Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
jaltrans-0.1.2-full.zip 2011-02-03 393.7 kB
readme.txt 2011-02-03 1.8 kB
jaltrans-0.1.1-full.zip 2011-01-17 280.3 kB
Totals: 3 Items   675.7 kB 0
This project serves 2 purposes
1) an example of use of the JavaAudio library (to be renamed!)
2) to convert flac to mp3 as a batch process.

It has been tested on Windows and Linux.    The code is all cross platform or uses binaries which
should be readily available for other platforms including OSX, but hasn't been tested.

This project is written in Java and uses open source libraries.  It requires the JRE and
libraries to be installed.
For simplicity I am assuming AudioConvert will be installed to c:\AudioConvert or ~/AudioConvert, but
paths can be adjusted as required.    I will refer to the install directory as AUDIO_CONVERT_HOME
1) Java SE 6 JRE - download and install from  http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
I have tested with Java SE 6 Update 23
2) jFlac 1.3 - download from http://jflac.sourceforge.net/news.html and copy jflac1-3.jar to AUDIO_CONVERT_HOME
3) LAME MP3 Encoder - download from a suitable link on http://lame.sourceforge.net/links.php#Binaries and copy
the binaries to AUDIO_CONVERT_HOME (or modify properties file as described later)
4) Unzip AudioConvert.zip to AUDIO_CONVERT_HOME

Creating a properties File
AudioConvert uses a properties file to specify locations etc.   Run 
java -jar <AUDIO_CONVERT_HOME>/jaltrans.jar to display help which includes the format of the file.
Example properties files and batch files are included.


Initial release

- Albums containing Various artists transcoded to 'Various Artists' folder.
- Job count calculated before run to accurately show job x of y.

Source: readme.txt, updated 2011-02-03