Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Main.java 2010-05-17 1.8 kB
jclexer.jar 2010-05-17 2.7 kB
jCobolLexer.jar 2010-05-17 44.1 kB
jCobolLexer-Src.zip 2010-05-17 23.6 kB
javadoc.zip 2010-05-17 106.4 kB
test.cbl 2010-03-09 32.8 kB
README.TXT 2010-03-09 829 Bytes
Totals: 7 Items   212.0 kB 0
                        Java Cobol Lexer v 1.0


1. jCobolLexer.jar
The lexer itself. That's all you need to use in your project.

2. jCobolLexer-Src.zip
Source code for jCobolLexer.jar.

3. javadoc.zip
Javadoc for jCobolLexer.jar.

4. jclexer.jar
Test program for jCobolLexer.jar.

Run it using:

java -jar jclexer [option] cobolSourceFile

where option is:
-t      Print the token list.
-s      Print the reconstruct cobolsource from token list. You can compare
it to the original cobolSourceFile. Warning: reconstructed source include
trailing spaces where required (multi-line strings and pseudo-text).

5. Main.java
Source code for jclexer.jar

6. test.cbl
A fixed format cobol source file for testing.


Email me: agrinob@hotmail.com

Pichilemu, Chile.

Source: README.TXT, updated 2010-03-09