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README 2011-04-15 1.4 kB
JKtoCheck_0.1.tar.gz 2010-05-26 89.8 kB
JKtoCheck_0.1.zip 2010-05-26 174.9 kB
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JKtoCheck v0.1
Project Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jktocheck/


JKtoCheck is a Java library for checking german bank account numbers. Currently, german bank account numbers consist of up to 9 digits and one checking digit, which is generated using one of more than 130 different algorithms (depending on the bank).

This Library takes one bank code and one account number and then returns if the account number is correct, wrong or cannot be tested (some numbers are regarded as not testable). Therefore, information about all german banks, at least including their bank code and checking algorithm must be provided by the user. The user can therefore implement reader classes, which read the information from any source of his/her choice and make it available to the library.
The easiest way to get this information is to download it in various formats (e.g. text files or Excel sheets) from the website of the Deutsche Bundesbank (http://www.bundesbank.de/zahlungsverkehr/zahlungsverkehr_bankleitzahlen_download.php). This library and the corresponding programming examples already come with preprogrammed reader classes for these sources to allow a quick start.

See the examples folder or the Javadocs for more information on how to use the library.

Release Notes:

(24.05.2010) v0.1 released.
Source: README, updated 2011-04-15