Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Releases 2015-01-13
Maven Dependencies (JAR artifacts) 2012-09-27
Savant Plugin 2012-07-23
readme.md 2015-01-13 2.2 kB
Totals: 4 Items   2.2 kB 0

Maven Downloads

Current and previous versions of the JEnsembl release artifacts (binary, source and JavaDoc JARs)
are available from a public access Maven Repository at


This repository (together with the required BioJava repository)
may be specified within your Maven 'settings.xml' or project 'pom.xml' files as

    <name>JEnsembl repository</name>
    <name>BioJava repository</name>

and the JEnsembl dependencies imported in your project 'pom.xml' as


Non-Maven Downloads

The binary, source and JavaDoc JARs can be downloaded individually or as a binary bundle from the Releases directory.

Third party dependencies are provide in the Maven Dependencies (JAR artifacts) directory.

Versions of the demonstration plugin for the Savant Genome Browser are available in the Savant Plugin directory.

Source: readme.md, updated 2015-01-13