from agent".  Input the target's ip address and port number(default is 8187).

5.2 Get the performance data form nmon data collection file.

Developer's guide.

The interface NmonDataLoader load nmon data for analyzing, Interface NmonDataListener is observer of NmonDataLoader. It can  rgister in NmonDataLoader, NmonDataLoader callback  NmonDataListener, when NmonDataLoader read a nmon output line. NmonDataListener parser the nmon data and return the performance charts by getCharts().

There 2 NmonDataLoader implement : NmonFileLoader and NmonAgentLoader , NmonFileLoader  load nmon data from nmon collection file. NmonAgentLoader load nmon data from agent. 

There 3 NmonListener implement: CPUTagCharts, MEMTagCharts, PaginTagCharts, DiskTagCharts and NetworkCharts. 

The sample load data from nmon file, and get the CPU cacategory performance charts : 

NmonDataLoader loader = new NmonFileLoader("/tmp/nmonsampleoutput.nmon");
CPUTagCharts  cpuCharts = new CPUTagCharts();
Thread loadThread = new Thread(loader);
JFreeChart[] charts = cpuCharts.getCharts();  

Source: readme_en.txt, updated 2010-04-08