Home / jEditor v1.0A
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jEditor.jar 2012-02-22 42.9 kB
jEditor V1.0A source.zip 2012-02-22 18.5 kB
Totals: 2 Items   61.4 kB 0
This program is licensed under the GNU GPL 3.0 or higher license
the terms and conditions are included with the program under
the file name "License.txt".

Emerald Editor v3.1 update notes:

>>-------------------------[ -( Key )- ]---------------------------<<
- removed
+ added
> moved
< change( d )
* note / javadoc ( code )
>>-------------------------[ -( Key )- ]---------------------------<<

>>-------------------------[ -( - )- ]---------------------------<<
>>-------------------------[ -( - )- ]---------------------------<<
< workspace
  + now in alphabetical order ( I knew how to do this, don't know why I didn't )
  + saves where the frame last was for restart ( frame.x, frame.y )
  there are no longer dashes ( '-' ) in the variable names
    * it goes by the class it works for, then the variable 'name'
+ Language menu
  * changes what syntax is being highlighted
  + default language was last chosen language ( default of java )  
< View menu
  < User Interface menu
    + substance menu
      + Office 2007 Blue
      + Office 2007 Silver
      + Twilight
      + Gemini
      + Emerald Dusk
>>-------------------------[ -( - )- ]---------------------------<<
                            Bug Fixes
>>-------------------------[ -( - )- ]---------------------------<<
+ Syntax highlighting works again!
  * but you have to manually change the language with the language menu
>>-------------------------[ -( - )- ]---------------------------<<
>>-------------------------[ -( - )- ]---------------------------<<
< workspace
  - all previous methods
    * this means that everything using a method from the workspace has a code change
  + getWorkspace()                                  - Workspace
    * gets the only available workspace
  + getProperty( String key, Object defaultValue )  - String
    * gets the string property with the given key, if the key wasn't found it returns defaultValue
  + getProperty( String key, int defaultValue )     - int
    * same as above but with ints
  + getProperty( String key, boolean defaultValue ) - boolean
    * same as above but with booleans
  + setProperty( String key, Object value )         - void
    * sets the property with the given key to the given value ( if it wasn't found it will create it )
  < PropertyManager
    < properties
      < keys() - void - Overriden to make the properties file alphabetical
< View Menu
  < User Interface Menu
    * The SubMenuUserInterface class has been changed to work through a for loop adding the items with the
    * given attributes defined in a two dimensional object array ( Object[][] ) called items before the loop
    + Substance Menu
      + Office 2007 Blue
      + Office 2007 Silver
      + Twilight
      + Gemini
      + Emerald Dusk
Source: README.txt, updated 2012-07-21