Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Archive 2014-10-28
ebay 2014-06-12
bridgetownbooks 2014-04-02
Scripts 2013-09-22
README.txt 2015-04-20 8.0 kB
JAMWS.txt 2015-04-20 755 Bytes
JAMWS2.zip 2015-04-11 821.3 kB
JeBayLister97.zip 2014-11-22 2.8 MB
JBookCloud322.zip 2014-09-29 11.8 MB
JeBayLister.txt 2013-12-01 19.1 kB
BOSC17.zip 2013-11-16 7.1 MB
Totals: 11 Items   22.6 MB 0

REQUIREMENTS:  Java 1.8 RTS; a webhost which allows remote access to your 
MySQL database ;  1GB ram.
To install Java 1.8 on Windows XP see:

** BOSC is a version of OSCommerce 2.3.3 modified for booksellers with a 
number of addons preinstalled. Download the latest BOSCxxx.zip from: 
Install BOSC as you would OSCommerce e.g.
If you are offered the opprtunity, enable the database for remote access (e.g. godaddy) when creating it.
Use utf8_general_ci collation for the database.
Make a note of your database connection parameters, you will need them later.
Preinstalled in the latest version of BOSC are:
BookCloud (http://bosc.info/); 
FrontPage (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7626); 
ThemeSwitcher (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7663); 
PWA (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/355); 
GenericBox (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7802) 
and USEO (http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/2823) 
If you turn on SEO you must preedit /catalog/.htaccess to specify the 
base directory 'RewriteBase' otherwise you will get 404 errors.

Download stock themes or design new ones with ThemeRoller: http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/

How to change the look of the website:

How to setup paypal:

** JBookCloud is a desktop multiplatform front-end to BookCloud. 
It requires the Java runtime system.
JBC is similar to HomeBase 2.3. 
Changes to the MYSQL BookCloud database made from JBC are automatically 
propagated to your BOSC website. 
Download the latest JBookCloudxxx.zip from 
If you are updating JBookCloud and you have configured the parameters and 
loaded a database, be careful not to overwrite your old JBookCloud folder 
when you unzip.

N.B. The JBookCloud download, by default, connects to a local H2 database:
in the db directory. To view the content of the h2 database click h2.bat 
using the parameters: 
Generic H2(Server): org.h2.Driver: jdbc:h2:file:db/BookCloud: sa.

In order to link JBookCloud to your BOSC MySQL database you have to 
change the connection parameters in the file dbConnexion.properties.
These are the same database parameters you used to install BOSC.
These take the form;
    driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    url = jdbc:mysql://<HOSTNAME:3306/BOSC-DATABASE-NAME>?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull
You will probably need to enable remote database connections on your websites CPanel.
Two connections could be required.  The first is your IP address http://whatismyipaddress.com/
The second is

NB some ISPs block port 3306 inbound. 
If you are still getting a "Connection Refused" error when trying to 
connect JBookCloud to your MySQL database, 
you may need to email your web host requesting they open 
port 3306 to your IP address e.g.
Run JBC by double clicking on JBookCloud.bat (Windows) or JBookCloud.sh (Linux, Mac) file. 
Login as First Footprint. Export the catalog in TAB format from HomeBase 
2.3 and import into JBC on the categories tab. Export inventory in TXT 
format from HomeBase 2.3 and import into JBC on the books tab. 
(If the inventory is large it may be advisable to do this a few categories at a time.)  
If you want to preserve the SKU untick the auto SKU before importing.  
After importing reset the SKU on the admin tab to the greatest SKU imported.

To use the ISBNdb book lookup you will need to get a key from https://isbndb.com.  
Copy the key to the book.properties file.   
The book.properties file also determines the choice of book properties 
that appear in the combo-Boxes in the Book Dialog window.  
Edit the lists as appropriate.  
The order of the conditions in the lists determines the order they appear in the combo boxes.

Exports from JBookCloud are produced using FreeMarker templates: http://freemarker.org  
There are a few example templates provided in the templates folder.
Uploads to Amazon can be made using a UIEE template.
NB the templates are indicative not definitive.  
Templates can be edited to achieve your export format requirements: http://freemarker.org/docs/dgui.html
At the very least, for the ebay templates you will need to set the 
shipping price and the URL base for images. 
You can use your BOSC website as an image server.  

The FreeMarker data model http://freemarker.org/docs/dgui_quickstart_basics.html
list			- list of books to be exported
progressMonitor		- provides feedback to the onscreen progress monitor
file			- the output file name
scale                   - the currency scaling factor
currency                - a three character currency code
To iterate through the list of books use the FM markup 
<#foreach book in list>
... export fields of the book record

as seen in the file templates/SimpleExample.txt.ftl  'book' is an FM loop variable.  
To access the database fields you use book.<DBFieldName> as
illustrated in the file templates/HB23.txt.ftl.
The xml templates are for importing into JeBayLister and Jaolt: https://code.google.com/p/jaolt/ 

** JeBayLister is a prototype desktop, multiplatform, ebay bulk listing tool.  
It requires the Java runtime system.
JebayLister imports xml files exported by JBookCloud. 
Download the latest JeBayListerxxx.zip from 

In order to use JebayLister and jaolt you will need to get tokens from ebay

    Go to the official ebay developer page at http://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/account/ 
    Read the ebay documentation before accepting the conditions.
    Create an account 
    Do NOT perform a "Compatible Application Check"
    Go to "My Account"   
    Create sandbox keys for testing or production keys for listing on ebay.
    Select the "application settings" tab in the "My Account" area
    Select the environment (sandbox/production) and your keyset
    Select "User Tokens" and generate your Token

N.B. you alone are entirely responsible for what you do with these ebay tokens. 
Ebay will charge insertion fees for any item uploaded to the production site.
No charge is made for uploads to the sandbox.
Do not share the tokens with others since it identifies you to the same 
extent as your ebay username and password!


JAMWS is a Java command line (batch) interface to the Amazon MWS.
Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) is an integrated web service 
API that helps Amazon sellers to programmatically exchange data on 
listings, orders, payments, reports, and more.

The code is a slightly modfied version of that provided by Amazon.  
The changes are only those sufficient to make it runnable from the 
command line with a minimal number of arguments.

There is, as yet, only three commands implemented.  For details see JAMWS.txt

Your Amazon IDs go into the amazon.properties file.


N.B. you alone are entirely responsible for what you do with these Amazon ids. 
Do not share the ids with others since it identifies you to the same 
extent as your Amazon username and password!

Source: README.txt, updated 2015-04-20