Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Executables 2013-10-21
Source 2013-10-21
Database Dumps 2013-10-19
README.txt 2013-10-19 2.0 kB
LICENCE.txt 2013-10-19 32.5 kB
Totals: 5 Items   34.5 kB 0
-------------------------- Blood Bank Administration Software --------------------------
				  By : 	Waruna Oshan (warunaoshan at gmail dot com)
						Janith Jeewantha (janith.jeewantha at yahoo dot com)
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About BloodBank-jar-2013-10-19.zip

	The file contains executable jar files with external libraries we used.
	Use the credentials noted below for logins.
	Recommends oracle java 1.7 .
	The client apps may not run if the server is down. So make sure to run the server first.

About BloodBank-source-2013-10-19.zip

	The file contains netbeans project files with external libraries we used.
	Recommends oracle jdk 1.7 and netbeans 7.3 .
About DBDump-2013-10-19.zip

	The file contains database dumps of the MySQL(v 5.5) database using Workbench(v6).
	The tables are filled with few sample data.
	Please notice that the user table has the login credentials and an entry(1st entry) for connection testing.
	So be careful editing that table.
	Passwords use SHA-256 hashing algorythm.
	User logins -
					    Username	Password
		Server    - 	   s			a
		H.Office  - 	   h			a
		Lab       - 	   l			a
		Requester - 	   r			a

Please refer the following links for licences of external libraries.
	javafx-dialogs (GNU GPL v2)  - https://github.com/marcojakob/javafx-ui-sandbox/blob/master/javafx-dialogs/LICENSE
	jodatime (Apache Licence v2) - http://www.joda.org/joda-time/license.html
	c3p0 (Eclipse Public License, GNU LGPLv2) - http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
	mchange commons java (Eclipse Public License v1.0, GNU LGPLv2.1) - https://github.com/swaldman/mchange-commons-java/blob/master/LICENSE
	XStream (BSD) - http://xstream.codehaus.org/license.html
Source: README.txt, updated 2013-10-19