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Jeroo Modding Api Tutorial

By Paul Lang

Setting up:

The first step you need to do is to import all of the classes into your IDE. In eclipse you make a new Java Project, then right click on the src folder inside the project and choose import > File System then select the jeroo source folder. Import everything inside of that folder.

Alternatively in eclipse go to file > Change workspace folder and select the premade eclipse workspace called "JerooEclipse".

Making your first Command:

So now you are ready to make your first command!

  1. To get started, in the default package under the source folder you will find a bunch of classes. (All the classes you will need are in there). Find "Symbols.java"

  2. We are going to make a suicide command for the Jeroo. To do this we are going to do the following to the top of "Symbols.java":

    public static final  Integer SUICIDE = new Integer(80);
    Add  "suicide" inside of the String[]
    Add SUICIDE inside of the Integer[]

It should now look like the image below: 3. Go to the class called "Jeroo.java". Add the function below to the top of the class:

    public void suicide(){
    inNet = true;

4. Run the program! Try running the following in the jeroo environment:

    method main(){
    Jeroo j = new Jeroo();

Things you need to know:

public static final Integer (Command Name in all caps) = new Integer(80);

Add Command as you want its syntax to be inside of the String[]

Add (Command Name in all caps) inside of the Integer[]

The number at the end of the first line MUST be a unique number above 79. That means Every command that you add must have a separate number!

Source: readme.md, updated 2013-09-18