Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
misc 2012-01-31
readme.txt 2012-06-03 4.4 kB
jAMOS.jar 2012-06-03 1.7 MB
jAMOS_src.zip 2012-06-03 3.4 MB
Totals: 4 Items   5.1 MB 0
jAMOS - AMOS BASIC reimplemented in Java!
Alpha release 0.24 - June 3rd 2012
(c) 2012 Mequa Innovations

This version runs from a single jAMOS.jar file.

Source release notes:

jAMOS_src.zip is now importable into Eclipse IDE under "Existing Projects into Workspace".
It should now be buildable out of the box. (JGame libraries are in 'jgame' directory.)
It should also build out of the box with AmalPrograms.java replaced with a jAMOS-exported Java file.
This should also work out of the box in NetBeans.

Alpha 0.1 (January 31st 2012):
Initial release.

Alpha 0.11 (January 31st 2012):
jAMOS alpha 0.11 adds mouse and cursor keys (simulated joystick) input and corresponding examples.

Alpha 0.12 (February 3rd 2012):
A major milestone has been reached with the first fully playable game created with jAMOS, a simple Breakout clone "jAMOSOut", now added to the examples.
Some more AMOS functions have been implemented too.

Alpha 0.13 (February 18th 2012)
- A text output console is now spawned on creation (for HelloWorld.jamos, etc.).
- Default example changed to jAMOSOut (original still available under AMAL examples).
- AMAL examples now default to the first AMAL program in the editor when opened (as with jAMAL).
- More examples were added demonstrating dynamic types, concurrent jAMOS programs and hybrid syntax.
- jAMAL's startup sound is playable from the menu alongside jAMOS's.
- Some minor bug-fixes.

Alpha 0.14 (February 23rd 2012)
- Can now load AMOS sprite banks (.abk) directly.
- Built-in sprite bank viewer now supports image zooming.

Alpha 0.15 (February 25th 2012)
- Graphical drawing subsystem is now operational.
- Paste Bob implemented, including support for AMOS .abk files and two new examples.
- Plot implemented, with two new examples including a simple Mandelbrot generator.

Alpha 0.16 (February 27th 2012)
- Refactored AMOS command wrapper in the source code.
- Fixed some bugs with the graphical subsystem.
- Added more drawing commands and related examples.
- Split the jAMOS example menu.
- Random number generation is now operational in jAMOS code.
- Bob flipping now works with loaded .abk files and with Paste Bob.

Alpha 0.17 (February 28th 2012)
- Added many maths and string functions.
- Added early support for Rainbows (high-level emulated Amiga Copper effects).
- Rainbow and maths examples were added.

Alpha 0.18 (March 21st 2012)
- Basic support for procedures implemented. (To do: passing arguments, local/shared variables, global variable definitions, call without "Proc".)
- Some groundwork done for array support - implementation coming soon!
- AMOS Boom and Shoot sounds implemented (alongside Bell), and added to jAMOSOut and a new procedure example.

Alpha 0.19 (March 24th 2012)
- Can now return an argument from procedures using Param/Param#/Param$. An example was added under the Tutorial menu.
- Some groundwork done for passing arguments to procedures - implementation coming soon.

Alpha 0.20 (March 28th 2012)
- Can now pass arguments to procedures as well as return an argument (variable scoping and "call without Proc" still to do). The example was updated.
- Some bugfixes with number-to-string conversion. Type conversion is automatic unlike AMOS, so you can now do number+string as well as string+number.

Alpha 0.21 (April 29th 2012)
- Arrays are now implemented, including multi-dimensional support surpassing the AMOS original.
- An example was added using two-dimensional arrays for plotting to and from a buffer.

Alpha 0.22 (May 10th 2012)
- Various bug fixes and code refactoring.
- Now supports whitespace in expressions without hanging (bug fix); examples updated.
- Tidied up several examples.
- Back-port of the parser/interpreter core from Java to C++ almost completed, to be released soon as "MequaScript".

Alpha 0.23 (May 23rd 2012)
- Various more bug fixes and code refactoring.
- A new, non-AMAL Abk example was added with easier code to follow.
- jAMOS now has a sister project - XAMOS! Fully re-written runtime engine in C++ with SDL libraries, compatible with jAMOS projects.

Alpha 0.24 (June 3rd 2012)
- Various more bug fixes and code refactoring in line with XAMOS 0.24.
- Can now translate AMAL and AMAL EnvGen code into C++ as well as Java, in line with XAMOS's new AMAL support.

Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-06-03